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60 Cards in this Set

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Ancillary (adj.)

Subordinate or supplementary

Bowdlerize (v.)

To remove material considered offensive

Condescend (v.)

To stoop voluntarily to a lower level; to deal with people in a patronizing manner

Enclave (n.)

An enclosed district by a particular group of people or special character

Cozen (v.)

To trick; to cheat

Forte (n.)

A person's strong point; what a person does best

Gratis (adj.)

Free; without charge

Icon (n.)

A representation or image of a scared personage, often considered sacred itself; an image or picture; a symbol; a graphic symbol on a computer monitor display; an object of blind devotion

Interstice (n.)

A small, narrow space between something

Macrocosm (n.)

The universe considered as a whole; the entire complex structure of something

Mountebank (n.)

A trickster

Paen (n.)

A song of praise, joy, or triumph

Persiflage (n.)

Lighthearted joking, talk, or writing

Plethora (n.)


Pragmatic (adj.)

Concerned with practical considerations or values; dealing with actions and results rather than with abstract theory

Quizzical (adj.)

Puzzle; mocking; odd

Rapacity (n.)

Inordinate greed; the disposition to obtain one's desire by force, extortion, or plunder

Schism (n.)

A formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile factions

Therapeutic (adj.)

Having the power to heal or cure; beneficial

Virtuoso (n.)/(adj.)

A brilliant performer; a person with masterly skill or technique; (adj.) Masterly or brilliant

Aegis (n.)

Protection; sponsorship

Apprise (v.)

To inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice

Bibulous (adj.)

Fond of or inclined to drink; alcoholic; absorbent

Claque (n.)

A group of people hired to applaus a performer or performance; enthusiastic or fawning admirers; An opera hat

Deracinate (v.)

To pull up by the roots; To root out, uproot, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of

Eleemosynary (adj.)

Charitable; dependent upon it supported by charity; derived from or provided by charity

Indigenous (adj.)

Originating in the country or region where found, native; inborn; inherent

Lachrymose (adj.)

Given to tears or weeping; causing to shed tears; mournful

Lexicon (n.)

A dictionary of a language, the special vocabulary of a person, group, or subject

Melee (n.)

A confused struggle; a violent free for all; a tumultuous mingling

Microcosm (n.)

A miniature world or universe; a group or system viewed as the model of a larger group or system

Minuscule (adj.)/(n.)

Very small, tiny; (n.) A lowercase letter

Obfuscate (v.)

To darken or obscure; to confuse or bewilder

Paternalism (n.)

The policy or practice of treating or governing people in the manner of a father dealing with his children

Polarize (v.)

To cause to concenitrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions; to cause light to vibrate in a pattern

Purview (n.)

The range, extent of something; in law, the scope or limit of what is provided in a statue

Sanguine (adj.)

Having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook

Solecism (n.)

A substandard or ungrammatical usage; a breach of etiquette; any impropriety or mistake

Vassal (n.)/(adj.)

A person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he or she owns allegiance; a subordinate or dependent; a servant; (adj.) Subservient

Verisimilitude (n.)

The quality of appearing to be true, real, likely, or probable

Adjunct (n.)/(adj.)

Something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential; an assistant or helper; a valuable quality ir characteristic; (adj.) Added or connected in a subordinate capacity; attached to a faculty or staff in an auxiliary capacity

Bellwether (n.)

A leader, as in desperate or violent undertaking; an indicator of trends

Caterwaul (v.)/(n.)

To howl or screech like a cat; to quarrel;(n.) A harsh or noisy cry; a racket

Chimerical (adj.)

Absurd; wildly fantastic; impossible

Effete (adj.)

Lacking in wholesome vigor or energy; worn out or exhausted; sterile or unable to produce; out of date

Fait accompli (n.)

An accomplished and presumably irreversible deed, fact, or action

Hidebound (adj.)

Narrowminded and rigid, especially in opinions or prejudices; stubbornly and unthinkingly conservative

Hierarchy (n.)

Any system of things or people arranged above another in order of rank, wealth, class, etc.

Liturgy (n.)

A religious service or rite; the form of a ritual or other act of public worship

Mirage (n.)

Something illusory, without substances, or with out a basis in reality; an illusion

Morass (n.)

A patch of low, soft, wet ground; a swamp; a confusing situation in which one is entrapped, as in quicksand

Noisome (adj.)

Offensive or disgusting; foul smelling; harmful

Oblivious (adj.)

Forgetful; unaware

Poltroon (n.)

A base coward

Proselyte (n.)

A convert; a disciple

Quasi (adj.)

Resembling but not actually being; seemingly but not actually or completely

Raillery (n.)

Good humored ridicule, teasing

Ribald (adj.)

Irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or incident in language

Supine (adj.)

Lying flat on one's back, listless or lethargic, apathetic or passive

Vignette (n.)

A shout description or sketch; a picture or illustration with edges that gradually shade off; a decorative design int he title page of a book or at the beginning or end of a chapter