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87 Cards in this Set

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Base of the heart is at the level of the

left 5th intercostal space

the base of the heart is where you can hear

auscultation of mitral valve

surfaces of the heart



left pulmonary

right pulmonary

3 wall layers of the heart

epicardium: visceral

myocardium: heart muscle

endocardium: innermost slick layer

Groove markingseparation between atria and ventricles

coronary sulcus

groove separating right and left ventricles

Anterior and Posterior Interventricular Sulci

what is inside that anterior and posterior inter ventricular sulci

Coronary vessels and fat

muscles in the right atrium

few pectinate muscles (ridges of myocardium)

what is the sinus venarum

the site of crista terminals (muscular ridge running vertically between SVC and IVC

right auricle of the right atrium contains

pectinate muscles

the pectinate muscles help increase

force of contraction

pectinate muscles on the right auricle originate from

crista terminalis

fossa ovalis is the site of

foramen ovale (attachment btwn right and left atrium in a fetus)

opening of coronary sinus

thebesian valve

3 sources of O2 poor blood into the R atrium



Coronary sinus

the left atrium is smaller than the right atrium but what is different about the walls of it>

thicker and smoother walls

the left atrium and left auricle muscles

no muscle in the L atrium

few pectinate muscles in the L auricle

_________ blood comes into the left atrium through the ________

O2-rich blood

pulmonary VV

right ventricle is thicket than ______

right atrium

ridges within the ventricles

trabeculae carnae

papillary muscles origin, function, & connection

–Muscles on anterior and posteriorventricular walls(2-3) originated from trabeculae carnae

–They are on apex connected to chordae tendon

–Contract to tighten chordae tendonae

3 types of papillary MM

anterior, posterior, septal

what is the function of the chord tendonae

prevent back flow of blood and prevents valve cusps from turning inside out

–isolated band of trabeculae carnae

Moderatorband/Septomarginal trabecula

moderator band forms bridge between

interventricular septum and base of anteriorpapillary m.

what is the function of the moderator band

-Prevents anterior wall of ventricle frompulling too far from interventricular septum–

-Prevents over stretching of ventricle

Area before pulmonary trunk

conus arteriosus (infundibulum)

conus arteriosus is the outflow tract leading to

pulmonary trunk

thickest chamber.

left ventricle

entry way to aorta from left ventricle

aortic vestibule

muscles on the left ventricle

2 setsof papillary muscleswith chordae tendonae

valve that does no depend on chord tendinae

•PulmonarySemilunar valve

pulmonary semilunar valve is between the ____ and ______

–betweenR. ventricle and pulmonary trunk

the semilunar valve outflow _________ blood to ________

–Outflowof oxygen poor blood to pulmonary trunk

cusps of the pulmonary semilunar valve

3 semilunar cusps

valve between L ventricle and ascending aorta

aortic semilunar valve

cusps of the aortic valve

3 semilunar cusps

sinuses of the aortic valve

right, left and posterior aortic sinuses

Other set of valves

atrioventricular valve

Valve between Right atrium and Right venticle

Tricuspid valve

cusps of the tricuspid valve

anterior, posterior, septal

atrioventricular valves depend on

chordae tendonae and papillary muscles

valve between left atrium and left ventricle

bicuspid (mitral) valve

cusps of the bicuspid valve

anterior and posterior

right coronary A comes from

aortic arch

what does the right coronary A supply

right atrium

right ventricle

SA and AV nodes

the right coronary A arises from

right aortic sinus

right coronary A courses under

right auricle into coronary sinus

The right coronary artery emerges from the aorta into the AV groove and continues in the posterior interventricular sulcus. Within millimeters after emerging from the aorta, the right coronary artery gives off two branches:

1) The Conus artery which runs to the right ventricle

2) The atrial branch

the atrial branch gives off the

sinoatrial nodal branch

the right coronary A terminates as

1. marginal A

2. posterior interventricular A

Left coronary A branches from

aortic arch

left coronary A supplies

Left atrium

Left ventricle

interventricular septum

the left coronary A arises from

left aortic sinus

left coronary A courses between

pulmonary trunk and Left auricle into the coronary sulcus

branches of the left coronary A

Anteriorinterventricular A



–L.marginal a.

coronary sinus is on what surface of the heart


function of coronary sinus

collecting pool of venous blood

coronary sinus empties into

right atrium

valve of the coronary sinus

thebesian valve at base of IVC

4 main tributaries of the coronary sinus

1. Great cardiac vein

2. Middle cardiac vein

3. Small cardiac vein

4. Posterior cardiac vein

great cardiac V ascends the ______ sulcus

anterior interventricular sulcus with artery

middle cardiac V and posterior cardiac V ascends the _______ sulcus

posterior interventricular sulcus with artery

small cardiac V courses with

marginal A

posterior cardiac V lies left of

middle cardiac V

lymphatics of the heart drain into

trachiobronchial and brachiocephalic nodes

cardiac plexus has sympathetic and parasympathetic contributions. what do each do to the heart?

sympathetic: increase heart rate and force of contraction, dilation of coronary A

parasympathetic: decreases heart rate and force of contraction, constriction of coronary A

superficial part of the cardiac plexus is beneath or inferior to

aortic arch

deep part of the cardiac plexus lives between

aortic arch and carina

visceral afferents of the heart enter CNS via

sympathetic trunk and Vagus N

Vagal cardiac NN are sensory to heart for

changes in blood pressure

afferent associated with sympathetic trunks are sensory for

pain from heart

Great vessels of the heart

1. Thoracic aorta:

ascending aorta

arch of aorta

descending aorta

2. superior vena cava

3. inferior vena cava

4. pulmonary trunk

the ascending aorta has origin from

Left ventricle

ascending aorta is contained in what part of the pericardial sac

middle mediastinum

3 sinuses of the ascending aorta

formation of R and L coronary AA

arch of aorta is formed at level of

2nd right costal cartilage

arch of aorta is contained in what part of the pericardial cavity

superior mediastinum

superior vena cava enters the

right atrium

superior vena cava is the union of

R and L brachiocephalis VV

The superior vena cava is venous return from all structures above


superior vena cava descends to right of the

ascending aorta

what part of the pericardial sac contains SVC

superior (superior half)

middle mediastinum (inferior half)

is the IVC inside the pericardial sac

barely, short segment

pulmonary trunk is inside the pericardial sac beginning at _________

conus arterioles of the right ventricle

pulmonary trunk bifurcates into _______ at level of _______

R and L pulmonary AA under aortic arch at level of sternal angle

closed pathway from ductus arterioles (pathway in fetus)

ligamentum arteriosum