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113 Cards in this Set

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Outlined black area impermeable to water; starts at 300 -> 1200> at top you're down to 150

Salt is being pumped out of ascending loop of henle which accounts for half the concentration of sodium (300 -> 150)
Interstitium; more dilute at top, more concentrated at the bottom

salt and urea gets pumped out into interstitium; why doesn't it diffuse away and equalize gradient?
why doesnt interstitial conc just diffuse away?
Vasa recta countercurrent system;

blood comes down and goes up but at every moment a gradient exists to maintain the gradient;

1200 is max concentration; gerbils are much more conc (4000); pee out pellet
water channels inserted into cell membrane (they can go up or down); facilitate rapid movement of water across membrane

under influence of ADH (from posterior pituitary gland)
alternative names for ADH
vasopressin or AVP (arginine vasopressin)
when is ADH released?
changes in extracellular fluid osmolality (cells in hypothalamus detect osmolariy)
nonosmotic factors such as physical pain, stress or a drop in bp
older people won't get thirst
High sodium levels indicates
Not even water, thus Na is conc
Causes of hypotonic water loss
Gastrointestinal losses
• vomiting
• nasogastric suction
• enterocutaneous fistula
• diarrhea

Renal losses
• diuretic use
• osmotic diuresis
• post obstructive diuresis
• non-oliguric acute renal failure
Causes of hypotonic water loss
Gastrointestinal losses
• vomiting
• nasogastric suction
• enterocutaneous fistula
• diarrhea

Renal losses
• diuretic use
• osmotic diuresis
• post obstructive diuresis
• non-oliguric acute renal failure
osmotic diuresis
something you've put in that has a high conc that dilutes the blood
natural one: glucose (out of control diabetic pulls water out of cells)
Causes of pure water loss
Increased insensible loss
• fever

Increased insensible loss with
no fluid replacement

• inability to obtain water,
such as when trapped in a
collapsed building, or
having suffered a stroke

Diabetes insipidus
• nephrogenic
• hypothalamic
Na gain
• salt ingestion
• intravenous hypertonic saline
• intravenous sodium bicarbonate

• mineralocorticoid excess
mineralcorticoid excess
make too much of a hormone which causes you to raise minerals (never this)
Hypovolemia urine Na>20 mmol/L
kidney dumping out salt; should be trying to hold onto them
Glucocorticoid deficiency
you were on steroids and someone forgot to give you more when you came into hospital
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH
Urine Na <20 mmol/L
Kidney is retaining sodium so it's working fine; must be losing salt EXTRArenally
Key questions
Kidney is either trying to hold onto sodium or remove it

Kidney is either trying to hold onto water or remove it

Get osms
Plasma Osmolality Equation
2[Na+] + Glucose/18 + BUN/2.8
Plasma Osmolar Gap Normal
Osmolar Gap = Measured mOsm/l - Calculated mOsm/l

Calculated = 2[Na+] + Glucose/18 + BUN/2.8

10-15 mOsm/l
substances that increase the osmolar gap
Ethanol, ethylene glycol, methanol, acetone, isopropyl ethanol, propylene glycol
What happens to measued sodium levels if lipids or proteins increase too much in plasma?
Artifactual hyponatremia (pseudohyponatremia/factitious hyponatremia)
Protein levels of 10 g/dl
Exclusively associated with multiple myeloma
Flame photometer
In patients with elevated proteins or lipids, Na measured with a flame photometer will have low values
Ion specific electrodes
Will give values corrected for waer phase only
How do you treat patients with artifactual hyponatremia?
No therapy is needed
Hypo-osmolar Hyponatremia
True decrease in plasma sodium

Psychogenic water consumption (poly dyspia)

Beer drinkings who eat nothing and become hypoosomoalr -> urine volume increased above normal due to alcohol consumption (carbs in beer become C02 which is blown off an water, so left only w water); they try to excrete as much water as they can but once the urine osmolality reaches its lowest potential vlaue no more water can be excreted and these patients develop edema

Osmostat reset: resetting of how we respond to plasma conc which can lead to hypoosolar hyponatrmiea
Hypovolemic Hypo-osomolar hyponatremia
Water lost from body (Hemorrhage, GI losses, diuretic therapy, primary adrenal insufficiency, 3rd spacing of fluids)
Hypervolemic hypoosomolar hyponatremia
Retained water inappropriately (CHF, cirrhosis, nephoritc syndrome, ESRD)
Euvolemic hypoosomolar hyponatremia
Myxedema: Different compounds added to compounds that produce edema (GAGs, mucopolysaccharides)
why does the conc of sodium go up slightly as you go down the proximal tubule
some water is reabsorbed with concentration of AA, glucose and bicarbs
osmolarity of intestitial fluid around proximal tubule
300 mOsm/l
countercurrent effect
the length of the tubule multiplies the horizontal effect
urea recycling
urea recycling allows us to concentrate urine at the tip of the ascending portion even though there is no active transport in this part of the nephron
TF/P ratio of 3
GT balance = 1/3
osmolarity of the interstitial fluid at the tip of the loop of henle composition
made up by urea and sodium
ion movement as you move up ascending limb
passive reabsorption of sodium (bc conc of sodium higher in tubular lumne into inteterstitial space down its conc gradient)
passive secretion of urea (bc conc of urea in tubule is lower than interstitium)
Two key components of concentrated sodium in thick ascending limb
ADH and ACTIVE reabsorption of sodium
Location of 2Cl/Na cotransporter
apical membrane of thick ascending cell; energy provided for this from Na/K ATPase pump; when this pump is working effectively it absorbs lots of sodium but water cannot follow bc thick ascending limb is impermeable to water -> this allows water to be osmotically absorbed in collecting duct IF ADH is present due to large Na content in interstitium
what does urea need to get out of collecting duct
ADH; if not present the urine will only be 1/2 as concentrated
blocks 2Cl/Na/K transporter in ascending limb; unable to concentrate interstitial fluid surrounding thick ascending limb; cannot withdraw water from descending limb so fluid at the tip of loop will still be 300 mOsm; as we move up ascending limb nothing happens; we would end up producing an isotonic urine w plasma (300 mOsm)
Which two pumps are critical for our kidneys ability to produce dilute or concentrated urine?
2Cl/Na/K pump and Na/K exchanger
If you knock out thick ascnending limb what will urine conc be
Low, 300 mOsm
excessive water intake
goes into ECF -> descreased plasma conc -> decreased ADH release -> decreased plasma ADH conc -> decreased water reabsorption in kidney -> increased "free water" excretion
primary control effector of ADH release
decreased plasma volume; determined by receptors in hypothalamus

decreased venous pressure, venous return and atrial pressure would also lead to increased ADH release
Production/storage of ADH
Produced in 3rd ventricle of brain in supraoptic nuclei -> stored in posterior pituitary
Primary and secondary stimulus for release of ADH
1. Increased ECF concentration
2. a. Increased circulation angiotensin
b. decreased pressure in left atrium of heart
c. decreased pressure in aortic arch
Hypertonic ECF causes what
ADH release

this could also be mimicked by hemorrhage or cardiac failure
cellcular action of ADH
ADH binding -> AC -> cAMP -> AQP2 tranporters in CD = increased free water absorption -> free water returned to ECF -> ECF tonicity decreases -> decreased ADH release
which anatomical site collects the reabsorbed water in descending limb and collecting duct?
vasa recta -> renal vein
1. if producing dilute urine (artery vs vein conc)

2. if producing conc urine (artery vs vein conc)
renal vein must be more conc than renal artery

renal vein must be less conc than renal artery (bc youre absorbing fluid)
what is reabsorbed in collecting duct
water and urea (as part of the urea recycling system)
free water clearance equation
Cosm = Uosm x V / Posm

CH20 = V - Cosm = free water clearance
Free water clearance in concentrated urine (above 300 mOsm/l)
Negative free water clearance (bc we're absorbing water)
Free water clearance in isomotic urine
Free water clearance of 0
Free water clearance in dilute urine (below 300 mOsm/l)
will result in a positive free water clearance (bc we're excreting water)
free water clearance definition
volume of water that would need to be added to or substracted from each minutes of urines production to make it iso-osmotic with plasma (300)
primary cation in ecf
sodium; makes up most of the osmolality
donnon effect
proteins in plasma provide negative charge in plasma (more proteins in plasma than interstitial space); VERY slight disequilibrium between the sodium in the plasma and sodium in the interstitium; negative charge of proteins in plasma helps retain some sodium ions in circulating plasma in a conc in excess of what you would see in the interstitial space
main cation in icf
potassium (very little sodium); this balance is maintained by Na/K/ATPase pump located on cell membranes

If we destroy this pump we will have significant abnormalities in the function of the heart/nerves/intracellular hydration
Intracellular K in acidosis
Low; H+ ions move into cell and K move out of cell; can cause hyperkalemia
Intracellular K in alkalosis
High; H+ ions move out of cell and K moves into cell; can cause hypokalemia
Intracellular H in acidosis
High; H+ ions move into cell and K moves out of cell; can cause hyperkalemia
Intracellular H in alkalosis
Low; H+ move out of cell and K moves into cell; can cause hypokalemia
The effect of high or low insulin on intracellular K+
Low insulin: K+ leaves cell

High insulin: K+ enters cells (esp. when glucose is present)
stop-gap measure to tx hyperkalemia
Give potassium and glucose; will drive potassium into cell; however potassium WILL eventually leak back out of cell
effect of high or low aldosterone on intracellular K+
Low aldosterone: K+ leaves cell

High aldosterone: K+ enters cell
hyperkalemia promotes the release of what to drive it back into cell
Insulin, aldosterone, epinephrine (B-agonists)
Potassium levels levels in proximal tubule
2/3 of potassium is reabsorbed in proximal tubule, along w/ sodium
potassium transport in low K+ diet
Its all reabsorbed
potassium transport in high K+ diet
much more is excreted; still 2/3 absorbed in prox tubule, we can secrete much of the filtered load in an attempt to bring the high plasma potassium back to normal
How do loop diuretics and thiazides cause hypokalemia
Drugs in the descending loop (furosemide) and distal convoluted tubule (thiazide) inhibit sodium reabsorption; it is later reabsorbed by aldosterone which secretes potassium into the lumen
CHF effect on aldosterone
Increased aldosterone; causes Na reabsorption and K secretion; if pt is tx with diuretic MUST watch for hypokalemia since this can compound the hypokalemic efectf
Potassium sparing diuretic; inhibits sodium reabsorption in collecting tubules and thus inhibits potassium secretion into lumen
Blocks active Na and Cl reabsorption in early distal convoluted tubule
Blocks NKCC pump in the ascending loop of Henle
Intercalated cell
Alternative to principal cell in the collecting tubules

One of its jobs is to reabsorb K and secrete H+

If the intercalated cell is not working properly we will be unable to properly acidify our urine; this is one of the conditions that will give rise to a renal tubular acidosis
RTA Type I
Renal tubular acidosis due to damaged intercalated cells (can't secrete H+ into lumen)
renal tubular acidosis type II

decreased bicarb reabsorption in the proximal tubule

increased HC03 (and Na+) excretion will result in volume constriction and the increased release of aldosterone. This will increase K+ excretion
chronic metabolic acidosis effect on renal potassium
Increased renal loss of K+
chronic respiratory acidosis effect on renal potassium
increased renal loss of K+ -- due to increased distal delivery of HC03 (high circulating biarb = beyond its transport maximum = distal delivery = potassium losses in body)
chronic metabolic alkalosis effect on renal potassium
increased renal excretion of K+ due to decreased amount of hydrogen in cells and increased amount of K; this will increase potassium losses; if plasma bicarb levels are high in chronic metabolic alkalosis we will increase transport maximum, increasing distal Na/bicarb delivery
chronic respiratory alkalosis effect on renal potassium levels
increases renal loss of K+ -- usually not severe and not well understood
effects of acidosis on potassium balance
H+ in principal cell, decreased intracellular K+ content, decreased proximal reabsorption
effect of water intake on potassium balance
high water intake inhibits ADH which decreases distal potassium secretion; decreased reabsorption of water increases distal flow which could increase the distal excretion of potassium
effect of volume constriction on potassium
leads to decresaed GFR, decreased GFR, decreases K secretion

BUT also leads to increased Renin, AII, increased Aldosterone -> increased potassium excretion
the effect of volume expansion on potassium balance
volumee expansion decresaed aldosterone which would decrease K secretion/excretion

it also decresaes proximal reabsorption bc changes GT balance, increase distal flow rate and increase potassium secretion
Addisons disease (opposite of cushings)
Lack of aldosterone -> sodium and water lost in urine

ppl w addisons have reduced extracellular volume

can become hyponatremic, hyperkalemic and mild acidosis
tumor related hyponatremia
pituitary tumors

SIADH type often in lung, breast, head and neck
small cell carcinoma
tumors found in lung that lead to production of pseudo-ADH or ACTH

these tumors do not respond to feedback and continue to produce ADH or ACTH regardless of the body fluid volume or concentration
more common in hospital patients and rare in outpatient populations

asymptomatic as long as serum osmols is above 240 msOsm/kg of water

mcc of hypotonic (slightly increased plasma volume), euvolemic hyponatremia in children
kidney response to CHF
release of renin secondary to decresaed perfusion

promotes aldosterone, increased reabsorption of sodium and water in kidney; increased release of ADH to increase water reabsorption

tx w drugs to increase cardiac performance and decrease water reabsorption/rid excess water (diuretic)
GFR and RBF held pretty constant; (80-160)

there will be an increase in urine formation despite this constant flow; this is called pressure diuresis

point: urine flow/excretion of salt increase despite constant GFR and RBF
aldosterone escape
if aldosterone admin exogenously you will see an increase in weight gain bc aldosterone increases sodium/water retention; early phase shortly after administration where excretion of sodium drops (even though intake is constant) - area indicated by hashed line is the amount of sodium retained in the body; along w that sodium is water; therefore plasma sodium conc would not change substantially

after 3-4 days intake/excretion goes back to being equal before aldosterone admin;

after we quit giving aldosterone the amount of sodium excreted increases and the extra sodium will be alleviated from body along w water, as noted by the weight returning to normal levels after aldosterone admin stops

reasons not well known (maybe naturetic hormone, Na+ regulatory hormone)
ANP/BNP effect on GFR
increases GFR; increases glomerular pressure by dilating afferent arterioles, constricting efferent arterioles
Angiontensin II in proximal tubule
In low concentrations will increase sodium reabosprtion

In high conc. will inhibit reabsorption
ANP in prox tubule
Inhibits sodium reabsorption via interaction w other hormones
ADH in Loop of Henle
Stimulates NKCC transporter; also increases transepithelial NC transport
Paracellin-1 in loop of henle
Increases Na+ permeability
Inhibits NC transport
Aldosterone in connecting tubule
Stimulates ENaC channels in principal cells
Aldosterone in cortical collecting tubule
Aldosterone stimulates ENaC channels
Aldosterone in medullary collecting duct
stimulates ENaC channels
Regulation o fK transport in prox tubule?
No; no hormones involved; K+ reabsorbed through "pseudosolvent drag" along paracellular pathway
Regulation of potassium transport in loop of henle
Active transepithelial K transport across TAL
ADH K transport regulation
Activates ENaC increases K+ secretion to inhibit hyperkalemia during dehydration when distal Na delivery is low

On apical membrane (2)

On baseolateral membrane (3)
regulation of calcium and phosphate by calcitriol
Regulation of calcium balance
calcium levels in proximal tubule
Where is PTH and calcitonin produced?
PTH: chief cells of parathyroid

Calcitonin: parafollicular cells of thyroid
The Effect of Increased Plasma Phosphate on Bone
Plasma phosphate complexes w/ calciu -> decreased serum calcium -> stimulation of PTH -> bone resorption

also decreases calcitriol (since plasma senses enough phosphate) -> less calcium resorption from gut -> further hypocalcemia -> more PTH release

weak bones due to increased plasma phosphate