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10 Cards in this Set

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The neurocranium consists of
calvaria + cranial base
the layers of the scalp include
Connective tissue
Loose Connective Tissue
Pericranium (epicranium and endocranium)
A scalp wound will gape if
the aponeurosis connecting the occipital and frontalis muscles is cut
What is the "dangeous area" of the scalp
loos connective tissue, facilitates transmission of infection
The branches of the facial n. are
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical (two zebras bit my coccyx)
A perphieral leison on the facial n. may lead to... which causes
Bell's Palsy
facial m. paralysis, cannot close eyelids, angle of mouth droops, forehead does not wrinkle
Describe the danger zone of the face
THe facial v. comunications with the superior opthalmic vein and then the cavernous sinus, facilitates the spread of infection or thrombus from the superficial face to the inside of the cranial cavity
Where does the lymphatic drainage of the face go
superficial-superifical nodes along the junction of the head and neck, flows to deep cervical lymph nodes around internal jugular
Deep-deep cervical lymph nodes located around the internal jugular
The auditory ossicles include
malleus, incus, stapes
The muscles of the inner ear include? Inervations?
Stapedius-CN VII
Tensor Tympani=CN V3