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93 Cards in this Set

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Describe the primary purpose for aircraft cabin pressurization.
To allow aircrew to perform work / carry out operational duties above the “physiological zone” (i.e., sea level to 10K’), and to provide protection against the physiological problems that can result to exposure to pressures outside the physiological zone.
Name 6 advatages of cabin pressurization
(1)         Reduced need to supplemental O2 (except for TACAIR aircraft)
(2)         Incidence of GI trapped gas pains is reduced
(3)         Cabin temp., humidity, & ventilation can be controlled w/in desired comfort levels
(4)         Crew & PAX in large ACFT can move about freely in a comfortable environment unencumbered by O2 masks or other life support equipment
(5)         Prolonged PAX flights, air evacuation, & troop mvt. can be accomplished with a minimum of fatigue & discomfort
(6)         Protection against middle ear & sinus pain by allowing cabin pressure to rise slowly in a controlled manner during descent from high altitudes
Name 6 disadvantages of cabon pressurization
(1)         Increased structural wt. & strength of the pressurized area to maintain structural integrity
(2)         Additional equipment & power requirements to support the pressurization, ventilation, & AC systems
(3)         ACFT max. performance & payload capacity is reduced due to added wt.
(4)         Additional maintenance & upkeep
(5)         Possible contamination of cabin air from smoke, fumes, CO, CO2, & odors
(6)         If a rapid decompression occurs à hypoxia, DCS, trapped gas expansion injuries, hypothermia, & cyclonic winds
Describe the physical indications of a rapid decompression.
Noise: caused by collision of two different air masses; can range from a “swishing” sound to a loud explosive sound
Fogging: (air at any temp. & pressure can hold only so much water vapor; sudden changes in temp. or pressure, or both, change the amount of water vapor the air can hold)
Temperature: (ambient temp. decreases w. increase in altitude);
Flying Debris: from unsecured objects that get caught up in the rapid rush / outflow of air from a pressurizedcabin, “cyclonic winds”
Why does fogging occur during a rapid decompression?
During a rapid decompression, temp. & pressure are reduced,reducing the holding capacity of air for water vapor;water vapor condenses out as fog
Describe 4 factors that can affect the rate of a cabin pressurization.
(1)         Cabin Volume: decompression time with a larger cabin volume will be slower than with a cabin of smaller volume
(2)         Size of the Opening: proportionality of cabin volume & cross-sectional area of the opening
(3)         Pressure Ratio: between the pressure w/in the cabin & the outside ambient pressure; the greater the ratio, the time for the air to escape will also increase, with the end result of a greater decompression time
(4)         Pressure Differential: the difference betw. the internal & external pressures will influence both the rate & severity of the decompression; the larger the pressure differential, the more severe the rapid decompression
Relate the rate of cabin pressurization to respiratory related disorders.
Respiratory: the lungs are potentially the most vulnerable part of the body during a rapid decompression (RD); if a rapid decompression is faster than the inherent capability of the lungs to decompress, a transient positive pressure builds up in the lungs.
If the escape of the air is blocked, or seriously impeded during the RD, the intrapulmonary pressure can build up high enough to cause tears or ruptures of the lung tissues & capillaries.
Relate the rate of cabin pressurization to trapped gas related disorders.
Ears & Sinuses: a RD is unlikely to cause symptoms in the middle ear or sinuses other than a strong “pop” felt in the ear (gas volume is expanding, bowing the tympanic membrane out, but also forcing air out the Eustachian Tube)
GI Tract Gas: a RD will cause a rapid expansion of trapped gas in the GI tract, with the potential for considerable abdominal distress.
How can rapid decompression affect the vasovagal response?
The diaphragm may be displaced upward by expansion of trapped gas in the stomach, which can retard respiratory movements. Distension of abdominal organs may stimulate the abdominal branches of the Vagus Nerve, resulting in cardiovascular depression (i.e., vasovagal response), and if severe enough, cause reduction in blood pressure, unconsciousness, and shock.
Relate the rate of cabin pressurization to evolved gas related disorders.
Evolved Gas Disorders (i.e., DCS): usually does not occur unless cabin altitude exceeds 18K’, and even then the incidence is small unless the cabin altitude reaches 25K’ to 30K’
Compare the relative effects of depressurization on wet and dry gases.
Over a given pressure reduction, wet gases expand to a greater degree (~2.5X ?) than dry gases due to the additional water vapor
Gas in the GI tract is saturated with what which is related to what?
water vapor, the partial pressure of which is related to body temp.
Is water vapor in the GI tract relatively constant or not and why?
B/c body temp. is relatively constant (37o C), the partial pressure of the water vapor is also constant at 47 mm Hg.
What must you account for in determining the mechanical effects of gas expansion?
In determining the mechanical effects of gas expansion, you must account for the non-compressibility of water vapor.
State the anatomical structures most likely to be affected by a decrease / increase in ambient pressure.
Ears (middle ear in particular)
Sinuses (especially frontal and maxillary)
Teeth (barodontalgia)Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
Describe the Eustachian tube
Eustachian Tube {auditory tube}: 37 mm long {1.5”}, links the middle ear to the pharynx. Tympanic end is bony and usually open, whereas the pharyngeal end is cartilaginous, slit-like, and closed, acting like a one-way flutter valve
Can ear blocks occur on ascent or descent? Why?
Ear blocks can occur on ascent or descent when middle ear air pressure is unable to equalize with ambient air pressure. Normally occurs b/c the lower orifice of the Eustachian tube fails to function adequately, or it is swollen shut from a cold or ear infection
Describe the physical, anatomical, and physiological causes of an ear block on both ascent.
Ascent: ear blocks are less common b/c increasing middle ear pressure (relative to decreasing ambient pressure) forces open the “flutter valve” pharyngeal end of the Eustachian tube; contraction of the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles by yawning, chewing, and swallowing also helps to open the Eustachian tube.
Describe the physical, anatomical, and physiological causes of an ear block on both descent.
Descent (especially rapid descents from 15K’ to 5K’): ear blocks are more common b/c the collapsed, closed, pharyngeal end of the Eustachian tube prevents air from entering the tube, and the increasing negative pressure in the middle ear further holds the soft tissue together
When must muscular (active) opening of the Eustachian tube via the Valsalva Maneuver must be accomplished and why?
Before the differential pressure reaches 80-90 mm Hg; once this magnitude of pressure differential is reached, muscular action cannot overcome the suction effect on the closed Eustachian tube, and the tube is “locked.”
Relative negative middle ear pressure does what 2 things?
Retracts the tympanic membrane inward, and it also pulls on the delicate mucosal lining, leading to effusion (fluid collection) and hemorrhage w/in the middle ear.
List the symptoms of an ear block.
(1)         Pressure or pain
(2)         Muffled sound / hearing
(3)         Dizziness
(4)         Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
Describe the technique for prevention of ear blocks on ascent / descent.
Ascent: yawn, chew, swallow; tense the throat muscles (levator and tensor veli palatine)
Descent: Valsalva Maneuver; ascend to relieve some of the pressure, attempt to self-clear via the Valsalva Maneuver, descend at a slower rate; politzerization
Describe the sinuses
* Sinuses: air-filled, relatively rigid, bony cavities lined with mucous membranes, connect with the nose by means of one or several small openings; if the openings are normal, air passes in/out of the cavities at the rate of ascent/descent, assuring adequate equalization of pressure.
When do sinus blocks occur?
Sinus blocks occur if the openings are obstructed by swelling of the mucous membrane lining (from infection or allergic reaction), polyps, or redundant tissue.
Relative negative middle ear pressure does what 2 things?
Retracts the tympanic membrane inward, and it also pulls on the delicate mucosal lining, leading to effusion (fluid collection) and hemorrhage w/in the middle ear.
List the symptoms of an ear block.
(1)         Pressure or pain
(2)         Muffled sound / hearing
(3)         Dizziness
(4)         Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
Describe the technique for prevention of ear blocks on ascent / descent.
Ascent: yawn, chew, swallow; tense the throat muscles (levator and tensor veli palatine)
Descent: Valsalva Maneuver; ascend to relieve some of the pressure, attempt to self-clear via the Valsalva Maneuver, descend at a slower rate; politzerization
Describe the sinuses
* Sinuses: air-filled, relatively rigid, bony cavities lined with mucous membranes, connect with the nose by means of one or several small openings; if the openings are normal, air passes in/out of the cavities at the rate of ascent/descent, assuring adequate equalization of pressure.
When do sinus blocks occur?
Sinus blocks occur if the openings are obstructed by swelling of the mucous membrane lining (from infection or allergic reaction), polyps, or redundant tissue.
Describe the physical, anatomical, and physiological causes of a sinus block.
Sinus blocks can occur on ascent or descent, but are 90% more likely on descent (during ascent, expanding air usually forces it way out past the obstruction). During descent, pressure in the obstructed sinus is less than the surrounding (gradually increasing) ambient pressure, creating a vacuum effect on the delicate, thin, mucosal lining, resulting in severe pain. Some fluid may be drawn into the cavity, but a more serious complication is a pulling away of the mucosal lining with concomitant bleeding.
The majority (name percentage) of sinus blocks involves which sinus cavity and why?
70% of all sinus blocks involve the frontal sinus, and the chief cause is flying with a cold or congestion
List the steps for treating a sinus block.
(1)         Level off and attempt to self-clear using the Valsalva Maneuver; if unsuccessful, ascend to relieve some of the pressure and Valsalva again
(2)         Use nasal spray and Valsalva again
(3)         Continue descent at a much slower rate, continue to perform the Valsalva Maneuver
Describe the physical, anatomical of baro-induced tooth pain.
* Tooth pain (barodontalgia): usually occurs on ascent only, especially btwn. 5K’ – 15K’. The pain may or may not become more severe with an increase in altitude. Pain is usually relieved on descent, an important feature which helps to distinguish it from pain in the upper jaw due to maxillary barosinusitis.
Describe the physiological causes of barodontalgia
Causes: some sort of pre-existing dental pathology, completely
normal teeth are not effected
(1)         Gum abscess – dull pain on ascent
(2)         Root abscess – dull pain on ascent
(3)         Inflamed pulp (pulpitis) / carious teeth – sharp pain on ascent (from decay or recent dental work)
(4)         Imperfect fillings
List the steps for treatment of tooth pain.
Descend immediately, report to dental for check-up / repair of dental work
When does GI trapped gas pain usually begin and why?
Pain & discomfort usually starts at altitudes above 18K’ (altitude at which ambient pressure is 1/2 the earth’s atmosphere, gas has expanded to 2X its normal volume at sea level; also, wet gases expand to a greater volume than dry gases due to additional water vapor). Above 25K’, gas distension may produce severe pain
State Henry's Law
* Henry’s Law: amount of gas dissolved in solution varies directly with the partial pressure of that gas over the solution
List some causes/sources of trapped GI gas
Causes/ Sources of Trapped Gas:
(1)         Swallowed air (drinking, especially drinking carbonated beverages) and chewing gum
(2)         Gas formed as a result of digestion, fermentation, bacterial decomposition, etc.; diet (gas=producing foods)
List the steps for treatment of trapped gas expansion in the intestines.
(1)         Vent the gas! Belching or passing gas (“Waste it or taste it”)
(2)         Ball up the hand into a fist & massage abdomen from right to left, attempt to break up big bubbles into smaller bubbles that are easier to pass
When a physiologically inert gas like N2 is inhaled, what happens to that gas after inhalation?
When a physiologically inert gas (such as N2, that is not involved in oxidative metabolism & is not “used” by the body) is inhaled, the gas dissolves in the body until it reaches equilibrium with the liquid phase (blood & tissue) – saturation. The [N2] dissolved is proportional to the partial pressure of N2 in the inhaled gas
State the effects of atmospheric pressure on the incidence of DCS.
The decrease in ambient pressure with an increase in altitude causes a reduction in the N2 partial pressure, setting up a pressure gradient in the lungs - supersaturation, N2 off-gases from the tissues, dissolves in the blood and is carried to the lungs to be exhaled
If too much N2 off-gases too rapidly, micro-bubbles grow and form larger bubbles (critical supersaturation) that may block veins and arteries (DCS).
What altitude is DCS most likely to occur
DCS more likely to occur with exposure to altitudes of 18K’ and above
Micro-bubble nuclei are believed to be generated by what?
* Micro-bubble nuclei are believed to be generated by motion (and other factors such as supersaturation); seems to be a dynamic equilibrium btwn. generation and destruction in the tissues
How do "seed" bubbles come into play with DCS?
“Seed” bubbles may already be present in the blood when decompression occurs; combined with the effects of supersaturation, these “seed” bubbles may enlarge to the point where clinical manifestation of DCS occurs supersaturation
Describe the relationship between micro-bubble nuclei and DCS.
* Micro-bubble nuclei form in areas of negative hydrostatic pressure:
(1) Areas of turbulent blood flow (small vortices in the bloodstream)
(2) Viscous adhesion (negative pressure generated in a liquid btwn. two moving surfaces {e.g., shearing joints, vacuum phenomena in joints leading to the cracking” of joints}); require a pressure differential of only fractions of an atmosphere
(3) Negative pressure pockets btwn. working muscles
(4) N2 bubble adhesion to surface proteins on cell layers
What is supersaturation (in regard to gases and DCS)
Supersaturation: results when inert gas tension (PN2) exceeds ambient barometric pressure (PB)
If the decompression exceeds some critical rate for the body to off-gas N2 what happens?
If the decompression exceeds some critical rate for the body to off-gas / eliminate N2, the tissues and blood become supersaturated with N2 and bubbles may form
What can supersatuiration occur from in regard to N2.
Supersaturation may also occur from negative pressures generated during many mechanical processes, resulting in a local reduction of absolute pressure in a liquid system
(1)         Flow of a liquid through a local narrowing in a tube results in a local drop of pressure (Bernoulli principle), which in turn can lead to transient bubble formation (Reynold’s cavitation)
(2)         Viscous adhesion – negative pressures generated when two surfaces in a liquid are pulled apart; bubbles generated by this mechanism are said to be generated by tribonucleation
What is critical supersaturation in regard to DCS?
Critical supersaturation: occurs when a physiologically inert gas (N2) comes out of solution and forms bubbles
A level of supersaturation can be reached that the body can tolerate w/out the inert gas coming out of solution to form bubbles, but once a critical supersaturation ratio is reached bubbles develop that may lead to DCS
Bubbles that can lead to DCS form where?
Bubbles may form in blood, lymphatics, or tissue;
Where is inert gas tension (i.e. N2) higher, capillary, venous blood and/or arterial blood?
Capillary and venous blood
Describe Haldane’s theory for DCS.
Body can be represented by five (5) hypothetical body / tissue “compartments”, each of which absorbs and releases N2 at different rates (probably due to differing perfusion rates) known as “half-times” –half the time it takes for a dissolved gas in a tissue to equilibrate (either by up-take or elimination) to a new pressure, or to reach full saturation at a new pressure
The rate of N2 gas uptake in the blood and elimination depends on:
(1)         Gas concentration gradient btwn. blood and tissue
(2)         Tissue blood flow (perfusion)
(3)         Ratio of blood and tissue gas solubilities (e.g., N2 is 5X more soluble in fat than in water)
Describe the importance of the 2:1 ratio of ambient pressure to tissue gas tension as it relates to DCS
Body can tolerate a certain amount of excess inert gas (N2) with no apparent ill effects (tissues/blood can be supersaturated with N2 as a result of a decrease in PB, but N2 doesn’t bubble out of solution), as long as the ratio of ambient pressure (PB) to tissue gas tension (PN2) is 2:1 or less. If this ratio is exceeded (critical supersaturation), N2 begins to bubble out of solution
What is Haldane's Ratio?
Haldane’s 2:1 Ratio:
R = PN2/PB
(this is ambient pressure)
Type I DCS are what % of all altitude DCS cases?
Type I DCS: 85-90% of all altitude DCS cases
Name the 2 tpes of Type I DCS
Joint Pain/Bends and Cutaneous (Skin) bends
List the symptoms of Joint paoin/Bends
Joint Pain / “Bends” (60-70% of altitude DCS cases): – joint pain, especially in the upper extremities (shoulder, elbow); starts gradually as a mild discomfort that is difficult to localize (i.e., “niggles”); pain intensity gradually increases over time into a deep dull ache
List the symptoms of cutaneous (skin) bends
Cutaneous (Skin) Bends: itching (pruritis), creepy-crawly sensation (formication); mottling or marbling of the skin (Cutis Marmorata) is caused by venous obstruction by intravascular bubbles and usually precedes the more serious forms of DCS
Type II DCS comprises what % of all altitude DCS cases?
Type II DCS: 10-15% of all altitude DCS cases
List the 2 types of Type II DCS
Neurological and cardiopulmonary (Chokes)
What are the 2 types of neurological DCS?
peripheral/spinal and central/brain
List the symptoms of peripheral/spinal DCS
Peripheral / Spinal – burning or tingling sensation (paresthesias), numbness or weakness
Peripheral/spinal DCSis more common in what types of pressure changing activities?
More common in diving activities
What percent of Type II DCS is mad up of peripheral/spinal altitude DCS?
Accounts for < 10% of the Type II altitude DCS cases
List the symptoms of central/brain DCS
Central / Brain – most common form of Type II altitude DCS; headache, visual disturbances, hemiplegia, hemisensory loss, incordination, personality changes, confusion
Bilateral limb pain, sharp, knife-like pain that “shoots” down an extremity or encircles the body trunk and/hips, and pain that “moves” from one area to another arises from the nervous system and is treated as what?
List the symptoms of cardiopulmonary (Chokes) DCS
Cardiopulmonary Symptoms (“Chokes”): very rare, but fatal; due to profuse pulmonary gas emboli impede respiratory gas exchange; burning substernal chest pain that is aggravated by breathing, cough, and shortness of breath (dyspnea)
What contributes to bubble formationduring pressure changes?
* Once bubbles form, they tend to expand as dissolved gases and continue to come out of solution. CO2, a highly diffusible gas, contributes to bubble enlargement, especially if formed in excess by vigorous exercise
Bubbles have what 2 pathophysiological effects?
(1)         Direct mechanical effects of bubbles may obstruct blood vessels or distort tissue, causing pain, ischemia, and infarction
(2)         Tissue-Bubble interface surface activity results in protein denaturation and platelet aggregation, causing endothelial damage
List the steps for treating DCS.
(1)         100% O2 using a well-fitted mask
(2)         Descend as low as safely possible
(3)         Recompression / hyperbaric chamber; if transportation is required, it must be at or near ground-level (in no case should cabin pressure altitude be more than 1,000 feet (305 m) than the pressure altitude at the point of embarkation)
Describe 4 physical and physiological benefits of hyperbaric therapy in the treatment of DCS.
(1)         Mechanical compression of gas bubbles
(2)         Elevation of PO2 in inspired air establishes a positive N2 gradient that reduces the size of the N2 bubbles and increases the rate of N2 elimination
(3)         Perfusion of ischemic tissues
(4)         Correction of local tissue hypoxia – disrupts the vicious cycle of hypoxia-induced tissue damage that causes tissue edema and interferes with circulation and oxygenation
What are 4 potential causes for over-inflation injuries?
Potential Causes for All Over-Inflation Injuries: need a sufficient pressure differential to over-inflate the lungs and rupture the alveoli
(1)         Breath hold during a rapid decompression
(2)         Breath hold on ascent while breathing compressed air (e.g., HABD bottle)
(3)         Repeated Valsalva maneuvers
(4)         Excessive coughing, sneezing, vomiting
Describe the causes of pneumothorax
Causes: lung-over-inflation, alveoli rupture, and air accumulates in the pleural cavity causing lung collapse
Type II DCS comprises what % of all altitude DCS cases?
Type II DCS: 10-15% of all altitude DCS cases
List the 2 types of Type II DCS
Neurological and cardiopulmonary (Chokes)
What are the 2 types of neurological DCS?
peripheral/spinal and central/brain
List the symptoms of peripheral/spinal DCS
Peripheral / Spinal – burning or tingling sensation (paresthesias), numbness or weakness
Peripheral/spinal DCSis more common in what types of pressure changing activities?
More common in diving activities
Describe 13 factors which may
predispose a crewmember to DCS.
(1)         Altitude Attained: incidence and severity of DCS increases with increasing altitude
(2)         Duration of Exposure: at all altitudes above 18K’ (5,44 m), the longer the duration of exposure, the greater the incidence of DCS
(3)         Previous Exposures to Altitude: a 2nd exposure to altitudes > 18K’ (5,488 m) following an exposure to such an altitude in the preceding 3 hours will greatly increase the chances of DCS occurring, even if the first exposure was asymptomatic
(4)         Flying Following Diving: 24-hour wait period after surfacing
(5)         Age: incidence of DCS increases with age; 3-fold increase in the incidence btwn. 19-25-yr-olds and 40-45-yr-olds; significantly greater risk in those older than 42
(6)         Gender: retrospective studies indicated a higher incidence in females than males, but more recent studies have not revealed any significant difference btwn. males and females
(7)         Exercise: mild and strenuous exercise both equally increase DCS incidence (altitude equivalent with exercise is an additional 3K’ to 5K’); probably due to increased muscle perfusion, an increase in inert gas uptake (i.e., increased respiration), shear forces in joints causing mico-bubbles, and increased CO2 which can accelerate bubble growth
(8)         Injury: no convincing evidence exists to associate previous injury with DCS, but the acute stages of an injury to a joint may increase the susceptibility to the “bends” b/c of perfusion changes associated with the injury/healing mechanisms
(9)         Body Build: long-time belief that obesity increases the susceptibility to DCS. Although it seems prudent to continue to accept this principle b/c of other known adverse effects of obesity, no scientific evidence validation exists to date
(10)    Temperature: very cold ambient temp. (-23oC) increases the risk of DCS perhaps by changes in N2 washout from peripheral vasoconstriction
(11)    Hypoxia: anecdotal evidence suggests an association btwn. hypoxia and DCS
(12)    Acid-Base Balance: elevated PCO2 levels are associated with severe “bends” (CO2 may contribute to bubble growth); deliberate hyperventilation at altitude decreases the pain associated with the “bends”
(13) Dehydration: causes the blood to thicken which inhibits blood circulation and this in turn reduces N2 elimination
What is primary spontaneous pneumothorax and when does it occur?
* Primary spontaneous pneumothorax – occurs without trauma, chest injury, or over-inflation; lung bleb (an imperfection in the lining of the lungs) bursts causing the lung to deflate
Describe the symptoms of pneumothorax
Symptoms: sudden, sharp chest pain, shortness of breath and cough
Describe the causes of substernal emphysema (pneumomediastinum).
Causes: lung-over-inflation, alveoli rupture, air accumulates in the mediastinum (space btwn. The lungs containing the heart and its large vessels, trachea, esophagus, etc.) and chest wall)
Describe the symptoms of substernal emphysema (pneumomediastinum).
Symptoms: “fullness” in the chest, or a dull ache / chest pain underneath the sternum, that may radiate to the neck and arms, pain may worsen with breathing and swallowing
Describe the causes of an aero-embolism (arterial gas embolism).
Causes: lung over-inflation forces air into the pulmonary arteries and veins, once the bubbles enter the arterial and venous circulation they can be dispersed throughout the body;
How can death occur from an arterial gas embolism?
Death can occur if a large bubble lodges in the heart, stopping blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs (similar to vapor lock in engine fuel systems)
What's more dangerous an arterial gas emboli or a venous gas emboli and why?
Arterial gas emboli are more serious than venous emboli, b/c. a gas bubble in an artery may directly stop blood flow to an area/tissue fed by the artery
Describe the symptoms of an aero-embolism (arterial gas embolism).
Symptoms: sudden, dramatic, and life-threatening; LOC, dizziness, paralysis, weakness in the extremities, large areas of abnormal sensation, blurry vision, convulsions
What treatment table is used to treat an arterial gas embolism?
Table 6A
Describe Treatment Table 6A including length of time
Treatment Table 6A (5 hrs., 50 min.): similar to treatment table 6 (TT6), except patient is initially pressurized to a depth of 165 feet sea water (fsw) vice the TT6 depth of 60 fsw; massive amounts of air can be introduced into the cerebral circulation, so it’s necessary to mechanically compress the entrapped air maximally
Describe the standard treatment protocol(s) for Aero-Embolism (Arterial Gas Embolism:
Recompression / Hyperbaric Therapy using USN Dive Treatment Tables
(1)         Mechanical compression of bubbles using USN Div Treatment Table 6A
(2)         Hyperbaric oxygenation of tissues
Describe the standard treatment protocol(s) for Pneumothorax and Substernal Empysema (Pneumomediastinum):
“Small” over-inflation injuries may resolve on their own (i.e, the pleura reabsorb the air); for larger injuries, the air must be removed from around the lungs, either by aspiration, or by using a chest tube inserted btwn. The ribs to drain the air and allow the lung to re-expand.
* oxygen may be needed to help the ambient air surrounding the lungs to be reabsorbed more quickly. Recompression IS NOT indicated.