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25 Cards in this Set

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Random Flying Turkey

What is an estuary?

What is a body of water that is formed where freshwater mixes with saltwater?

What is hydroelectric power?

What is energy created by the flow of water?

What is a Cordillera?

What are parallel mountain ranges?

What is an altiplano?

What is another name for a high plane

What is an escarpment?

What is a cliff that dives into the ocean?

What is a gaucho?

What are Argentinan And Peruvian cowboys called?

What is a canopy?

What is a continuous layer of leaves?

Where are oil and natural gas found?

What are some of the most prominent resources in Venezuela and along the Gulf of Mexico?

What are indigenous people?

What are smaller populations of people called?

What are dialects?

What are different versions of the same language?

What is patois?

What is a blend of different languages?

What is urbanization?

What is it called when people move into the city?

What is the populated rim?

Where do most people live on continents?

What are megacities?

What're cities with 10,000,000 people?

What is A primate city?

What is an unproportionately large city?

What are glyphs?

What is another name for pictographs?

What is a quipu?

What is an ancient recording device?

What is chinampas?

What is a method of agriculture used in South America?

What are conquistadores?

What are Spanish conquerors?

What is a viceroy?

What is a ruler of a region run by conquistadors called?

What is a Caudillo?

What is a military or political leader in South America?

What is Syncretism?

What is the religion of English and Dutch


What is Malnutrition?

What is lack of proper food intake?

What is a mural?

What is a work of art painted directly on a wall?