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32 Cards in this Set

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1. Interpret the following blood gas values (assume sea level normals)
pH 7.48
PaC02 22 mmHg
HC03 16 mEq/L
Pa02 51 mmHg
Sa02 89%

A. compensated respiratory alkalosis with moderate hypoxemia
B. uncompensated metabolic alkalosis with moderate hypoxemia
C. partially compensated metabolic acidosis with mild hypoxemia
D. partially compensated respiratory alkalosis with moderate hypoxemia
2. Interpret the following blood gas sample from a patient on a cannula at 3 L/M assume sea level
pH 7.50
PaC02 29 mmHg
HC03 22 mEq/L
Pa02 69 mmHg
The patient's acid-base status reflects:

A. partially compensated respiratory alkalosis
B. partially compensated metabolic acidosis
C. uncompensated respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
D. uncompensated metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis
E. uncompensated respiratory alkalosis
3. Interpret the following blood gas values (assume sea level normals)
pH 7.49
PaC02 48 mmHg
HC03 37 mEq/L
Pa02 62 mmHg
Sa02 93%

A. uncompensated respiratory alkalosis with mild hypoxemia
B. partially compensated respiratory alkalosis with severe hypoxemia
C. partially compensated metabolic alkalosis with mild hypoxemia
D. compensated metabolic alkalosis with no hypoxemia
4. Interpret the following blood gas sample from a patient breathing room air in Albuquerque:
pH 7.47
PaC02 27 mmHg
HC03 19 mEq/L
Pa02 50 mmHg
The patient's acid-base status reflects:

A. compensated respiratory acidosis
B. partially compensated respiratory alkalosis
C. metabolic acidosis
D. compensated metabolic alkalosis
E. compensated metabolic acidosis
5. A Patient with a history of COPD has the following ABGs on room air (assume sea level)
pH = 7.38 PC02 = 50 HC03 = 29 p02 = 45
What is your interpretation.

A. Uncompensated respiratory acidosis because of the elevated PC02 and severe hypoxemia.
B. Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis because of the elevated bicarb (HC03) and mild hypoxemia.
C. Compensated metabolic alkalosis because of the normal pH, elevated bicarb, and elevated PC02 coupled with moderate hypoxemia.
D. Compensated respiratory acidosis because of the normal pH, elevated PC02, and elevated bicarb coupled with moderate hypoxemia.
6. The body is always trying to maintain _________, and the direction of the pH always tells you ___________.

A. slightly acidotic state..... direction of compensation
B. a normal pH ...... the primary problem
C. proper fluid balance ..... fluid loss or gain
D. electrolyte balance ..... whether the anion gap is high or low
E. the autonomic nervous system ...... the patients level of anxiety
7. Consider the following ABGs.
pH = 7.31
PaCO2 = 10mmHg
HCO3 = 5 mEq/L
The patient is __________because of a primary___________

A. alkalemic..... respiratory disorder
B. alkalemic..... metabolic disorder
C. acidemic..... respiratory disorder
D. acidemic..... metabolic disorder
8. A 22 year old man with aids presents to the ER of an Albuquerque hospital with 1 week history of cough and fever. SpO2 = 94% on room air. ABG results are:
pH: 7.45 PCO2: 20 PO2: 60 HCO3: 14
What is the correct acid base interpretation?

A. fully compensated metabolic acidosis
B. acute respiratory acidosis
C. fully compensated respiratory alkalosis
D. acute metabolic acidosis
E. none of the above
9. A characteristic of chronic respiratory failure that distinguishes it from acute
respiratory failure is the presence of:

A. increased PaC02
B. decreased pH
C. normal PaC02
D. increased HC03
E. decreased PaC02
10. A patient presents with a pH of 7.20 with no compensation. What will you expect to see in the other ABG values:

A. A decreased PC02 or increased bicarb (HCO3)
B. A decreased PC02 and a decreased bicarb (HC03)
C. An increased PC02 or a decreased bicarb (HC03)
D. An increased PC02 and an increased bicarb (HC03)
E. No change will occur until the body has time to compensate
11. The ratio of bicarbonate to carbonic acid in the blood plasma, which would
result in a pH of 7.4, is:

A. 1:1
B. 10:1
C. 50:1
D. 20:1
12. Please interpret the following ABGs drawn on room air at sea level.
pH = 7.48 pC02 = 30 HC03 = 23 p02 = 95

A. A respiratory alkalosis with normal oxygenation, because of the increased pH and decreased pC02. Patient probably increased his minute ventilation due the anticipation of pain.
B. A perfectly normal gas for sea level.
C. A respiratory acidosis with normal oxygenation, because of the increased pH and decreased pC02. Patient probably held his breath due to pain.
D. A metabolic alkalosis with normal oxygenation, because of the increased pH. The Patient may have vomited before the test.
13. For interpretation purposes a pH of 7.40 in arterial blood should be considered normal and:

A. A lower value is considered alkalotic while a higher value is acidotic.
B. Because of the body's buffering mechanism, will only change a few points either way no matter what the insult.
C. Any change in either direction can only be caused by hyperventilation or hypoventilation.
D. A lower value is considered acidotic while a higher value is alkalotic.
14.T he results of an ABG sample drawn while a patient is breathing room air, in Albuquerque
appear below
pH 7.19
PaC02 65 mmHg
HC03 24 mEq/L
Pa02 45 mmHg
The patient's acid-base status reflects:

A. mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
B. mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
C. uncompensated respiratory acidosis
D. partially compensated metabolic alkalosis
E. partially compensated respiratory acidosis
15. A patient diagnosed with Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis has an SaO2 = 92% on room air at rest. SaO2 drops to 86% while walking. Does this patient qualify for Medicare oxygen coverage?

A. No, the patient does not qualify because the room air SaO2 is above 90% at rest
B. No, the patient does not qualify because the room air SaO2 is above 80% at all times
C. Yes, the patient qualifies because the room air SaO2 drops below 88% with activity
D. Yes, the patient qualifies solely because the diagnosis is IPF
16. Home oxygen qualification includes which of the following;
I. SaO2 < 92%
II. PaO2 = <55 mmHg
III. diagnosis of severe primary lung disease
IV. PaO2 = 56-59 mmHg with secondary diagnosis of Cor Pulmonale
V. PaO2 = 88 mmHg under exercise stress

A. I, II & III
C. II, III & V
D. II, III, IV & V
17. Benefits of oxygen therapy for patients with COPD include which of the following;
I. improved exercise tolerance
II. improved cognitive processes
III. increased erythrocythemia
IV. decreased pulmonary hypertension
V. increasing cor pulmonale

A. I, III & V
B. II, IV & V
C. I, II & IV
D. II, III & I
18. Payment for the Respiratory Therapist taking care of the homecare patients is provided by:

A. the patient's insurance company
B. the DME company
C. the patient's family
D. the home health agency
19. Which of the following is false concerning homecare?

A. the DME company can not obtain a SpO2 to qualify a patient for homecare
B. a physician who owns a homecare company cannot refer patients to that company
C. a truck driver sets up routine oxygen therapy in the home
D. capitation means the insurance companies will pay out only a fixed amount per month
E. none of the above
20. Advantages of home liquid oxygen systems include all of the following except which one?

A. They do not require an O2 service delivery company
B. They usually include a small refillable portable subsystem
C. They are useful for rehabilitation activities
D. They provide large volume O2 storage in a small space
21. A peakflow meter gives a reasonably good estimation of:

A. the effort independent portion of the patient's airways
B. a restrictive process
C. the maximum voluntary ventilation
D. the maximum flow attained during a forced exhalation following a maximum inhalation
E. a and d
22. The pressure differential pneumotach works because

A. pressure drop through a resistive element is proportional to flow
B. a flow decrease through a resistive element is proportional to volume increase
C. volume is directly measured
D. resistance is variable in order to keep pressure constant
23. This device can be classified as a:

A. dry rolling seal
B. pneumotachometer
C. the typical mouthpiece for a volume displacement spirometer
D. an ultrasonic flow sensor
E. a mosquito zapper
24. The following is(are) (an) advantage(s) of the Fleisch or Silverman/Lilly pneumotach:
i. little calibration is necessary
ii. accurate at any flowrate
iii. small size
iv. is especially useful for helium dilution studies without any added equipment
v. requires only a "dry seal"

A. iii
B. i, ii, iii
C. i, iii, v
D. all of the above
E. iv, v
25. The results of an ABG sample drawn while a patient is breathing room air, in Albuquerque
appear below
pH 7.19
PaC02 65 mmHg
HC03 24 mEq/L
Pa02 45 mmHg
The patient's acid-base status reflects:

A. mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
B. mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
C. uncompensated respiratory acidosis
D. partially compensated metabolic alkalosis
E. partially compensated respiratory acidosis
26. Interpret the following blood gas sample from a patient breathing room air, in Albuquerque:
pH 7.47
PaC02 27 mmHg
HC03 19 mEq/L
Pa02 50 mmHg
The patient's acid-base status reflects:

A. compensated respiratory acidosis
B. partially compensated respiratory alkalosis
C. metabolic acidosis
D. compensated metabolic alkalosis
E. compensated metabolic acidosis
27. In an attempt to compensate for metabolic acidosis, a patient would most
likely have a (an):
A. increased respiratory rate.
B. decreased respiratory rate.
C. normal respiratory rate.
D. eupnea pattern of breathing.
28. Oxygen therapy can improve both longevity and quality of life.

A. true
B. true for quality of life only
C. false
D. true for longevity only
29. Which of the following devices CANNOT be used to measure a slow vital capacity

A. Wright respirometer
B. Pneumotach
C. water seal spirometer
D. peak flowmeter
30. What is the most likely interpretation of the following ABG (assume sea level)
pH - 7.0, PCO2 - 63 mmHg, PO2 - 44mmHg, HCO3 - 15 meq,

A. partially compensated metabolic acidosis with mild hypoxemia
B. acute respiratory acidosis with moderate hypoxemia
C. partially compensated respiratory acidosis with severe hypoxemia
D. combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis with moderate hypoxemia
E. classic venous sample from a normal person
31. The Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (NOTT) showed that hypoxic COPD patients:

A. who received continuous O2 lived longer than those receiving 12 hr of O2 per day
B. who received continuous O2 did not live any longer than those receiving 12 hr of O2 per day
C. will sleep soundly whether they get O2 or not
D. do better with liquid oxygen than a concentrator
32. The volumes measured by the Collins waterseal spirometer on graph paper during a PFT represent: