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20 Cards in this Set

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What was the purpose of Reconstruction?

It was to rebuild everything that was destroyed by the Civil War

What was the Freedmen’s Bureau? Who was it designed to help? How?

It was to help all the freedmen when they where homeless and it was for the African American ex- slaves

How did the Wade-Davis Bill differ from Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan?

The Wade-Davis Bill was more harsh and the Ten Percent Plan was too lenient

What is the 13th Amendment?

It was the amendment that abolished slavery in the USA

What is the 14th Amendment? Who does it leave out?

It is the amendment that gives citizenship if you were born or naturalized in the US and it leaves out Native Americans

What is the 15th Amendment? Who does it leave out?

It would s the amendment that it allows everyone to vote except women

What was President Lincoln’s Reconstruction GOAL?

It was to rebuild the USA completely

What were the Black Codes?

They were codes to limit the freedom of African Americans

What acts divided the South into five military districts?
the First Reconstruction Act of March 2, 1867, the United States Congress divided the defeated South, already restored under presidential Reconstruction, into five military districts, of which Louisiana and Texas, under Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan at New Orleans, constituted the Fifth Military District.
Why did local Southern governments use literacy tests and poll taxes?

They where a fine and a very hard test for African Americans to see if they could vote

What is a literacy test?

A very hard test that African have to take if they want to vote

What is a poll tax?

A fine that African Americans have to pay if they want to vote

What is the grandfather clause?

The Grandfather Clause was if a person couldn't read or write and they wanted to vote but they can't but there grandfather can read or write they can vote

What was the Supreme Court verdict in Plessy v. Ferguson?

was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".

Who is the Ku Klux Klan? How did they limit freedoms of African Americans?

They where people who hated African Americans and they limite the freedom of them by using violence

What is sharecropping? Describe the sharecropping cycle of debt.

Sharecropping is when someone sells something for a price then another person who buys it sells it for a higher price

Describe the economy of the South at the end of the Civil War.

Totally destroyed and useless

Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln? When? Why?

John Wilkes Boothe, 5 days after the Civil War, be cause he didn't like Abraham Lincoln

Who took over as president following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln?
Andrew Johnson

Who were the main “targets” as part of the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln?

William Seward and Andrew Johnson