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16 Cards in this Set

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Ace Inhibitor


- Increase cardiac output by lowering blood pressure and decreasing blood volume

- inhibits the arterioles and stimulates the kidney to produce urine output

** the resultant reduction of arteriole blood pressure diminishes the after load, thus improving cardiac output**


- lower peripheral resistance (decreased blood pressure)

- inhibit aldosterone secretion (reduced blood volume)

- dilation of veins to decrease pulmonary congestion and reduce peripheral edema

Captopril: Contraindications

- breast feeding

- very low systemic BP (<80 systolic)

- too much Cr

- too much potassium

- hypersensitivity

- heart block

- potassium sparing diuretics

- bilateral renal artery stenosis

- angioedema

Captopril: Major adverse effects

- hypotension

- dizziness (esp after increasing dosage)

- worsening of renal function

- hyperkalemia (esp with K sparing diuretics and K supplements)

- cough

- angioedema (swelling of the deep layers of skin, usually around the eyes or mouth)

Captopril: Nursing considerations

- Blood dyscrasias: blood studies: decreased platelets; WBC with differential at baseline and periodically; if neutrophils are less than 1000/mm3 discontinue use

- Hypertension: B/P and pulse rates

- Renal Studies: protein, BUN, creatinine, watch for raised levels as may indicate nephrotic syndrome; increased LFTs; uric acid

- Allergic Reaction: rash, fever, pruritus, urticaria; discontinue product if antihistamines fail to help

- CHF: edema, dyspnea, wet crackles, increased BP, weight gain



- inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme and decreasing aldosterone secretion (reduced blood volume)

- blood pressure is decreased and cardiac output in increased

- inhibits the arterioles and stimulates the kidney for increased cardiac output


- lower peripheral resistance (decreased blood pressure)

- inhibit aldosterone secretion (reduced blood volume)

- dilation of veins to decrease pulmonary congestion and reduce peripheral edema

** selectively blocks the binding of angiotensin 2 to the AT1 receptor found in tissues**

Lostartan: Major Adverse Effects

- Dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, migraine, abnormal dreams

- angina, cerebrovascular accident, hypotension, MI, dysrhythmias

- blurred vision

- diarrhea, anorexia

- real failure

- angioedema

- worsening of renal function

- hyperkalemia

Losartan: Contraindications

- hypersensitivity

Losartan: Nursing considerations


- Anxiety: decrease i anxiety; mental status: mood, affect, sleeping pattern, drowsiness, dizziness, and suicidal tendencies

- Renal/hepatic/blood status

- Physical dependency / withdrawal symptoms


prevent cardiac remodeling

( changes in the size, shape, and structure of the myocardial cells (myocytes) occur)

Beta Blockers

Must know: propanolol, metoprolol and carvedilol

- reduce cardiac workload by decreasing contractility and slowing the heart rate (B1) and decreasing blood pressure (a1) -> results in decreased myocardial oxygen consumption

- can improve left ventricular heart failure

- usually used in combination with other drugs

Beta Blocker Groups: Selective

1. Selective: block beta 1

- results in decreased HR (negative chronotropic), force of contraction (negative inotropic), conduction velocity (negative dromotropic)

** Metoprolol (Lopressor)**

Beta Blockers: Non Selective

2. Nonselective: blocks both Beta 1 and 2

- results in negative inotropic, chronotropic and dromotropic

** Propanolol (inderal)

Beta Blockers: Combined Alpha 1 and Beta

1. Combined Alpha 1 and Beta:

- promotes arteriolar and venous dilation at Alpha 1, decrease in BP without reflex tachycardia or reduction in HR

*Carvedilol (Coreg)*

Metoprolol: how it works

lowers B/P by Beta 1 blocking effects; reduces