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65 Cards in this Set

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Title- Great Pyramids of Giza

Period Date- Old Kingdom 2,500- 2,400 BCE

Location- Egypt Old kingdom

Material- Ben-ben stone and limestone that catches the light in order to appear and give a shinning sensation

Context/Meaning- the art and architecture of this time went according to the KA (the soul afterlife). these people had idealized standards of what this could look like the art in order for the KA to recognize the body otherwise there would be no afterlife

- the temple was inverted and slopped

- the axis mundi- was the spiritual realm or place to experience the spiritual world

Title- Bent Pyramid

Location- Egypt

Date- 2,600 BCE

Context/Meaning- this was a stepping stone in the context or architecture from this time

- went from: mastabas ->bent-> pyramid

- they then transformed to the pyramid that shows the rays of the sun or relates to the Ra god

- in the middle of these two forms almost there but not quite accurate

- it was bent so not aesthetically pleasing


- this means strangers or mysterious man

- the lion and Khare as Hu (creator deity from sun)

- carved from natural outgoing or sandstone

- this is 65 ft high

- in situ from limestone

- the subtractive method of carving away material is used here

- situ means that this limestone rock was already located there

- he wears the cobra headdress to show the symbol of the Faroh

- near the necropolis and the nile river which involved a lot of land

0 wanted people to see the power of the Faroh all over

Title- Seated Statue of Khafre from Oiza temple

Date- 2,500 BCE

Period- Old Kingdom

Material- made from Diorite- this material is made to last showing that he is important powerful. he is immortal due to the material much like a god

Context/ Meaning- this is related to the seated scribe statue

- a KA statue is the seated statue of Khafre

- he is a king like figure and of higher status

- his should would only inhabit this statue if it recognized it

- the scribe is on the floor whereas Khafre is seated or enthroned

- only an idealized for of the faro

- this throne shows the status or power of the Faroh

- his status is way more elevated

- he also wheres a cobra headdress which shows and is the symbol of the Faroh

- he has the false beard that they all wear as well this was often jeweled to show power

- both men are wearing kilts of some sort the usual dress

- beard is a symbol of status and knowledge

- the hieroglyphics that are below on the throne of the faroh are important

- the symbols are pointing towards him to show that all around and looks at him

- the language is important and they can manipulate this and change the depiction of the symbol

-they were orderly and very responsible wanting the throne and the power and rule of the Faroh to be characterized in the same way as the words are

- posture of the body is key in both men

-the scribe is seated and relaxed where the Faroh is seen as upright and rigid this is an idealized version and very sturdy

- the scribe is seated in a naturalistic way showing he is common man

- the feet position is important as well: the faroh has hi feet planted on the ground showing stability

- the scribe has his feet crossed which is a sign of respect and shows that he is of lower status and feeling less aggressive

- the hands are also key points to this- the seated man hold his pen and Khafre holds a staff of some sort which is power or a working tool like a crook to show that he produces food and all life for his people


idealized= naturalistic and sylized a combination of the two

- his body is bilaterally symmetrical which shows balance

- horus is behind him hugging him in a sense which shows divinity

- built to last and created from a stone that is very strong it is stronger and heavier than the limestone that the seated scribe was put on

- with horus this shows the Faroh on earth

- he is enthroned in a throne

- the lotus is on this as well but stylized- this is a symbol of lower egypt

- they are located near the water on the nile

- rebirth as a symbol because the plant grows without soil a sense of the supernatural which also connectst to Khafre

- the flower closes at night and opens in the morning

- the rebirth and fertility cycle

- payrus is upper egypt

Title- Menkaure and Queen from Giza temple

Date- 2,400 BCE

Period- Old Kingdom

Material- Greywacke

- this is for the Ka of these two

- essential question: How are they presented and what can be said about gender?

- she needs to hold onto him for support

- they are both idealized

-her stomach has more flab then his showing that she is feminine

- they are both super simple but there are gender distinctions

- there is less softness in his form

- they are both the same height suggests they are equals

- the legs have balanced weight

- she is covering herself showing that she is physically being protective but also she wears a long thinner dress where he wears a kilt

- he wears the Faroh cobra headdress

- she wear a more simple headdress

- the male is a step further along and she is leaning on him for spiritual support

- he is seen as very powerful the stance that he holds is one of strength

- his bigger step he is more confident and agressive where she is more shy and modest

- hand of male woud have been holding tools to show he produces for his country

- the woman has her hands on him showing that her power is with him

-the women are dressed to be protected from gaze

- men= red color from being out women= white purity and opression

- the male body was more respected

- wanted all the people to be right handed becase they liked stability and order

canon of proportions

- were not allowed to be creative this was seen as sinful because there was the possibilty the Ka would not recognize and then there would be no after life

- they needed to be precise

- much like a rosetta stone

- idealized verison of reality was conventional

- based on a grid with 19 equal units

- one unit measure was for the sole of the foot

- naval on the 11th unit

- four to the ankle

- lef and face are depicted in profile while the torso is seen from front view



life and victory

- usually masculine and the sun lie vitality


- the sky, wave, the nile river and the primeval flood

- creation and rebirth and fertility life giving power


color of the underworld and night

- the underworld was great in their minds

- usually they see the sil around the nile when it is flooded as black

- this shows the nutrients of life and fertility *rebirth


purity, spirtuality, omnipotence, women


like osiris

- new growth, new health, life

Title- Great temple of Amun Ra at Karnak

Date- 1500-1250 BCE

Period- New Kingdom

- Karnak was the god of the sun

- the temple is complex and walled over a mile long

- looks very fortified

- wants to last these forever

- sphnix line the walls and walk ways as guardian figures

- built over 100 years

- built on the axial plan

- one mile can divide it to an axis line and seem line mirrors

- dots are the columns

- one entrance this is completely closed off

- only the preist or Pharoh would have access to the hypostyle wall

- every surface in relief either low or high

- all these things were painted


and eternal, everlasting fortress

axial plan

bilateral symmetry along a single axis from the entrance

- entrance -> through court -> hypostyle hall -> sanctuary

hypostyle hall

- roof supported by columns and only had stone huge- had to support stone

- there were stories of gods Pharaohs

- Pharoh was the divine and huge and the people were so small made to feel that way - overwhelmed by the huge structures by Pharohs power

- the windows were directly under the roof


windows that were right under the roof

- they were intended to let light in

- god is manifested as light

- also to let air in

- opening windows or vents

- no cement needed precise cutting and jointing of masonry without mortar

- they would cut so precisely and movie together


gateway into the inner section of the temple

- in acient egypt usually monumental slopped gateways


- tall four sided narrow momunment with a pyramid on the top

- this is often times a megalith

-represents the petrified ray of the sun at the top

- the king emerged from the pylon with the sun risisng above

- the washington momument is an example of this

- this is classical architecture

- shows the birth of the country

- the capitals have stylized and vegitive capitals either lotus ( lower) papyrs ( upper)


hypostyle definition

on hall full of columns


multiple columns in a row


the top of the column


is the body of the column

Title- Hapshepsuts Mortuary Temple

Period- New Kingdom

Date- 1400 BCE

- married the Pharoh her brother she had a child the king died and she did not want the young child gettting all the power at a young age

- she is appointed as regiont to help the child ( Senemut)

- she gets the advisors to conspire and says that she will pay them well with riches

- she calls herself Pharaoh

- she wears the cobra headdress

- the plan is central and axsis plan

- the architecture is by Senemut

-she shapes earth as her temple

- on the ouside all painted and brightly colored

- she controls gardens and the natural world and therefore has all these gardens to show that she controls the natural world

- this shows increasing confidence

-she calls herself Pharoh although she is the queen

- the rock cut tomb is the material

- cut into the rock

-colonnaded terraces serval with all the gardens

- over 200 sculptures of Hatshepsut

- this is a message to her people puts all these messages

- she has to convince them of her power and rule because she knew what they would say about a female Pharaoh

Title- Seated Hatshepsut

Date- 1400 BCe

Place- Egypt

- looks like the Pharoh

- she is wearing the cobra headdress and sits on a throne

- she has breasts much like a women would

- she wears a long dress

- not a kilt which is the traditional male outfit

- she has to convince her people

- makes a myth that her father was Amun Ra and impregnates her mother Ahmose

- she is the favorite choosen to be Pharoh

- the Ka statue is all alone

- she has a beard and a headdress

- political reasons

- he breats are almost gone

- shorter skirt than the normal women dress

- her hands are more open not protective like the queen

- she asserts her power through her dress it was a symbol

- women are always associated with the triangle

Title- Kneeling Statue of Hapshepsut

Date- 1460 BCE

Material- 8ft of Granite

- women faces look younger

- want to be in the glory of youth

-making offerings with beared and all

- hard stone that was intended to last forever

- the headdress, regal staffs, crook and flail to produce for the people, coridnate with the gods and weather, flase beard, skirt, stylized cross armed, sphynix form

- wants to be like all other men nothing radical

- face looks younger because she wants to be in the glory of youth

- making offerings with beard and all

- hard sotne intended to last forever


outside face of a building


coming from the word atlas and this is a male figure that acts as a column that holds up the building

Title- Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and 3 daughters

Period- New Kingdom technically but the Amarna period

material- limestone

technique- sunken relief

date- 1350 BCE

context/meaning- his father is the sun in the form of a disk this represents his family and his father and mothers family

- Aton- the idea of monotheism was presented to them during this time

-Wants Ra to be the single and eliminates all the others, takes the capital and moves it to Amarma

- he gets rid of the canon of proportions

- he makes all the art look different everything is softer and curvier

- more feminine like

they look like aliens

- they think this is maybe because of incest so the features are different, or maybe because everything was being changed- so they break down the egyptian past and make a new standard of beauty

-they felt alone with all these new cahnges

- all images of him are scratched out and ignored because he was not liked very much because he was so different

Title- Akhenaton sculpture

Date- 1350 BCE

Period- New Kingdom Armana

- he is radical, monotheism, curvy, elongated, feminine, stoic, out of proportions, eyes are more almond shaped, skirt more detailed, arms crossed for protection but also authority, headdress is different

- sylization

Title- Death mask of Tutankhamen innermost coffin

Period- New Kingdom

Date- 1300's BCE

- he is the son of these two

- innermost all the coffins

- closest to the pharohs body and actual skin

- respresent how the divine would be

Title- Inner coffin of Tutankhamens sarcophagus

Date- 1300 BCE

material- wood platted in gold, lapis lazuli blue stone

- some egyptians believed gods had skin of gold, bones of sliver, hair was made of lapis lazuli

divine form and also carrying a crook and flail

- vulture is the symbol of the sky and the underworld because he eats all the dead

serpent- the underworld and underground

Title- Last judgement of Hu- Nefer

Date- 1275 BCE

Period- new kingdom

- known as the books of the dead

- tjey are the payrus scrolls

- this goes to the tombs of all the elite egyptians

- this is an animation that is telling a story

- osiris is in the corner over looking all

-this shows this is about the underworld which is seen as a positive thing then

-this is part of a religious ritual and act

-weigh the ka and the feather of Mat the god

- she is the goddess of justice, law, order, fairness, and righteousness

- the ka is embodied in your heart

- will want to be in perfect balance with Maat

- judgement ritual

- underworld percieved as a good thing and very oderly

- all the people above siitn in rows and waiting

- if not the hybrid beast would eat you Ammit which is a crocodile and beast

- death is a gateway to the afterlife

step pyramid

uses flat platforms architecturally, goes from the ground up


guardian figure, womens head and a lions body

painted relief

a wall that has paint on it

canon of proportions

general law or rule by which something is judged

-the egyptians would use this rule

- 19 units to top of head 11 to the naveal and a unit for the foot


ruler in the ancient egyptian times

formulation of stance

the stance is usually not in all the feet but the weight is shifted. The steps and feet position is super important

- stability


column with a pyramid on the top


symbol of lower egypt and a flower that is found near the nile a lot of the time


symbol of the upper empty

optical relatity

those images that differ from reality, why they call them an optical illusion

conceptual reality

is the stated version of reality


stonned coffin with sculture or inscription on the top that is for the KA

Funerary Mask

they are related to the dead and the dead spirits and keep a relationship with the mask and spiritual world in order to reach the KA why it needed to look idealized so the KA recognized


is the godess of justice and fairness

Feather of Maat

needs to be in balance with the KA in order to go to the underworld which was a place that was seen as a good thing

Amun/ Amen Ra

the sun god


a row of columns that are next to one another


are the tops of columns


with the canine head assocaited with the afterlife and mummification process

Hypostyle Hall

under the pillars, where the roof rests on pillars

Karnak gives good example of this


upper part containing a window that is to let in light god and air


upright structure used for support or navagational guidance


face or side of the building

Rock Cut tomb

they cut into the tomb and use the rock that is already there

crook and flail

these are symbols of power and production. the pharaoh can provide for all his people

Armana Style/ period

the style is different because everything was changing under Akhenaton

- changed locations of the capital to armana

- the faces and head more alien looking

- really the new kingdom period 1300

sunken relief

the wall is carved in or diverted

books of the dead

this relates to the last judgement of Hu- Nefer

- they were images that told a narrative

ben ben stone

top stone of the egyptian pyramid


used to make cement this is a hard stone.

old kingdom

2500 BCE

New Kingdom

1500 BCE