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72 Cards in this Set

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Edward Braddock
General During french and Indian War
He was from england
was told to attack the French at Fort Duquense
Had the aid of George W's Virgina Militia
Braddock's Troops and Militia ambushed the French/Indian's
976 died, Braddock was killed
caputred in 1759 by General James Wolfe
In 1775 American expedition was to capture Quebec
It was attacked by Arnold and Montegomery- but not taken.
Fort Necessity
was the place used by WAshington and his troops to stay protected through the Seven Years War (The Battle of Jumonville Glen and The Battle of Great Meadows)
William Pitt
came to power in England in 1757
helped capture Fort Dequense in 1758
helped capture Fort Niagara and Fort Ticonderoga in 1759
appointed primse minister in 1766 by King George 3
Pontiac's Rebellion
April 1763
Cheif of the Ottowa tribe in Ohio attaked the British garrison near Detriot
More than 400 soldeirs were taken captive or killed
Ended in December
Stamp Act
imposed tax on paper
used for revenue
first major conflict between colonies and England over Parliments right to tax
Thomas Hutchinson
Administered the Stamp Act
to avoid problem of hostility to British enforcers
Tea Act
Americans smuggled tea, which was cutting into British East India Co.'s profit on tea
Lord North proposed legeslation favoring East India Co., allowing it to sail through government agents
Said to be used for revenue
reminder of Parliments claim of having the power to tax
mandated special agents to handle tea sales
Boston Masacre
Accidental shot that killed a boy started the massacre
march 5 1770- crowd teased a soldier that was guarding Customs House
More gaurds were sent and the crowd grew
Soldiers fired first
5 men killed
jailed Preston and 8 soldiers
Sons of Liberty
defended british soldiers during Boston Masacre
Pressued tea agaents to resign
Coerrsive Acts
(Intolerable Acts)
Series of four laws meant to punish masschuesetts for the destruction of the tea
Known as the Intolerable Acts
1. Closed Boston Harbor
2. Altered the colonies charter
3. Accused royal people were sent to England for trial
4. Military could lodge soldiers in private households
Second Continental Congress
met in philidalphia
no formal constitution
needed a constitution so they created the Articles of Confederation in 1775
Virtual Representation
Grenville agreed with notions of taxation by consent and argued colonists were already virtually represented in parliment
ministers virtual representation in support of tax on US is frivillous
George Washington
Led continental army to victory over great britian in the American Revolution
Commander and Cheif of Continental Army
First President
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
Came to England in 1774
Wrote in 1776
wrote of the absurdities of the British Monarchy
Sold 150,000 in first week
Battle of Trenton
Washington led army across river to suprise and elimenate the Hession Garrison at Trenton, NJ
Victory helped preserve continental army in set stage for Battle of Princeton
Battle of Saratatoga
American Victory
Surrender of entire british army (9,000 men) who were invading new york from canada
Battle of Yorktown
1781- Victory
by combined assult of French and American forces
surrender of Cornwallis Army caused British Government to negotiate end of war
Benedict Arnold
originally fought for American independence in the Continenetal Army
until he obtained command of the American Fort at West Point, and switching sides, he plotted to surrender to the British
Articles of Conferderation
First Government document of the US
final draft written and adopted in 1777 by the SEcond Continental Congress in York, Pennsylvania
Treaty of Paris
Signed September 3 1782
ratified by the congress of the confederation on January 1794
formally ended the American Revolutionary War
French, Spain, and Dutch signed a seperate aggreement in 1783 referred to as Treaty of Versaille
Alexander Hamilton
he was for national bank
opposite of thomas jefferson
killed aaron buhr in a dual
tried to manipulate john adams
representitive of new york
created plans to get out of national debt
Thomas Jefferson
wrote declaration of independence
won election of 1800
embargo act
approved Lewis and Clark expedition'
recieved the louisiana purchase
was for the common man
National Bank
headed by Nicholas Biddle
issued paper notes
created to deminish national debt
Whiskey Rebellion
caused by Hamilton's excess tax on Whiskey
threatened to tar and feather federal tax collectors
John Neville's house was burned down
Shay's Rebellion
war veterans were losing their houses because they had to pay taxes in hard money
rebelllion led by former captain Daniel Shay
John Adams
Second President
George WAshington's Vice PResident
Manipulated by Alexander Hamilton
wanted to stay out of war with France
XYZ Affair
Tally Rand (french guy) sent X, Y, and Z to America
$250,000 to negotiate and $12 million dollars for peace
caused America to repeal all their treaties with france
caused first undeclared was (Quasi War)
Alein and Sedation Acts
heavy fine or jail sentence for anyone engaged in conspearacies, revolts, or speaking\writing anything that went agaisnt the government
25 men arrested
two alien acts passed
1. president reserved the right to send all immagrants back to where they came from in time of war
2. the waiting period to become a citizen after one had entered America was lengthened
James Madison
fourth president
wrote Virginia plan
Virginia Plan
15 point plan
three branch government
2 chamber legeslature
powerful executive and judiciary
eliminated voices of smaller states
New Jersey Plan
alternative plan to the Virginia plan proposed by small states
resembled existing Articles of Conferderation
one single house congress
each state had one vote
Federalist Papers
used to influence the public to ratify the constitution written by Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay
Bill of Rights
James Madison drew them up
first amendments to the constitution
1-8 are individual liberties
9-10 are boundries between federal and state authority
Washington DC
capital of US
Kentucky & Virgina Revolutions
they were in response to alien/sedation acts
tested the arguement that a state legesslature had the right to judge the constitutionality of federal laws and to nullify laws that infringe on the liberties of the people
3/5's Compromise
compromise whether a slave should count towards taxation and population
slave was counted as three fifths of a person
Elastic Clause
adresses the issue that the government had all "implied powers" that the constitution mentioned
Aaron Buhr
famous for killing Alexander Hamilton and getting away with it because of MArshall's ruling
Gabriel's Rebellion
happened because slaves were angry with thee present situation, so they congregated
tried to gain govenor Monroe as a hostage
however, scared the government
John Marshall
supreme court justice for over twenty years
ruled on the side of aaron buhr in murder case
was a part of the XYZ affair
Judicial Review
the power of a court to review the actions of public sector bodies in terms of their legality or constitutionality
Mayburry vs. Madison
mayburry wasn't delivered a commision so he sued madison for failiur to make good on the appointment
resulting in supreme court being able to nullify acts judged in conflict with the constitution
McCulough Vs. Maryland
MAryland tries to tax bank of US
William Clark
Lewis' co-leader
from kentucky
veteran of 1790's Indian WArs
explored Louisiana and met Sacajaweia
Barbary Pirates
Corsairs swift vessels overtook merchant ships
plundered cargo
captured crew for ransom
forces attacked Tripoli
Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison attacked Prophetstown with 1,000 men
2 hour battle
America WON :D
Battle of New Orleans
important victory for Americans
War Hawks
Calhoun and Clay
Republican party favored trade, western expantion, internal improvments, econmic markets
Treaty of Ghent
signed in 1814
settled few surface issues that had led to war of 1812
Hartford Convention
discussed possible sucession from the union
proposed ammending the constitution to abolish the 3/5ths cluase to specify congressional powers, to pass embargos, admit states, or declare war should require two-thirds vote instead of majority
James Monroe
beat king in 1816
served two terms as president
Missouri Compromise
the congretional legeslation that allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state by couplnig its admission with maine as a free state
declared the southern boundry of Missouri as a perminent line dividing slave and free
Adam's Onis Treaty
agreement that delievered florida to the US
in exchange for the US reputiating any claim to Texas or Cuba
Monroe Doctrine
presidnet James monroe's 1823 declaration stated that the western hemisphere was closed to any further colonization or interfierence by European powers
US wouldn't become involved in European struggles
Henry Clay
republican representitiive from kentucky
lost election of 1824
brokered the Missouri Compromise
Advocated the American System
he was a War Hawk
charasmatic Shawnee cheif
he rejected assimilation and called for a return to ancient ways
DeWitt Clinton
Govenor of New York
asked for federal help to build erie canal
he was denied and chose to build it himself
Corrupt Bargain
in the election of 1824 Jackson had popular vote
but Adam had majority
so vote went to house of representitives
only the top 3 candidates were to be chosen from in this vote so the fourth candidate (Clay) gave his votes to Adams
Adams won by one vote.
Adams was elected president.
Trail of Tears
forced westward journey of Cherokees from their homes in Georgia
Tariff of Abominations
Passed by congress in 1828
very controlversial, South Carolina leaders feared the impact on cotton exports
South Carolina declared the tarriff to be voided in their state as of February 1, 1833
South Carolina declared the federal tarriff as void in its state
Started the idea that states have the power to overturn federal laws when those laws overstep congressional powers
Doctrine first proposed in 1828 in response to the Tariff of abomination
The Bank War
Hamilton had a 3 step plan
Jackson hated everything about the bank and anyone that favored it
He killed the national bank and started inflation
Panic of 1837
Excessive silver from Mexican mines gave bankers license to print even more bank notes
Basic goods prices raised +50%
Hundreds of banks were chartered by the states
National debt disappeared
Martin VanBuren
Secretry of state under Jackson
Governor of New York
Won 1826 election and held presidency for one term
Nicknamed little magician
Wanted to create independent treasury but was opposed by congress and not re-elected
Spoil System
When new person becomes president he has the right to appoint new cabinet members and get rid of preceding cabinet members
John C Calhoun
Member of the Congress of 1810
Warhawk with Henry Clay
Proposed an invasion of Canada
Candidate of election of 1824 and voted vice president
Second Great Awakening
Began with a revival meeting at Cane ridge
Attracted people hungry for spiritual peace
from 1800-1820 church memberships doubled
Women typically brought men
Finney preached of outreach programs, promoted Sunday School and Sunday services
Erie Canal
Located in New York
Finished in 1825
Between Albany and Buffalo
Moved wheat/flour east and textiles west
Shipping cost 1/10th of land transport
New York became premier commercial city in US
The American System
Protective tarriffs imposed by Henry Clay
Promoted manufacturing and expenditures for internal improvement
Rachel Robards (Rachel Jackson)
Wife of Andrew Jackson
Died of heart attack two weeks after husband won election
Daniel Webster
Senator of Massachusets
Convinced the bank of US to apply for charter renewal in 1832 along Henry Clay