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94 Cards in this Set

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breast self-examination (BSE)
Systematic examination of the breasts by the woman
Onset, or beginning, of mentrual function
From the Greek words mensis (month)and pausis (cessation), the actual permanent cessation of menstrual cycles; so diagnosed after 1 year without menses
Menstrual cycle
A complex interplay of events that occur simultaneously in the endometrium, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and the ovaries that results in ovarian and uterine preparation for pregnancy
Periodic vaginal discharge of bloody fluid from the nonpregnant uterus that occurs from the age of puberty to menopause
Period of transition of changing ovarian activity before menopause and through the first few years of amenorrhea
Prostaglandins (PGs)
Substances present in many body tissues; have roles in many reproductive tract functions; used to induce abortions and for cervical ripening for labor induction
Basal Body Temperature(BBT)
Lowest body temperature of a healthy person taken immediately after awakening and before getting out of bed
Fertility awareness methods(FAMs)
Methods of family planning that identify the beginning and end of the fertile period of the menstrual cycle
Stage in development of a mammalian embryo, occuring after the morula stage, that consists of an outer layer, or trophoblast, and a hollow sphere of cells enclosing a cavity
Chorionic Villi
Tiny vascular protrusions on the chorionic surface that project into the maternal blood sinuses of the uterus and that help form the placenta and secrete human chorionic gonadotropin
Elements within the cell nucleus carrying genes and composed DNA and proteins
Union of the sperm and ovum resulting in fertilization ; formation of the one-celled zygote
Decidua basalis
Maternal aspect of the placenta made up of uterine blood vessels, endometrial stroma, and glands; shed in lochial discharge after birth
Conceptus from day 15 of development until approxinately the eight week after conception
Union of an ovum and a sperm
Fetal membranes
Amnion and chorion surrounding the fetus
Child in utero from approximately the ninth week after conception until birth
Mature male or female germ cells; the mature sperm or ovum
Study of single gene or gene sequences and their effects on living organism
Complete copy of genetic material in an organism
Study of the entire DNA structure of all of an organism's genes including functions and interactions of genes
Embedding of the fertilized ovum in the uterine mucosa; nidation
Schematic arrangements of the chromosomes within a cell to demonstrate their numbers and morphology
Process by which germ cells divide and decrease their chromosomal numbers by one half
Process of somatic cell division in which a single cell divides, but both of the new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the first
Chromosomal aberration characterized by the absence of one chromosome from the normal diploid complement
Developmental stage of the first fertilized ovum in which there is a solid mass of cells resembling a mulberry
Condition in which some somatic cells are normal, whereas others show chromosomal aberrations
Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomes associated with determination of sex; the X(female) and Y(male)chromosomes; the normal female has two X, and the nromal male has one X and one Y
Environmental substances or exposures that result in functional or structural disability
Cell formed by the union of two reproductive cells or gametes; the fertilized ovum resulting from the union of a sperm and an ovum
Diagnostic technique using palpation; a floating fetus, when tapped or pushed, moves away and then returns to touch the examiner's hand
Braxton Hicks sign
Mild, intermittent, painless uterine contractions that occur during pregnancy; occur more frequently as pregnancy advances but do not represent true labor; however, they should be distinguished from preterm labor
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pressure on the median nerve at the point which it goes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist; causes soreness, tenderness, and weakness of the muscles of the thumb
Chadwick sign
Violet color of vaginal mucous membrane that is visible from approximately the fourth week of pregnancy; caused by increased vascularity
Increased pigmentation over bridge of nose and cheeks of pregnant women and some women taking oral contraceptives; also known as "mask of pregnancy"
Fluid in the acini cells of the breasts present from early pregnancy into the early postpartal period; rich in antibodies, which provide protection to the breastfed newborn from many diseases; high in protein, which binds bilirubin; and laxative acting, which speeds the elimination of meconium and helps loosen mucus
Diastasis recti abdominis
Separation of the two rectus muscles along the median line of the abdminal wall; often seen in women with repeated childbirths or with a multiple gestation
Tumorlike benign lesion of the gingiva seen in pregnant women
Funic souffle
Soft, muffled, blowing sound produced by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels and synchronous withthe fetal heart sounds
Goodell sign
Softening of the cervix, a probable sign of pregnancy, occuring during the second month
Hegar sign
Softening of the lower uterine segment that is classified as a probable sign of pregnancy, may be present during the second and third months of pregnancy, and is palpated during bimanual examination
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Hormone that is produced by chorionic villi; the biologic marker in pregnancy tests
White or yellowish mucus discharge from the cervical canal or the vagina that may be normal physiologically or caused by pathologic states of the vagina and endocervix
Sensation of decreased abdominal distention produced by uterine descent into the pelvic cavity as the fetal presenting part settles into the pelvis; usually occurs 2 weeks before the onset of labor in nulliparas
Linea Nigra
Line of darker pigmentation seen in some women during the latter part of pregnancy that appears on the middle of the abdomen and extends from the symphysis pubis toward the umbilicus
Montgomery tubercies
Small, nodular prominences (sebaceous glands) on the areolas around the nipples of the breasts that enlarge during pregnancy and lactation
Plug of mucus that fills the cervical canal during pregnancy
Palmar erythema
Rash on the surface of the palms sometimes seen in pregnancy
Excessive salivation
Burning sensation in the epigastric and sternal region from stomach acid (heartburn)
Maternal perception of fetal movement; usually occurs between weeks 16 and 20 of gestation
Striae gravidarum
"stretch marks"; shining reddish lines caused by stretching of the skin, often found on the abdomen, thighs, and breasts during pregnancy; these streaks turn to a fine pinkish white or silver tone in time in fair-skinned women and brownish in darker-skinned women
Uterine souffle
Soft, blowing sound made by the blood in the arteries of the pregnant uterus and synchronous with the maternal pulse
Birth plan
A tool by which parents can explore their childbirth options and choose those that are most important to them
Couvade syndrome
The phenomenon of expectant father's experiencing pregnancy-like symptoms
Cultural prescriptions
Practices that are expected or acceptable
Cultural proscriptions
Frobidden; taboo practices
Home birth
Planned birth of the child at home, usually done under the supervision of a midwife
Morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting that affect some women during the first few months of their pregnancy; may occur at any time of the day
Multifetal Pregnancy
Pregnancy in which there is more than one fetus in the uterus at the same time; multiple pregnancy
Nagele's rule
One method for calculating the estimated date of birth or due date
Pelvic tilt(rock)
Exercise used to help relieve low back discomfort during menstruation and pregnancy
Pinch test
Determines whether nipples are everted or inverted by placing thumb and forefinger on areola and pressing inward; the nipple will stand erect or invert
Supine hypotension
Shock; fall in blood pressure caused by impaired venous return when gravid uterus presses on ascending vena cava, when women is lying flat on her back; vena cava syndrome
One of three periods of approximately 3 months each into which pregnancy is divided
Unusual oral craving during pregnancy
Aburning sensation in the epigastric and sternal region from stomach acid
Acoustic stimulation test
Antepartum test to elicit fetal heart rate response to sound; performed by applying sound source to maternal abdomen over the fetal head
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
Fetal antigen; elevated levels in amniotic fluid and maternal blood are associated with neural tube defects
Procedure in which a needle is inserted through the abdominal and uterine walls to obtain amniotic fluid; used for assessment of fetal health and maturity
amniotic fluid index
Estimation of amount of amniotic fluid by means of ultrasound to determine excess or decrease
Biophysical profile(BPP)
Noninvasive assessment of the fetus and its environment using ultrasonography and fetal monitoring; includes fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume
Chorionic villus sampling(CVS)
Removal of fetal tissue from placenta for genetic diagnostic studies
Contraction stress test
Test to stimulate uterine contractions for the pupose of assessing fetal response; a healthy fetus does not react to contractions, whereas a compromised fetus demonstrates late decelerations in the fetal heart rate that are indicative of uteroplacental insufficiency
Daily fetal movement count(DFMC)
Maternal assessment of fetal activity; the number of fetal movements within a specified time are counted; also called "kick count"
Doppler blood flow analysis
Use of ultrasound for noninvasive measurements of blood flow in the fetus and placenta
Nonstress test(NST)
Evaluation of fetal response(fetal heart rate) to natural contractile uterine activity or to an increase in fetal activity
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling(PUBS)
Procedure during which a fetal umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling or for transfusions
Uteroplacental insufficiency (UPI)
Decline in placental function leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis; evidenced by late decelerations of the fetal heart rate in response to uterine contractions
Autoimmune disorders
Group of diseases that disrupt the function of the immune system, causing the body to produce antibodies against itself, resulting in tissue damage
Cardiac decompensation
Condition of heart failure in which the heart is inable to maintain a sufficient cardiac output
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Inability of the heart to maintain an adequate cardiac output; congestive heart heart failure occuring during the peripartum
Reflex bradycardia
Slowing of the heart in response to a particular stimulus
Use of nonabsorbable suture to keep a premature dilating cervix closed; usually removed when pregnancy is at term
Cervical funneling
Effacement of the internal cervical os
Ectopic pregnancy
Implantation of the fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity; locations include the uterine tubes, ovaries, and abdomen
Hydatidiform mole(molar pregnancy)
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm usually resulting from fertilization of an egg that has no nucleus or an inactivated nucleus
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by protracted vomiting, weight loss, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Loss of pregnancy that occurs naturally without interference or known cause; also called spontaneous abortion
Premature dilation of the cervix
Cervix that is unable to ramain closed until a pregnancy reaches term because of a mechanical defect in the cervix; also called incompetent cervix
Superimposed preeclampsia
new onset proteinuria in a women with hypertension before 20 weeks of gestation, sudden increase in proteinuria if already present inearly gestation, sudden increases inhypertension or the development of HELLP syndrome
TORCH infections
Infection caused by organisms that damage the embryo or fetus; acronym for toxoplasmois, other, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus