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124 Cards in this Set

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An action that is completed in "one go" and achieves a result requires a(n) _____ verb.
An action that is in progress requires a(n) _____ verb.
An action that is repetitive requires a(n) _____ verb.
An action that relates to repetion involves an expression of time, like каждый день or всега, and requires a(n)_____ verb.
An action that relates to process involves an expression of duration, like долга or всю ноче, and requires a(n) _____ verb.
An action that is the predicate of a question as to whether something has been done or not done requires a(n) _____ verb.
The sentence "In the summer, Vanya watched TV evеry day." requires a(n) _____ verb, because of the expression of _____.
imperfective; repetition
The sentence, "In the evening Tanya worked on a term paper for a long time.", requires a(n) _____ verb, because of the expression of _____.
imperfective; duration
The sentence, "Vanya, do you remember -- did we do Exercise 5?", requires a(n) _____ verb, because the action is the predicate of a _____.
imperfective; question
In Russian, in which tenses can a perfective action be expressed?
past; future (never in the present tense)
In Russian, in which tenses can an imperfective action be expressed?
past; present; future
In which aspect and tense is the verb expressed in, "Oна прочитала книгу."?
perfective past: She read a book.
In which aspect and tense is the verb expressed in, "Oна прочитает книгу."?
perfective future: She will read a book.
In which aspect and tense is the verb expressed in, "Oна читала книгу."?
imperfective past: She was reading a book.
In which aspect and tense is the verb expressed in, "Oна будет читать книгу."?
imperfective future: She will be reading a book.
In which aspect and tense is the verb expressed in, "Oна читает книгу."?
imperfective present: She is reading a book.
Verb aspect pairs are differentiated by one of three means: 1) _____tion, 2 _____tion and 3, _____tion.
prefixation, suffixation, and suppletion (rarely, as in говори-/сказа-)
Supply the perfective form of писать.
Supply the perfective form of звонить.
Supply the perfective form of обедать.
Supply the perfective form of слушать.
Supply the perfective form of смотреть.
Supply the perfective form of читать.
Supply the perfective form of готовить.
Supply the perfective form of делать.
Supply the perfective form of отвечать.
Supply the perfective form of решать.
Supply the perfective form of покупать.
Supply the perfective form of помогать.
Supply the perfective form of говорить.
Supply the imperfective form of написать.
Supply the imperfective form of позвонить.
Supply the imperfective form of пообедать.
Supply the imperfective form of послушать.
Supply the imperfective form of посмотреть.
Supply the imperfective form of прочитать.
Supply the imperfective form of приготовить.
Supply the imperfective form of сделать.
Supply the imperfective form of ответить.
Supply the imperfective form of решить.
Supply the imperfective form of купить.
Supply the imperfective form of помочь.
Supply the imperfective form of сакзать.
What is the Russian word for Monday?
понидел'ьник insight: ниде'ля = week
What is the Russian word for Tuesday?
вто'рник insight: втор'ой = second
What is the Russian word for Wednesday?
среда' insight: сре'дный = middle
What is the Russian word for Thursday?
четве'рг insight: четвëртый = fourth
What is the Russian word for Friday?
пя'тница insight: пя'тый = fifth
What is the Russian word for Saturday?
субо'та insight: sabbath
What is the Russian word for Sunday?
воскресе'нье nsight: ascension from the cross/крест
What is the English word for пониде'льник?
What is the English word for вто'рник?
What is the English word for среда'?
What is the English word for четве'рг?
What is the English word for пя'тница?
What is the English word for субо'та?
What is the English word for воскресе'нье?
To ask the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.), one says, "Како'й сего'дня _____?"
Translate, "Како'й сего'дня день?".
What day is today (Monday, Tuesday, etc)?
To state the day of the week in the past tense, the verb быть is declined to agree with the gender of the day. For example, "Вчера' _____ среда'."
Decline the verb быть in each: Вчера' _____ вто'рник. Вчера' _____ среда'. Вчера' _____ воскресе'нье.
был, была, быило
To ask the date (1st, 5th, 10th) of the month, one says, "Како'е сего'дня _____?
Translate, "Како'е сего'дня число'?"
What is today's date?
Translate, "What is today's date (day of the month)?" and "What day of the week is this?"
Како'е сего'дня число'? Како'й сего'дня день?
To ask yesterday's date, one would say, "Како'е вчера' _____ чесло'?"
Translate: "Како'е сего'дня число'?" and "Како'й сего'дня день?"
What is today's date? What day is today?
When expressing elements of time of less than a week, one uses the preposition _____ plus the _____ case.
в + accusitive (Лек'ция будет в пя'тницу.)
Translate, "The lecture will be on Friday."
Ле'кциа бу'дет пя'тницу.
Translate, "At that moment …"
В э'ту мину'ту... (time elements less than a week = в + accu.)
Translate, "At that moment"; "At that second"; "On Friday"
В э'ту мину'ту. В эту секу'нду. В пя'тницу.
The dative case is used to designate an _____ receiver of the action of a verb.
The indirect receiver of a verb is declined in the _____ case.
Decline the noun муж in the dative case.
Decline the noun писа'тель in the dative case.
Decline the noun сло'во in the dative case.
Decline the noun зда'ние in the dative case.
Decline the noun подру'га in the dative case.
Decline the noun тëтя in the dative case.
Decline the noun исто'рия in the dative case.
The dative plural ending for all nouns of any gender is _____.
ам (ям)
A noun ending in -ам оr ям (е.g., роди'телям) indicates which number (singular or plural) and case?
plural, dative
Decline the masculine noun студе'нт in the dative plural.
Decline the neuter noun о'бщежитие, in the dative plural.
Decline the feminine noun студе'нтка in the dative plural.
In which number and case is the word студе'нтам declined?
plural, dative
In which number and case is the word студе'нткам declined?
plural, dative
In which number and case is the word общежи'тиям declined?
plural, dative
Supply the missing word (N, A, G, P, D): дом, дом, дома, доме, _____.
Supply the missing word (N, A, G, P, D) : муж, мужа, мужа, муже, _____.
Supply the missing word (N, A, G, P, D): слово, слово, слове, _____.
Supply the missing word (N, A, G, P, D): подруга, подгугу, подруги, подруге, _____.
What is the dative singular ending of masculine and neuter pronouns and adjectives?
ому (ему)
What is the dative singular ending of feminine pronouns and adjectives?
ой (ей)
Decline the pronoun мой in the dative masculine.
моему' : all dative masculine pronouns and adjectives end in ому (ему)
Decline the pronoun наш in the dative masculine.
на'шему all dative masculine pronouns and adjectives end in ому (ему)
Decline the pronoun это (этот) in the dative masculine.
э'тому all dative masculine pronouns and adjectives end in ому (ему)
Decline the adjective новый in the dative masculine.
но'вому all dative masculine pronouns and adjectives end in ому (ему)
Decline the adjective молодой in the dative masculine.
молодо'му all dative masculine pronouns and adjectives end in ому (ему)
Decline the pronoun моя in the dative feminine.
мо'ей all dative feminine pronouns and adjectives end in ой (ей)
Decline the pronoun наша in the dative feminine.
на'шей all dative feminine pronouns and adjectives end in ой (ей)
Decline the pronoun эта in the dative feminine.
это'й all dative feminine pronouns and adjectives end in ой (ей)
Decline the аdjective новая in the dative feminine.
но'вой all dative feminine pronouns and adjectives end in ой (ей)
Decline the аdjective молодая in the dative feminine.
молодо'й all dative feminine pronouns and adjectives end in ой (ей)
What is the dative plural ending of all pronouns and adjectives?
ым (им)
What is the dative plural of the pronoun э'ти?
э'тим all dative plural pronuns and adjectives end in ым (им)
What is the dative plural of the pronoun мо'и'?
мои'м all dative plural pronuns and adjectives end in ым (им)
What is the dative plural of the pronoun ва'ши?
ва'шим all dative plural pronuns and adjectives end in ым (им)
What is the dative plural of the adjective но'вые?
но'вым all dative plural pronuns and adjectives end in ым (им)
What is the dative plural of the adjective большие?
большим all dative plural pronuns and adjectives end in ым (им)
Decline the pronoun я in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun ты in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun он/оно' in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun она' in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun мы in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun вы in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun они' in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun кто in the dative case.
Decline the pronoun что in the dative case.
Translate and decline the English word. А'нна Бори'совна пригото'вила обе'д husband
му'жу dative case, indirect object
Translate and decline the English word. Ми'ша рассказа'л us интере'сную исто'рию.
нам dative case, indirect object
In Unit 6, three verbs are cited that are intransitive (take no direct object): to phone, to answer, to help. Sounds like 911. Repeat them in Russian .
звони'ть, ответча'ть, помога'ть (irreg.)
Translate and decline the English word. Я you позвоню' завтра ве'чером.
Translate and deline the English word. Милиционе'р отве'тил Dennis.
Translate and decline the English word. Ми'ша us ча'сто помога'ет.