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22 Cards in this Set

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the platysma muscle is located in which layer of neck fascia?
What layers comprise the deep cervical fascia?
Superficial (investing) layer
Carotid Sheath
What structures are found within the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia envelops the trapezius and SCM's
What two layers comprise the pretracehal fascia of the deep cervical fascia? What structures are found within these?
muscular layer-encoles infrahyoid muscles
visceral layer-encloses thyroid and parathyroids, traceha, and esophagus, contains the buccopharynegeal fascia which is the posterior section of the visceral layer that separates the esophagus from the prevertebral fascia
Which structures are contained in the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia
the prevertebral fascia envelops the vertebral column and associate muscles (scalenes) and the roots of the brachial and cervical plexuses, within this layer is the alar fascia which is the anterior lamina of the prevertebral fascia
which structures are contained within the carotid sheath of the deep cervical fascia
internal carotid a. , vagus n., common carotid, internal jugular v.

hint: I see 10 CC's in the IV
Where is the retropharyngeal space? What are it's borders? How far would an infection go if it dissected this space
the retropharyngeal spaces is a potential space between the buccopharyngeal (of the visceral layer) and the alar (of the prevertebral layer) layers of deep cervical fascia. An infection can funnel down all the way into the thoracic cavity because the fascia layers are continuous
What is the isthmus of the thyorid gland
connection between lobes, tightly attached to trachea rings 2 and 3
What are the borders of the anterior triangle
SCM, Mandible, Midline of neck
What are the 4 subtriangles of the anterior triangle
1. muscular
2. carotid
3. submandibular
4. submental
What are the borders of the muscular triangle of the anterior triangle?

Borders- hyoid, superior belly of omohyoid, SCM, midline of neck

contents-infrahyoid muscles, thyroid and parathyroid glands
What are the border of the carotid triangle of the anterior triangle?

Borders- post. belly of digastric, superior belly of omohyoid, SCM

contents=hypoglossal n. ansa cervicalis, carotid sheath, sympathetic trunk
What are the borders of the submandibular triangle of the anterior triangle?

Borders: Anterior and posterior bellies of digastric, body of mandible

contents- submandibular gland, facial artery and vein
What are the borders of the submental triangle of the anterior triangle
Borders (unpaired)- anterior belly of digastric muscles, hyoid bone

contents- submental lymph nodes, tributaries of anterior jugular vein
What are the borders of the posterior triangle
Trapezius, SCM, clavicle
what are the two subtriangles of the posterior triangle
1. omoclavicular
2. occipital
What are the borders and contents of the omoclavicular triangle of the posterior triangle
Borders: inferior belly of omohyoid, clavicle, SCM

Contents- subclavian artery, subclavian v. , suprascapular a. , suprascapular lymph nodes
What are the borders and contents of the occipital triangle of the posterior triangle?
Borders-trapezius, SCM, inferior belly of omohyoid

Contents- external jugular v., branches of cervical plexus, accessory n., trunks of brachial plexus, transverse cervical a., cervical lymph nodes, phrenic n.
What is the pretracheal fascia continuous with as it leaves the neck
the pretracheal fascia extends inferiorly from the hyoid bone into the thorax where it blends with the fibrous pericardium
The borders of the retropharyngeal space are the buccopharyngeal fascia anteriorly, the alar fascia posteriorly, and the carotid sheath laterally. What is the inferior border of this space?
The inferior border is T1/T2 where the pretracheal fascia becomes continuous with the fibrous pericardium of the heart
The borders of the prevertebral space aka danger space #4 are the alar fascia anteriorly and the prevertebral fascia posteriorly. What is the inferior border of this space?
This space continues into the thorax stopping at the diaphragm
What are the borders of the root of the neck
lateral- first ribs
posterior- T1
nerves: Phrenic, vagus, recurrent laryngeal, sympathetic stuff
vessesl- subclavian a. and v.
lymphatics- thoracic duct, r. lymphatic duct, cervical lymph nodes