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73 Cards in this Set

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Floating Ribs

Ribs 11 and 12

How many ribs are there


Landmarks for left lungs

two (LUL, LLL)

Landmarks for right lungs

three (RUL, RLL, RML)


anterior to the esophagus, 10-11 cm long

Trachea and Bronchi

transport gas between the env and the lungs


gas exchange occurs

Resp Assessment - Sub. Data

cough, SOB, chest pain with breathing, PMHX, smoking history


difficulty breathing while supine

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea

awakening from sleep with SOB and needing to sit upright

Thoracic Cage

anteroposterior diameter is less than the transverse diameter


will vary between people, so symmetry is the most important factor - the vibrations should feel the same on both sides

Tactile Fremitus - test

'ninety-nine' or 'blue moon' = strong vibrations

Decreased Fremitus

something obstructs the transmission

Increased Fremitus

with compression or consolidation of the tissue

Resp. Assessment - Percussion - should hear

low pitched, clear, hollow sods.

Resp. Assessment - Percussion - abnormal, hyperresonance

lower-pitched, booming sound - when too mudh air is present

Resp. Assessment - Percussion - abnormal, dull

soft, muffled thud - abnormal density i nthe lungs

Resp. Assessment - Auscultation - Bronchial

high pitched, loud, harsh

heard over the trachea

short inspiration, long expiration

Resp. Assessment - Auscultation - Bronchovesicular

moderate pitch, inspiration and expiration equal length - heard over bronchi

Resp. Assessment - Auscultation - vesicular

low pitched, soft, long inspiration/short expiration, heard over lung fields

Decreased or Absent Breath Sounds

obstruction, decreased force of inspired air and hyper inflated lungs


decreased force of inspired air and hyper inflated lungs

Increased Breath sounds

sounds are louder in a specific location than they should


ask the person to repeat the word 'ninety-nine' as you listen on the chest wall

Whispered Pectoriloguy

ask the person to whisper 'one-two-three' as you listen on the chest wall


ask the person to repeat the sound 'ee-ee-ee-ee' as you listen on the chest wall

Adventitious Sounds

added sounds, not normally heard

Fine crackles

high pitched, short crackling, popping sounds

not heard with coughing

Fine Crackles - present in

CHF, pneumonia, COPD

Coarse Crackles

loud, low pitched, bubbling sound

Coarse Crackles - present in

pulmonary edema, pneaumonia, CHF


high-pitched, musical sound

Wheeze - present in

asthma, emphysema, bronchitis


high pitched, loud over neck

Stridor - present in

croup, obstruction

Pleural Friction Rub

coarse, low pitched, rubbing together, painful

Pleural friction rub - present in


Sleep apnea

upper airway obstruction occurring during sleep


youthful onset of episodic, reversible


tobacco related progressive non-reversible

Sleep Apnea - assessment

sleep lab

Sleep apnea - treatment, mild

lifestyle changes

Mandibular Advancement Device

forces lower jaw forward


continous positive airway pressure

CPAP - what is

splints airway open, compliance is often poor - needs to be worn every night

Chronic Bronchitis - diag.

excessive production oof mucous in the bronchi and chronic, productive cough lasting at least 3 months

Chronic Bronchitis - pathology

results in chronic inflammation


abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces, accompanied by the destruction of alveolar walls

Emphysema - result

impaired gas exchange, causing breathlessness


deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues


provide valuable information about the patients acid-base and oxygenation status


represents the partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood


refers to the percent of oxygen bound to hemoglobin as measured by pulse oximetry


major component of RBCs, major carried of oxygen in the blood

Cor Pulmonale

pulmonary hypertension, right cardiac hypertrophy

COPD (comps) Cor Pulmonale - S&S

edema, increased JVP

COPD (comps) - Depression/Anxiety

rates of depression range from 20-50% of people with COPD

COPD (comps) - Depression/Anxiety, dyspnea

dyspnea causes anxiety

COPD (comps) - Weight Loss

hyper metabolic state due to increased work of breathing and increased energy requirement

COPD (comps) - Acute Exacerbation

sustained worsening of dyspnea, cough or sputum production


forced vital capacity, amount of air that can be quickly and forcefully exhaled after maximum inspiration


amount of air exhaled in 1st second FVC, valuable clue to severity of airway obstruction

Oxygen Therapy

used to achieve an O2 saturation of 90% or higher


during an exacerbation (abnormally low levels of oxygen in arterial blood)


blood is not sipping enough oxygen to the body

Airway Clearance Methods - bronchial hygiene therapy

facilitate removal of secretions, improve gas exchange

Airway Clearance Methods - pursed lip breathing

prolong exhalation, asset with dyspnea


weight loss and malnutrition common among those with COPD


inflmmatory disorder of the airways, causes obstruction of the airway

Asthma - early phrase response

trigger causes mast cells to become activated, causes brochospasm, peeks 30-60 minutes

Asthma - late phrase response

peeks 5-12 hours after trigger and last hours to days, mostly inflammation, increased airway reactivity

