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28 Cards in this Set

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Willingness to Pay

Helps to determine the shape of demand curve

Individual Consumer Surplus

Difference between willingness to pay and price (Net gain to consumer)

Total Consumer Surplus

Sum of all individual consumer surpluses in a market

Consumer Surplus

Both the individual and consumer surplus


Lowest price someone is willing to pay (determines supply curve)

Individual Producer Surplus

Sale generates a net gain to producer

(Price is above production costs)

Total Producer Surplus

Sum of all individual producer surpluses in a market

Producer Surplus

Both individual and total producer surplus

Total Surplus

Total gain to society from the production and consumption of a good

Progressive Tax

Tax that rises more than in proportion to income

Regressive Tax

Tax that rises less than in proportion to income

Proportional Tax

Tax that rises in proportion to income

Excise Tax

Tax on the purchase of a good

Tax Incidence

How the burden of the tax is divided between consumers and producers

Deadweight Loss

Excise tax causes...

Administrative Costs

Resources used to collect the tax, to pay it, and to evade it

Lump-Sum Tax

Tax of fixed amount paid by all the taxpayers


Customer's maximum level of satisfaction


Hypothetical unit used to measure utility

Marginal Utility

Additional utility generated by consuming one more unity of that good or service

Principle of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Consumption of another unit of a good or service yields less additional utility than previous unit

Marginal Utility Curve

Graph demonstrating the amount of utility consuming a product brings

Budget Constraint

Limits a consumer's spending to no more than his/her income

Consumption Possibilities

Set of all affordable consumption bundles

Budget Line

Someone who spends all of his/her income

Optimal Consumption Bundle

Maximizes total utility

Optimal Consumption Rule

marginal utility of a good divided by the price is the same

Marginal Utility per Dollar

What the utility is per $1