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28 Cards in this Set

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height of wave measured from origin to peak


distance between successive crest of a wave


how fast the wave oscillates up and down

wave speed

light that moves through space at a constant speed (c=3.00*10^8m/s)

Uncertainty Principle (Heisenburg)

You cannot 100% determine where the electron is/is going

what does electron configuration tell us about the atom?

the distribution among orbitals

Aufbau principle

You have to go from the lowest energy to the highest energy. Start at the bottom and make your way up.

Hund's Rule

Fill each orbital seperately first, before going back and pairing up.

Paulie's Exclusion Principle

No 2 electrons in an atom can have identical quantum number

Why do electrons occupy equal energy orbitals singly before beginning to pair up in two?

repulsion forces of like charges

Excited state

when electrons jump up

ground state

when electrons are resting, are @ lowest energy

valence electrons

electrons s & p

when can 2 electrons occupy the same orbital?

if they have opposite spins

which part of a bunsen burner gives you a blue flame?

"window" or air valve

in bohr's atom model where are electrons and protons located?

electrons move around the protons which are in the center of the atom

shape of 3p atomic orbital?


maximum number of d orbitals in a a principal energy level


maximum number of electrons in second principal energy level?


what types of orbitals are in the third principle level?

s, p, & d

when does emission of light from an atom occur?

when an electron drops from a higher to lower energy level

what is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

llamda (h)= c/v or v= c/llamda(h)

How to convert from m to nm


nm to m


Planck's Theory

restriction on the amounts of energy that an object emits or absorbs

Equation for energy?


what does h=?

h=6.6262x10^-34 J*s


the electromagnetic energy that is emitted during the fall of an atom back to its ground state