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20 Cards in this Set

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Synonym: Partner in crime

Antonym: Stranger

Accomplice - a com' plice

(n.) a person who takes part in crime

Synonym: Decimate

Antonym: Promote, Foster

Annihilate - an ni' hil ate

(v.) to destroy completely

Synonym: High-handed

Antonym: Reasoned

Arbitrary - Ar' bi tra ry

(adj.) unreasonable; based on one's wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness

Synonym: Saucy, Bold

Antonym: Respectful

Brazen - Bra' zen

(adj.) Shameless, impudent; made of brass

Synonym: Stimulus, spur

Antonym: Speeding up reaction

Catalyst - Cat' ta lyst

(n.) a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change

Synonym: Escape

Antonym: Arrival

Exodus - Ex' o dus

(n.) a large-scale departure or flight

Synonym: Ease, Simplify

Antonym: Hamper, Impede

Facilitate - Fa cil' i tate

(v.) to make easier; to assist

Synonym: Unruly

Antonym: Docile

Incorrigible - In corr' i g ible

(adj.) not able to be corrected; beyond control

Synonym: Dormant

Antonym: Exposed

Latent - Lat' ent

(adj.) hidden, present but not realized

Synonym: Truculent

Antonym: Unassertive

Militant - Mil' i tant

(adj.) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; (n.) an activist

Synonym: Morbid

Antonym: Jaunty

Morose - Mo rose'

(adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable

Synonym: Hazy, Cloudy

Antonym: Transparent

Opaque - O paque'

(adj.) not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid

Synonym: Supreme, Primary

Antonym: Irrelevant

Paramount - Par' a mount

(adj.) chief of importance, above all others

Synonym: Twaddle, Gibberish

Antonym: Sophisticated, Clear Voice

Prattle - Prat' le

(v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, simple way; to babble (n.) baby talk

Synonym: Disprove

Antonym: Confirm

Rebut - Re but'

(v.) to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion

Synonym: (v.) Reproach (n.) Reproof

Antonym: (v.) Pat on the back

Reprimand - rep' ri mand

(v.) to scold: find fault with (n.) rebuke

Synonym: Bondage

Antonym: Free

Servitude - Ser' vi tude

(n.) slavery, forced labor

S: Cursory

A: Painstaking

Slapdash - Slap' dash

(adj.) careless and hasty

S: Still, Motionless

A: Flowing, Running

Stagnant - Stag' nant

(adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive

S: Submit, Die, Expire

A: Overcome, Conquer

Succumb - Su ccumb

(v.) to give away to superior force, yield