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72 Cards in this Set

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Explain how the naval theories of Alfred Thayer Mahan contributed to American imperial theory

"All great nations need a great navy"

Need to protect American shores and sea ports for trade

Why did American's consider the Spanish American war a "splendid little war"?

Only 3 months long, few casualties, and we gained a host of new territories overseas

Explain the American interest in Cuba in the 1890's

We supported the Cuban Revolt because we were upset by Spanish misrule

Explain how the Spanish Federal Weyler's policies in Cuba contributed to American sympathy for the Cuban people

He had a gorilla policy that separated the revolutionists and sent them to concentration camps (bad conditions)

Describe the contribution of the sensationalist press to the pressure of the U.S. government to declare war on Spain

Usually fictional, inaccurate stories of brutal and horrendous acts of treachery happening in Spain's control

Describe McKinley's attempt to resist pressure to go to war against Spain

He knew what war was like so he tried to convince Spain to make concessions

Explain the intent of the Teller Amendment

To set up rules for what would happen to Cuba after the war. No aquisition of Cuba, but we'd still have control over some aspects of it

Explain the long-term consequences of Commodore Dewey's seizure of the Philippine Islands

The Philippines become independent

Identify the leader of the Filipino resistance movement

Emilio Aguinaldo

general macario sacay?...

Explain why president McKinley ordered the USS Maine to Havana's harbor

To protect the Americans/fight off Cubans

Describe the provisions of the 1901 Platt Amendment as they applied to Cuba

Prohibited Cuban government from entering into any international treaty that would compromise Cuban independence or allow foreign powers to use the island for military purposes; demanded Cuban government implement plans to improve sanitary conditions and sell land for US purposes

Explain McKinley's motives for wanting to annex the Philippine Islands

He feared another nation would take it and it would help with trade

Describe the provisions of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Spanish-American war

U.S. ultimately paid Spain 20 million dollars for possession of the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. Cuba gains independence and America becomes an Imperial Power

Describe the extent of the American empire by the end of the 19th Century

Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific Islands, Caribbean Islands (LARGE LAND TERRITORY BASICALLY)

Describe the 1904 Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine as it applied to Latin America

U.S. could intervene in Latin America to stabilize small states in the Caribbean and Central America if they were unable to pay their national debts

Explain how the U.S. acquired the right to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

What country did the U.S. aid in its rebellion against Colombia?


Describe the provisions of the 1903 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

The US was to receive rights to a canal zone which was to extend five miles on either side of the route; Panama was to receive a payment of 10 million plus an annual payment of $250,00

Describe what Roosevelt meant when he said "talk softly but carry a big stick"

If you get into trouble work things out peacefully but always have a back up plan (THE WHITE NAVY)

Describe the goals of Queen Liliuokalan's "Hawaii for Hawaiians" movement and its outcome

Return power to the natives; Hawaii was annexed

In which country did the Boxer Rebellion occur?


Describe how Woodrow Wilson treated Mexico and what it revealed about his attitude towards that country

Wilson refused to acknowledge Huerta as a legitimate leader since he came to power by killing the previous president; Stubborn

Describe the goals of the Niagara Movement

Full manhood suffrage and to be treated like men

Describe the differences between Eugene V. Debs and William "Big Bill" Howard with regards to worker's rights

"Big Bill" was very violent and believed opposition should be destroyed. Debs believed capitalism should be reformed.

Explain the philosophy of William James and John Dewey

William- practicality, question everything

Dewey- Educational and social reform; liberalism, democracy, pragmatism, psychology

Describe the role of Upton Sinclair and the Muckrackera during the Progrssive Era

Expose corruption, immigrants and health concerns in the meat packaging industry

What were the goals of the Progressive Movement

Protecting social welfare, economic reform, economic efficiency, promotion of moral improvement

What was the union which was considered the most radical and sought to unionize fringe members of the working class such as migratory larbor

IWW-Industrial Workers of the World "Wobblies"

What Amendment gave women the right to vote?

19th Amendment

What philosophy is associated with the quote "true ideas are those we can validate, assimilate, corroborate, and verify"



Explain the implications of the Supreme Court's decision in the Northern Security System

Wilson demanded Germany stop sinking US ships; Germany pledged to only shoot at the enemy's navy

paved the way for several antitrust actions

Compare and Contrast the theories of New Nationalism and New Freedom

NN: Gov should intervene in the economy to benefit the economy and country in general; big business is good (monopolies)

NF:Monopolies stifle competition

Describe the purpose of the Hepburn Act 1906

Allowed commerce commission to set realistic maximum rates

Explain the purpose of the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914

outlawed practices such as price discrimination, "tying" agreements, and other monopoly stuff

Identify the Upton Sinclar novel where you would find the quote "there was filth on the floors, and must be scraped up with a muck rake."

The Jungle

Describe the city manager plan for the municipal government

Cities needed formal building and develpoment plans. City funds were being wasted and they were in deficit. City leadership had no goals for the future, politicians only wanted to keep their seats

Explain the argument given by suffragettes that there would be less government corruption if women could vote

If women had political power, they could end political corruption and improve public and domestic life

Describe Roosevelt's view over the role of the federal government should play in managing natural resources

He thought they should make a change; Pro-resource saving

Broke up coal mine strike?

Explain the means by which the Federal Trade Commission could regulate business

Regular, systematic review of all its rules and guides. FTC places each of its rules and guides on a 10 year review calendar

Describe the objective of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act

establish a form of economic stability through the introduction of the Central Bank, which would be in charge of monetary policy into the US

Describe the circumstances in the 1912 election which allowed Woodrow Wilson to be elected

Support from William Jennings Bryan, who still had a large and loyal following

Describe Wilson's record on race relations during his tenure as president

Not very good; African Americans were repeatedly discriminated against during his presidency. Intermarriage was a felony, Offices were segregated, photographs requires of all federal jobs

Explain why Roosevelt chose to support coal miners over the owners in the 1902 coal strike

Roosevelt has a "trust busting" attitude toward big businesses. He sided with the workers and minimized their work hours

Explain the factors which contributed to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914

Political, territorial, and economic conflicts. As well as militaristic issues, a complex web of alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.

Members of the Triple Entete

Great Britain, France, and Russia

Members of the Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Describe how Woodrow Wilson envisioned the peace settlement at the end of the war

Agreements should be arrived openly, not secretly

Free use to the seas to all nations (U-Boats)

Economic barriers to free trade should be removed

Arms should only be used in defense, not to threaten

The interests of colonial peoples should be considered more often

Describe German strategy as it was outlines in the Schllieffen Plan

Germany would invade through Belgium and then turn around and fight Russia

Explain the position taken by the US when war broke out in Europe

Woodrow Wilson claims US is neutral

Describe AMerica's reaction to submarine warfare

Unrestricted submarine warfare caused the US to join the war because it challenged their trading

Explain why Germany felt justified in sinking the Lusitania. How many Americans died?

They claimed it was in a war zone. 128 died.

Explain the extent to which Wilson held Germany accountable for the loss of American life and property as a result of submarine attacks in the war zone around Britain.

Held to "strict accountability"

Explain the impact of the Zimmerman note on AMerican opinion on Germany

Germany asked Mexico to join alliances if the US went to war. This outraged the Americans.

Explain the purpose of the Sussex Pledge

Germany pledged to only shoot ships of the enemy's navy

Describe the extent to which Britain honored the rights of the US as a neutral nation

Britain sought to restrict trade between US and Germany; declared North Sea a war zone; they had the right of visit and search

Identify the document in which Woodrow Wilson describes the causes of war and the means to preserve peace

"War Message to Congress"

14 points..?

Explain the many reasons why Wilson asked Congress to declare was on the central powers

The sinking of the Lusitania, and the Zimmerman note

Explain Wilson's plan to pay for the war

selling bonds and raising taxes

Army Appropriation Act of 1916..?

Identify the commander of the Expeditionary Force

General John Joseph Pershing

Describe how the war impacted the American farmer and worker

minimized strikes as wages soared and full employment reached;Farmers provided much of the food for soldiers

Explain why American participation in the war effort was critical in defeating the Central Powers

We had a lot of resources and food to sustain the Allies.

Explain how the Committee of Public information characterized Germany and Germans

Dehumanized Germans; discriminated them

Explain the impact of the Espionage Act on America civil liberties

Intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of the US enemies during wartime

Identify the head of the Food Administration and it goal

Herbert Hoover; controlled distribution and prices of food for the army

Describe the power wielded by the War industries Board over America

Allocated resources, standardized production, coordinated purchasing, ordered what to provide (controlled everything lol)

Explain Wilson's major goal at the Paris Peace Conference

Establish a League of Nations

Describe the mistakes made by Wilson in forming the delegation of the Paris Peace Conference

The delegation was all democrats!!

Identify the leaders of the Allied Powers at the Paris Peace Conference

US-Woodrow Wilson

Britain-David LLyod George

France-Georges Clemenceau

Italy-Vittorio Orlando

Explain how Wilson destroyed his chances of getting the Treaty of Versailles ratified by the Senate

He was completely unwilling to compromise to anything

Identify the name given to those senators who were absolutely opposed to the Us joining the League of NAtions


Identify the senator who led the reservationist in the Senate opposition to the 1919 Versailles Treaty

Henry Cabot Lodge

Assess the extent to which Wilson was able to achieve his goals at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference

Suffered a stroke and was unable to secure Senate ratification of the Treaty