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32 Cards in this Set

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What started the French and Indian War?

It was the land dispute over the Ohio River Valley

Why was Washington's attack at the Battle of Trenton a surprise?

Army didn't fight over the winter

What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763?

Britain is recognized as an independent world power

What was the Stamp Act? How was it protested?

First tax that was protested through protesting

Why were the Townshend Acts repealed?

Due to widespread protests and boycotting

Why was the Battle of Saratoga important?

Mark as a turning point in the war

What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts?

Punishment for the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party

What was the Declaration of Rights and grievances?

List of 27 complaints against the British government

What happened during the Boston Massacre?

Colonists were taunting British soldiers and soldiers fired into the crowd killing four people

What was the king's response to the Olive Branch Petition?

He refused to look at it and declare the colonies as enemies

What replaced the Stamp Act?

The declaratory act

What advantages did the colonists have

Outstanding leadership economic aid from France and moral advantages

What disadvantages did the colonists have?

Weapons and money

What was the response to Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

It encouraged a lot of colonists and sold over a hundred thousand copies in the month

What did the Sons and Daughters of Liberty do?

The sons throw tea in the Boston Harbor and repeal the Tea Act. The daughters made their own clothes.

Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the Virginia Plan?

Throw away the Articles of Confederation

Who was the Federalist? The Anti-Federalist?

Federalist supported the Constitution. Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?

Explain what the Constitution was and how it worked

What was added to the Constitution to gain more support?

Bill of Rights

What powers did the congress not have under the Articles of Confederation?

Congress couldn't impose taxes or regulate trade

What was Jay's Treaty?

Negotiate a settlement to avoid war

What was pinckney's treaty?

The US negotiated with Spain to allow free access to the Mississippi River

How many terms did Washington serve?


What happened during the Whiskey Rebellion?

Western farmers rebelled over tax on Whiskey and Washington order 15 thousand troops to keep them from protesting.

Why was separation of powers important?

All branches are equal

What did Shays Rebellion show the leaders of the government?

The articles are weak

Why was Shays Rebellion important?

Encourage them to replace the articles

What was the colonial response to the new British taxes and stronger control of the colonies?

Boycott and protest

What was the response to the Stamp Act?


What was the debate surrounding slavery when the Constitution was written? what was the solution?

Over representation of slaves so there is a 35 compromise

What was the Great Compromise?

There will be two houses plus a senate