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83 Cards in this Set

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Abe Lincoln
Born in KY log cabin 1809
Married Mary
Thriving law practice in Springfiel IL
became president through hard work
John Deer
1837 patented strong steel plow that farmers called the singing plow
Leading plow manufacture more than 10 000 plows a yr by late 1850s
Cost of Federal Land
$1.25 per acre
millions couldnt afford $50 dollars for a 40 acre farm so squatted on unclaimed federal land
Samuel Morse
1844 persuasively demonstrated the potential of his telegraph by transmitting a series of dots and dashes that instantly conveyed an elctronic message along 40 miles of wire between Washington and Baltimore
entered at bottom of free labor ladder, difficult to move up
1.7 million immigrants between 1840 and 1860
brought by potato famine
3 of 4 domestic servants or laborers
1 day pay in US = weeks in ireland
3of4 immigrants from 1840 to 1860 Germany or Irish
1.4 mill were skilled tradesmen and families
left to escape deteriorating economic conditions and to seize easily found work for skilled artisans
group of NE writers that believed taht individuals shouldnt conform to the materialistic world or to some abstract notion of religion
would look at themselves for truth and guidance
emerson proclaimed the power of the solitary indivual was limitless
John Humphrey Noyes
Leader of Oneida, believed taht indiviuals who had achieved salvation were without sin
Organized Oneida community in NY in 1848 to practice "complex marriage"
sex permitted between any man and woman in community who had been saved
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
1848 ledd 100 reformers at Seneca Falls NY for the first womens rights convention
Seneca falls declaration listed the ways women had been discriminated against
Lucretia Mott
1848 ledd 100 reformers at Seneca Falls NY for the first womens rights convention
Seneca falls declaration listed the ways women had been discriminated against (with Stanton)
Frederick Douglass
former slave who lectured to reform audiences in North about cruelties of slavery
impatient with white abolitionaists appealst to the conscience of the white majority
supported equal rights for women
escaped slavery at 12
Seneca Falls
place in NY were the first womens rights convention occured
Harriet Tubman
escaped slavery in Maryland in 1849 and repeatedly risked her freedom to help other slaves excape
helped run underground railroad
John Quincy Adams
6th president 1825-1829
formulated monroe doctrine
proposed modernization and educational advancement, but didnt pass congress
Congressmaen leading opponent of slave power arguing that if a Civil War ever broke out the president could abolish slavery using war powers
Manifest Destiny
1845 NY journalist John O Sullivan coined term as the latest justification for white settlers to take land
o Sullivan an armchair expansionist but had passion for westward conquest
Called on Americans to resist any foreign powers that attempted to thwart the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent
Oregon Trail
Main route for wesward expansion
helped US implement Manifest Destiny
5-6 month journey spanned 1/2 continent and 2,170 miles west through lands that later became US
Eventually replaced by transcontinental railroad
Joseph Smith
1830 age 24 published Book of Mormon and founded mormon church
Angel led him to golden tablets that he translated with magic rocks
Stephen F. Austin
Father of Texas
1813 at 21 elected to the territorial Legislature of Missouri
contributions to Texas: long pilgrimages to Mexico on behalf of texas, unwillingness to counsel his people to fight the Mexican government as lang as any hope for peace remained, spoke words of encouragement and hope during the darkest days of the texas revolution
Sam Houston
US soldier
president of the Rep. of Texas 1836-38 1841-44
fought to gain Texan independence to make it part of US
slaveowner and opponent of abolitionism, refused because of his unionist convictions to swear loyalty tot the Confederacy, briniging his governership to an end
John Tyler
Governer of VA from 1808 to 1811
State Legislator 1811-16 1823-25
US Representative 1817-21
Unswerving states rights Democrat. Joined the condemnation of Andrew Jacksons in Florida and voted against the Missouri Compromise
1840 Tyler was chosen running mate to Whig candidate William Harrison, and waged "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" Tyler became president after Harrison died in office April 4 1841
James K. Polk
11th President 1845 1849
Represented Tennessee as Governor
Democrat, Served as Speaker of the House 35-39 and Governor prior to becoming president
noted for his foreign policy successes
Brough up as a Jeffersonian Democrat
Zachary Taylor
12th president
A popular hero, was nominated for President on the Whig ticket was elected and assumed office in 1849
joined army in 1808 became a captain in 1810 and promoted to major for his defense of Fort Harrison 1812 in War of 1812
Nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready"
Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers
Southern Boundaris of Texas
Mexico said Nueces
Texas said Rio Grande
Stephen Kearny
American general in the Mexican War
conquered New Mexico territory shortly after the outbreak of war with Mexico
served as military governor of Vera Cruz and Mexico City
Winfield Scott
US general, diplomant and presidential candidate (ran for Whigs and lost)
nicknamed Old Fuss and Feathers
commanded forces in the War of 1812, Mexican American War, Black Hawk War, Second Seminole War, and start of Civil War
Created the Anaconda Plan
Guadalupe Hidalgo
1848 agreement that settled the Mexican war, with Mecico yielding all of Texas, Arizona, Nevada California and Utah parts of New Mexico Colorado and Wyoming
US paid 15 mill and assumed Mexican debts worth 3.25 mill
Wilmot Proviso
1846 amendment to a bill put before the US Hour of Representatives during Mexican War
Provided $2 million to enable Pold to negotiate a territorial settlement with Mexico
forbid teh expansion of slavery into territory acquired during Mexican War
Nat Turner
slave who led rebellion in Southampton County Virginia
most remarakable instance of black resistance to enslavement in the antebellum southern US
deeply religious from childhood turner was a natural preacher and possessed some influence among local slaves
plotted revolt with a band of 60 followers
David Wilmot
US representative and senator
he was a lawyer and became a congressman Democrat Penn 1845-51
for an 1846 bill to appropriate money for settling war with Mexico drew up Wilmot Proviso
Wilmot Proviso defeated over the years and led to his losing the 1850 election
served as a judge 1851-61 and helped found the Republican Party in 1854
Appointed a senator 1861-63 he lost in the 1862 election ,last year Proviso finally passed, and Lincoln appointed him to the court of claims
Eli Whitney
Invented cotton gin in 1793
Four million
slave population by 1860
600% incfrease in 70yrs
George Fitzhugh
social theorist who published radical racial slavery based sociologial theories in teh antebellum era
argued that "the negro is but a grown up child"
said there was a need for the economic and soical protections of slavery
argued that factory workers had a harder life than slaves and that true capitalism was cruel tot eh leser groups of society
Black Baptist Church
slaves saw church as a safe haven allowed for fellowship and congregation gave them hope and was a freedom from slavery
begining about the time of the American revolution evangelicals began trying to convert slavs from their African beliefs
as many as 1/4 slaves claimed church memborship
most slaves created a from of religion all their own
The Family
slaves ha a culture of their own
grew primarily from slaves own commitment
no laws recognized their marriages
set up housekeeping and cabins of their own
sale of a slave can end or destroy married/family life
John Brown
may 24 1856 led 8 man antislavery posse against 5 proslavery men at Pottawatomie Kansas
October 16 1859 invaded Harpers Ferry Va. with 21 men 5 black
captured then hung on Dec 2 1859
Preson Brooks
Young SC member of the House
May 22 1856 entered the senate with a walking cane beat Sumner over the head with cane (known as Bleeding Sumner)
Resigned his seat but then reelected
Lecompton Constitution
pro slavery forces met in Lecompton drafted a proslavery constitution and applied for statehood
Buchanan instructed congress to admit Kansas as slave state Republicans denounced this Douglis came out against constitution because it violated popular sovereignty
Rejected bill 6to1 Kansas entered as free state
Dred Scot Decision
sued to prove him and family were free
unfair b/c chief justice Roger B Tarney hated republicans and detested racial equality
stated that he couldnt sue b/c he wasnt a citizen, his travels in free areas didnt make him free
Declared Missouri compromise unconstitutional
Congress had no right to exclude slavery
Harpers Ferry
Invaded Oct 16 1859
John Brown came with 21 men 5 blacks
seized towns armory and rifle works
Surrounded by local militia the Robert E. Lee
17 men 2 slaves died
Another 10 died who escaped (2 of Browns sons)
7 captured (including Brown)
1860 Election
Souther Democrats for John C. Breckinridge of KY
New Pary-Unionist were for John Crittenden of KY Republicans for Lincoln
North-Lincoln vs Douglas
South-Breckinridge vs. Bell
10 of 15 slave states Lincoln not on ballot
Lincoln had 18 of free states except NJ
He had 39% popular vote and won with 180 electoral votes 28 more than needed
Willial Lloyd Garrison
Favored what Brown did
Underground Railroad
Reaction to Fugitive Slave Act
Eah year a few 100 slaves would escape
Would find friendly northern conductors who would put them on the railroad
Railroad-secret stations on the way to Canada
Ft. Sumter
Occupied by Major Robert Anderson
Lincoln decided to hold the fort
Sent supplies first week of April
Left war/peace up to Jefferson Davis
April 12/13 33hrs of artillery fir reduced fort to rubble but no Union casualties
This meant war April 15 Lincoln called for 75,000 militia for 75 days to put down rebellion (more came to his aid)
Robert E Lee
From Va. Named command the Army of Northern Va.
Saved Richmond. Lost Battle of Gettysburg
Feb 1 1865 Lee abandoned Petersbug
April 9 1865 surrendered in a farm house near Appomattox courthouse
With Lee gone Confederates had no hope
Frederick Douglas
Runaway from Md
1845 published his autobiography
1847 Northstar antislavery newspaper
South Carolina
Dec 20 1860 seceded from Union
Only state that voted overwhlmingly for secession
Shermans troop eyed it during Civil War
Bull Run
a branch of the Potomac River
Union engaged Rebs on July 21
Rebs countered... Union and Confederates learned valuable lessesn
2nd Bull Run Lee sent Pope running
McClellan engaged Lee here on Sep 17 1862
Union soldier found Lees plans. 6,000 dead 17,000 wounded bloodiest day
McClellan failed to renew attack so Lincoln fired him
Lee had 75,000 men invaded Penn. met Meade
3 day battle July 3 Lee ordered major assault on Union center Cemetery Ridge
Massacre for the South
Lee lost 1/3 his army
Turning point of the war
George B McClellan
replaced McDowell
1862 took army of 130,000 to Richmond took him 2.5 months to travel 63 miles
6 miles away when attacked by Joseph Johnson
7day battle McClellan lost 30,000
Lincoln replaced him with Pope
Reb stronghold stood between Union forces and controled Mississippi river
Terrain made it impossible to attack from north, Grant marched down western swampy bank of Mississippi marched 100 miles then attacked the city
Starved out the enemy citizens took refuge in the caves to aboid cannons ate mules and rats
July 4 1863 30,000 rebs surrendered
Ullysses S. Grant
Union General whose strategy was annihilation and played on the Norths superior manpower
Jefferson Davis
Confederacy President whose goal was to establish the Confederacy as an independent Republic
William Tecumseh Sherman
Grants successor to the western Union armies, led the March to teh Sea
one of the Souths main industrial centers and railroad center
Merrimac and Monitor
2 ironclad warships fought eachother but couldnt penetrate armor Merrimac Reb Monitor Union
Emancipation Proclamation
Freed slaves in rebellion states and annonounce Govs use of african american soldiers
Andrew Johnson
Republican vp candidate for 1864 election. took over after lincoln killed
John Wilkes Booth
killed lincoln
10% plan
ag. tax of 10% on southern fafrms
Legal Tender Acto of 1862
created national currency of paper money in the north the money was often called greenbacks
US Sanitary Commission
civilian organization that bought and distributed clothing food and medicine and recruited drs and nurses
stuck strictly constitution
March to the Sea
Shermans plan for invasion of GA which would divide Rebs in 2
Southoern POW camp in GA
Election of 1864
first wartime election in US history Lincoln vs McClellan lincoln won by a landside of 212 to 21 votes
Denmark Vesey
free black carpenter in Charlestown accused of planning to storm the city arsenal kill any whites in his way and set fire to the city. He was executed
Black Belt
term of region in US dominated by slaves and slave power, TX LA MISS AL GA FL SC
Franklin Pierce
Democratic nominee from NH he had sympathy with southern views on public issues won election of 1852
James Buchanaan
Democratitc nominee from Penn.
for popular sovereignty and portrayed Republicans as extremist b/c they supported Wilmot Proviso
Whig Party
basically gone after election of 1852 b/c had both north and south supporters and couldnt keep both happy
became a southern dominated party after 1854 dominate party. Had to avoid the expansion of slavery immigrants tended to be domocratic
Compromise of 1850
Cal would become a free state NM UT would be decided by popular sovereignity. Texas accepted NM boundary and recieved $10 mill. Ended slave trade in DC. Fugitive slave law became stricter
Fugitive Slave Law
When a slave escaped tot eh North a slave owner could come into the free state and bring them back but had to swear infront of commisioner if commisioner agreed he got $10 if he let the slave free he got $5
Popular Sovereignty
Settlers who settled the western territories got to decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery or not. Had to write it in the local gov. First come first serve principal
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stove wrote it exposed the sin of slavery. Influenced more northerners against slavery. Southerners viewed book as slander
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Divided Nebraska into two: Nebraska west of Free state of Iowa and Kansas west of the slave state Missouri
Gadsden Purchase
1853 Pierce sent James Gadsen to purchase 30,000 square miles for 15 mill. territory is south of the Gila River
Made the transcontinental railroad controversey
Stephen Douglas
wanted a transcontinental railroad from Chicago. Passed the Kansas Nebraska Act and repealed the Missouri Compromise
Know Nothing Pary (American Party)
No immigrants
Succesor to Whigs
Influential in Massachussetts
Republican Party
Combo of Whigs Free Soilers Nabraska Democrats and Know Nothings. Tried to stop expansion of slavery
John C Fremont
Republican candidate for the 1856 election. Wife knew politics better than him. Lost Election
Bleeding Kansas
the border war, was a sequence of violent events involving Free Soilers and Border Ruffians elements that took place in Kansas Territory and the western frontier towns of the US state of Missouri between 1854 and 1858 attempting to influence whether Knasas would be a free or slave state.