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29 Cards in this Set

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Self feeders

Phototrophic autotrophs

Use CO2 as carbin source, obtain energy from the sun

Site of photosynthesis



Double membrane wrapped around stoma


Form the thylakoid membrane system

Long wave length =

Low energy

Short wavelength

High energy

Electromagnetic spectrum

Visible light, red lowest energy, violet highest

What are pigments

Absorb various wavelengths of visible light

What colors do chlorophyll absorb

Violet, blue, and red light

Chlorophyll A

Main photosynthetic pigment

Chlorophyll B

Other pigments absorb light energy & transfer it to chlorophyll A


Absorb violet & blue, reflect red, orange, and yellow

Less abundant in green leaves


Reflect red & blue, found in red algae and cyanobacteria

Light dependent reactions

-Occur in the grana

-Pigments absorb light and give up e-

-ATP & NADPH are formed to run the light independent

-pigments that give up e- get replacements through splitting water


Hundreds of pigment molecules

Absorb photons & this causes one of their electrons to jump levels

How is ATP produced?

-Through chemiosmosis

-When water splits H- in thylakoid flow into stroma through ATP synthase and ATP is produced

Other names for light independent reactions

Calvin cycle, C3 pathway, dark reactions

Light Independent Reactions

-Occurs in stroma of chloroplasts

-Fixes CO2 into PGAL and then into glucose

Alternate photosynthetic pathways

C3: calvin cycle, light independent reaction

C4: happens in regions with higher temperatures, stomata must close to save water

CAM: found in extremely hot and dry environments, open stomata at night

C4 process

First product is 4 carbon compound

1. Mesophyll cells fix CO2 into oxaloacetate

2. Oxaloacetatevis transferred to bundle sheath cells around the leaf vein, CO2 is released and fixed again in the C3 pathway

CAM process

Open stomata at night and fix CO2 at night

Intermediate is stored in central vacuole for next day

Breaking down glucose

1. Glycolysis: glucose—>2pyruvic acid+2NADH+4ATP

2. Aerobic pathway: pyruvic acid loses CO2 and becomes acetyl CO-a

a. Acetyl CoA enters krebs and.

Joins with 4-C to make citric acid

3. Transport system: electrons carried by NADH & FADH2 enter the system and ATP is formed by chemiosmosis

Whats the role of oxygen is aerobic respiration?

To accept electrons and hydrogen ions and thevend of the e- transport system

Anaerobic respiration

Occurs when a cell obtains energy from the breakdown of food molecules in the absence of oxygen

Alcoholic fermentation

Cells convert pyruvatee formed in glycolysis into ethyl alcohol

Lactic acid fermentation

In muscle cells of higher animals, muscles use O2 rapidly bc energy requirements are high

1. H accumulates and pyruvic acid formed in glucolysis is converted to lactic acid


Degradative reactions


Synthetic reactions