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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of muscle cells?
skeletal,smooth, and cardiac.
Skeletal muscles can be found where?
attached to bones
What are the function of skeletal muscles?
motion, locomotion, and thermogenesis.
In skeletal muscles, muscle membrane are called _____________.
Smmoth muscles are found where?
In the wlls of hollow organs and structures
What are the functions of smooth muscle?
Movement of substances through the body
Cardiac muscles are found in the ________.
What is the function of cardiac muscle?
To pump blood
A ________ _______ is a number of muscle cells attached to the same motot nerve.
motot unit
___________ muscles are rod shaped, have many nuclei per cell, have striations, and muscle membrane called sacrolemma.
___________ muscles have sarcolemma, one nuclei per cell, tapered ends, and no striations.
____________ muscles have intercalated discs, striations, one nuclei per cell, are branched, and quadranglar.
What does the all or none law of muscle contraction state?
That a motor unit,a muscle cell, and one sacromere can contract 100% or 0%; nothing in between
What is the technical name for muscle tone?
You do not have muscle tone when you are in __________.
REM sleep
____________ keeps certain muscles ready for action.
Muscle tone
What is the 4th step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
Because the sarcollemma depolarizes, the sacroplasmic reticulum releases stored calcium.
What is the 5th step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
The release of calcium cause tropin and tropomyosin to uncover actin.
What is the 6th step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
As soon as troponin tropomyosin proteins uncover the actin microfilaments, the myosin heads attached to myosin are attracted to the naked actin microfilaments.
What is the 7th step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
As soon as myosin heads contact the actin, they bond to actin and rotate.
What is the 8th step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
Rotating myosin heads causes the actin and myosin icrofilaments to slide pass each other; this is contraction.
What is the 1st step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
Signal is sent from central nervous system to muscle cells of a motor unit through motor nerves.
What is the 2nd step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
Signal reaches muscle cell membrance called sarcolemma.
What is the 3rd step in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?
Sarcolemma depolarizes.
What is the 1st step of muscle relaxation?
Motor nerve stops signal to motor unit
What is the 2nd step of mucle relaxation?
Sarcolemma re-polarizes
What is the 3rd step of muscle relaxation?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum takes back calsium that has been previously released.
What is the 4th step of muscle relaxation?
ATP is broken down into
What is the 5th step of muscle relaxation?
Energy used to disattach myosin heads from actin and used to rerotate the myosin heads to get ready for the next contraction.
What is the 6th step of muscle relaxation?
Troponin and tropomyosin proteins recover the actin.
__________ ________ is the period of time after a muscle has been stimulated but before it has begunto contract.
latent period
____________ __________ is the period of time during the contraction of muscle in which additional stimulation will not result in additional contraction.
Refractory period
__________ builds muscle.
__________ helps cardiovascular system.
The _____ contains actin only and gets smaller during contraction.
I band
The _____ contains myosin only and gets smaller during contraction.
H zone
The ______ contains actin and myosin and stays the same during contraction.
A band
Epiphyseal plates are made up of _____________.