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99 Cards in this Set

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Absolute refractory period

The minimum length of time after an action potential during which another action potential cannot begin.

Action potential

A brief change in a neuron's electrical charge.


An inherited characteristic that increased in a population (through natural selection) because it helped solve a problem of survival or reproduction during the time it emerged.

Adoption studies

Research studies that assess hereditary influence by examining the resemblance between adopted children and both their biological and their adoptive parents.

Afferent nerve fibers

Axons that carry information inward to the central nervous system from the periphery of the body.


A chemical that mimics the action of a neurotransmitter.


A chemical that opposes the action of a neurotransmitter.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

The system of nerves that connect to the heart, blood vessels, smooth muscles, and glands.


Along, thin fiber that transmits signals away from the neuron cell body to other neurons, or to muscles or glands.

Central nervous system (ANS)

The brain and the spinal chord.

Cerebral cortex

The convoluted outer layer of the cerebrum.

Cerebral hemispheres

The right and left halves of the cerebrum.

Cerebrospinal fluid

The fluid in and around the brain and spinal cord that protects the central nervous system.


Threadlike strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules that carry genetic information.

Corpus callosum

The structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres.

Critical period

A limited time span in the development of an organism when it is optimal for certain capacities to emerges because the organism is especially responsive to certain experiences.


Branchlike parts of a neuron that are specialized to recieve information.

Dominant gene

A gene that is expressed when paired genes are heterozygous (different).

Efferent nerve fibers

Axons that carry information outward from the central nervous system to the periphery of the body.

Electrical stimulation of the brain(ESB).

Sending a weak electric current into a brain structure to stimulate (activate) it.

Electroencephalograph (EEG)

A device that monitors the electrical activity of the brain over time by means of recording electrodes attached to the surface of the scalp.

Endocrine system

A group of glands that secrete chemicals into the bloodstream that help control bodily functioning.


Chemical inhibiting the transmission of pain, often experienced during exercise, i.e. "runner's high"; discovered in 1970s when trying to find out how opiates were (morphine, heroin); "endorphins" is a pharmacological (drug/med) term.


A neurotransmitter used by neurons in the PNS and CNS in the control of functions ranging from muscle contraction and heart rate to digestion and memory.


The reproductive success (number of descendants) of an individual organism relative to the average reproductive success of the population.


The largest and most complicated region of the brain, encompassing a variety of structures, including the thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, and cerebrum.

Dizygotic twins

Often called fraternal twins, occuring when two eggs each get fertilized by two different sperm, resulting in two zygotes in the uterus at the same time.


DNA segments that serve as the key functional units in hereditary transmission.

Genetic mapping

The process of determining the location and chemical sequence of specific genes on specific chromosomes.


A person's genetic makeup.


Cells found throughout the nervous system that provide various types of support for neurons.


A neurotransmitter that is associated with Parkinson's disease (too little of it) and schizophrenia (too much of it).


The most important of the male sex hormones. Both males and females have it, but the additional testosterone in males stimulates the growth of the male sex organs in the fetus and the development of the male sex characteristics during puberty.

Twin studies

Studies in which the traits of identical and fraternal twins are compared in order to assess the influence of heredity.

Myelin sheath

A layer of fatty tissue; enables vastly greater transmission speed of neural impulses as the impulse hops from one node to the next.

Relative refractory period

A period after firing when a neuron is returning to its normal polarize state and will only fire again if the incoming message open parentheses impulse) is stronger than usual; returning to arresting state.

Synaptic vesicles

Tiny oval-shaped sacs in a terminal of one neuron; assist in transferring mineral impulse from one neuron to another neuron by releasing specific neurotransmitters.

All-or-None Law

Neural Impulses either Fire or don't fire. There is no Half-Fire.
-A faster Rate of transmission means a stronger Stimulus

Heterozygous condition

The situation that occurs when two genes in a specific pair are different.


The part of the brain that includes the cerebellum and two structures found in the lower part of the brainstem: the medulla and the pons.

Homozygous condition

The situation that occurs when two genes in a specific pair are the same.


The chemical substance released by the endocrine glands.

Monozygotic twins

Identical twins

Inclusive fitness

The sum of an individual's own reproductive success plus the effects the organism has on the reproductive success of related others.


Destroying a piece of the brain.

Limbic system

A densely connected network of structures roughly located along the border between the cerebral cortex and deeper subcortical areas.


The segment of the brain stem that lies between the hindbrain and the forebrain.

Mirror neurons

Neurons that are activated by performing an action or by seeing another monkey or person perform the same action.

Natural selection

Principle stating that heritable characteristics that provide a survival reproductive advantage are more likely than alternative characteristics to be passed on to subsequent generations and thus come to be "selected" over time.


Bundles of neuron fibers (axons) that are routed together in the peripheral nervous system.


The formation of new neurons in the brain.


Individual cells in the nervous system that receive, integrate, and transmit information.


Chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another.

Parasympathetic division

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that generally conserves bodily resources.

Perceptual asymmetrics

Left-right imbalances between the cerebral hemispheres in the speed of visual or auditory processing.

Peripheral nervous system(PNS)

Consists of the nerves that carry messages away from the brain and the spinal chord. (subdivided into somatic and autonomic nervous systems).


The ways in which a person's genotype is manifested in observable characteristics.

Pituitary gland

The "master gland" of the endocrine system; it releases a great variety of hormones that fan out through the body, stimulating actions in the other endocrine glands.

Polygenic traits

Characteristics that are influenced by by more than one pair off genes.

Postsynaptic potential (PSP)

A voltage change at the receptor site on a postsynaptic cell membrane.

Recessive gene

A gene whose influence is masked by when paired genes are different (heterozygous).

Resting potential

The stable, negative charge of a neuron when it is inactive.


A process in which neurotransmitters are sponged up from the synaptic cleft by the presynaptic membrane.


The cell body of a neuron; it contains the nucleus and much of the chemical machinery common to most cells.

Somatic nervous system

The system of nerves that connect to voluntary skeletal muscles and to sensory receptors.

Split-brain surgery

A procedure in which the bundle of fibers that connects the cerebral hemispheres (the corpus callosum) is cut to reduce the severity of epileptic seizures.

Sympathetic division

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes the body's resources for emergencies.


A junction where information is transmitted for one neuron to the next.

Synaptic cleft

The gap between the terminal button of one neuron and the cell membrane of another neuron.

Terminal buttons

Small knobs at the ends of axons that secrete chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

A technique that permits scientists to temporarily enhance or depress activity in a specific area of the brain.


A one-celled organism formed by the union of a sperm and an egg.


- Produced in the hypothalamus
- Part of the limbic system
- Consistently involved in all forms of love
- Coats brain during the first 90 days of love
- Risk takers get a rush of oxytocin


studies the function of a single neuron

absolute refractory period

The minimum length of time after an action potential during which another action potential cannot begin.

Receptor sites

A location on a receptor neurons which is like a key to a lock (with a specific nerve transmitter); allows for orderly pathways.


A neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.


Helps control alertness and arousal


Excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory

CT Scan

A series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles and combined by computer into a composite representation of a slice through the body (also called a CAT scan).


The large structure of the brain occupying most of the cranial cavity, divided into two cerebral hemispheres that are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. It controls and integrates motor, sensory and higher mental functions, such as thought, reason, emotion and memory.


AKA rewards center...maintenance activities: eating, drinking, body and temperature;
it governs the endocrine system via the pituitary gland and is linked to emotion


Contains centers for the control of vital processes, including respiration and cardiovascular functions. It also is involved in the coordination of eye movements and balance.

Broca's area

In the frontal lobe, in the left hemisphere; directs muscle movements involved in speech.

Wernicke's area

In the left temporal lobe; involved in language comprehension and expression.


Part of the limbic system; involved in memory.


voluntary movement and balance


sensory switchboard

Reticular Formation

A nerve network that plays a role in controlling arousal.


heartbeat and breathing


part of the limbic system; linked to emotion, especially fear and anger

PET Scan

A visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task.

Charles Darwin

English naturalist, the father of Evolutionary Psychology, proposed the scientific theory that he called natural selection.

Alan Hodgkin&Andrew Huxley

studied neural impulses by implanting microelectrodes into squid axons

James Olds and Peter Milner

discovered that a rat would press a lever repeatedly because they were getting a pleasure center stimulation

Candace Pert and Solomon Snyder

discovered that morphine has its effects because it binds to specialized receptors in the brain

Robert Plomin

leading behavioral genetics researcher, heredity and experience are related (nature vs. nurture)

Rodger Sparry and Michael Gazzaniga

first to study split-brain research, patients whose cerebral hemispheres had been disconnected

Elizabeth Gould

conducted groundbreaking research showing how the brain continues to create neurons throughout life