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31 Cards in this Set

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-Genu varum
-bow legged
-Genu vaigum
- knock kneed
What are the 5 P's when treating a skeletal fracture?
1.) Pain
2.) Pallor
3.) Pulses
4.) Paralysis
5.) Parasthesia
Which is able to be corrected if caught?

-Strabismus or Amblyopia
-Strabismus; if untreated (with patches) will lead to amblyopia (lazy eye)
This form of spina bifida:
-skin depression or dimple
-dark tufts of hair
-bladder and bowel sphincter disturbances
-gait disturbances with foot weakness
-Spina bifida occulta
Hernial protrusion of a saclike cyst containing meninges, spinal fluid, and a portion of the spinal cord and its nerves:
-Myelomeningocele (think myelin sheath)
Hernial protrusion of a saclike cyst containing meninges and spinal fluid
-does not have nerve involvement
This form of spina bifida consist of a saclike protrusion that may or may not have nerve involvement
-depending on severity will have bladder and bowel deficits
-may have flaccid legs or simple motor impairment
-Spina bifida cystica
Inability to express bladder:
-neurogenic bladder (treated w/ Ditropan and automatic latex allergy)
Describe s & s of cerebral palsy:
-delayed gross motor development (not reaching expected development)
-abnormal motor performance (always using left or right hand)
-rigid muscle tone (not bending at the hip; difficulty going from sitting to standing)
-reflex abnormalities (palmar grasp extends)
-associated disabilities (seizures)
Symptoms of increasing ICP:
-Infants: bulging anterior fontanel, separated cranial sutures, irritability, high-pitched neuro cry, setting sun eyes

-Children: restless, drowsiness, increase in sleep, nausea and vomiting esp in the am, dyplopia

-LATE signs: cushing's triad, fixed dilated pupils, decorticate postioning
Imbalance in the production and absorption of CSF in the ventricular system:
Name common causes of meningitis:
-bacterial: Hib, pneumonia, meningococcal, pneumococcal


At what degree do febrile seizures usually occur?
-above 39 degrees C
Caused by stretching, compression, and tearing of nerve fibers in the area of the brainstem:
-common causes are MVA, falls, and bicycles
-children are more susceptible due to small bodies and large heads
-instruct parents to wake child q2h
-increases blood flow which increases cerebral edema which leads to increased ICP
Bruising of the brain
-coup-countercoup injuries
-shaken baby syndrome
Hematoma between the dura and skull
-arterial in nature
-increases ICP
-quick symptoms
-Epidural hematoma
Hematoma between the dura and brain
-venous in nature
-gradual symptoms
-decrease O2, increase swelling, increase ICP
-shaken baby
-Subdural hematoma
What is the criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD?
-Symtoms must have been present b4 the age of 7
-Symptoms must be present in at least 2 settings
-Symptoms must be present for >6 months
What is the formula for finding BSA?
-ht (cm) x wt (kg) / 3600 then square root
This test for meningitis:
-bend hip and knee toward the chest
-then try to touch the ceiling with toes
-positive indicates severe thigh pain
-Kernig's sign
This test for meningitis:
-lie supine
-flex neck forward
-positive indicates leg bending
-Brudzinki's sign
At what degree of curvature must be present in order for it to be diagnosed as scoliosis?
-at least 10 degrees
At what age are girls tested for scoliosis?
-Between 5th and 6th grade
-Must be caught and tested during puberty
-Boys are not typically tested
Describe nursing actions for a newborn born with spina bifida:
-#1: cover sac with sterile, moist dressing
-NEVER remove the dressing without an order
-Keep is prone position
-Inspect sac for leaks or signs of infection
-Begin prophylactic antibiotic therapy as ordered
-observe for signs of infection (increased or decreased temp [sepsis is low], lethargy, restlessness, poor feeding/suck)
-No diapers
-No rectal temps
-Tactile stimulation such are touch and warmth to promote bonding
Describe nursing actions for a child with hydrocephalus:
-Monitor OFC (2x/day)
-Monitor neurological status
-Palpate fontanel
-Monitor VS
-Assess for S & S of increased ICP
-Support the head
-Give small frequent feedings
-No scalp IV
Describe postoperative nursing actions for a child who received a VP shunt:
-Position on unoperated side
-Keep child flat
-Pain management
-Assess dressings
-Observe for signs of increased ICP and infection
-Monitor drainage
The entire surface of the brain is covered with a thick layer of purulent exudate
-As infection extends to the ventricles, the exudate occludes the narrow passages, obstructing flow of CSF = increased ICP
Describe treatment of meningitis:
-C & S
-antibiotics (gentamycin and tobramycin x 10d)
-pain meds
-isolation immediately (contact and droplet)
-also treat those in contact also
-IV fluid replacement
-monitor breathing
-quiet environment
-neuro check (increased risk of seizures)
-Linear-fracture line of the skull
-Depressed-bone is broken, irregular fragments are pushed inward and caused pressure on the brain
-Increased risk for intracranial bleeding
-Surgical reduction and burr holes with removal of fragments is needed
Describe treatment for a child with a CHI-fracture:
-stabilize spine
-NEVER place an NGT (could have opening to brain thru nasal passages)