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23 Cards in this Set

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Causes of exploration and colonization
-growth of urban population and wealth generated markets
-desire for spices and luxury goods (silks, jewels)
-need for sea routes to Asia (ottomans and turks blocked overland routes)
-development of better navigional techniques and knowledge of maps
-national monarchs needed wealth to consolidate power
-desire to spread Christian faith
effects of colonization
-Europeans exploited wealth of Americas, Africa, India and Southeast Asia
-Colonial empires and political competition grew
-Slavery and slave trade spread globally
-forced labor systems emerged on colonial plantations in Americas and Southeast Asia
-Mesopoamerican civilizations destroyed (Aztec, Inca)
-European diseases killed many indigenous people
-cultural diffusion accelerated
-capitalism expanded
-large numbers of Europeans migrated to other region especially the Western Hemisphere
Prince Henry the Navigator
made seafaring exporation safer and popular
Pedro de Sintra and Bartolomeu Dias
Portuguese captains
went south, exploring coast of Africa for break to the east
Vasco de Gama
1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope
sailed NE into Indian Ocean and reached India
Christopher Columbus
convinced Spain's Queen Isabella to outfit expedition to sail west to the Indies and China
New World
Spanish rulers of 1500's saw chance to gain power and strength
Colombian Exchange
-lants and animals from Europe and Americas traveled across Atlantic, changing both civilizations
-also brought bacteria and viral infections
-Native American immune systems could not compat smallpox and cholera and it laid waist to their civilization
Conquistidor Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro
-Cortes 1521 Mexico
-Pizarro 1534 Peru
-helped Spain take control of Mexico and South America
-destroyed Mayan, Aztec and Incan civilizations
Mid 1600's
New World colonies set up and strengthened by settlers from Europe
St. Lawrence River
French founded Quebec and Montreal for the exchange of goods for French fur trappers
they were looking for a Northwest passage to the Pacific
Hudson River
-founded New Amsterdam (NYC) and Ft. Orange (Albany) by the 1600's
protestant reformation
brought many settlers to the English colonies
Jamestown founded on coast of Virginia
John Smith
House of Burgesess
representative government
people of colony elect officials to make laws
Plymouth founded by Pilgrims seeking religious freedom
Mayflower Compact
pledge to cooperate, form a local government, abide by group's rules and laws
set a precedent for secceeding governments in British colonies
13 colonies established
3 sections
New England
cold climate,
little to no slavery
most were merchants, fisherman, very religious (Pilgrims)
pilgrims were persecuted in England for wanting to be separate from the Anglican Church (puritans)
Middle Colonies
most diverse
breadbasket colonies
people were farmers
Southern Colonies
warm climate,
relied on slavery to farm large plantations
Albany Plan of Union
June 1754
delegates from most northern colonies and representative from Six Iroquois Nations met in Albany
Adopted a plan of union drafted by Benjamin Franklin of PA
Under plan each colonial legislature would elect delegates to an American continental assembly presided over by a royal governor
Albany Plan of Union noteworthy for several reasons
Franklin anticipated many of the problems that would beset the govenment after independence, such as finance, dealing with Indian tribes, control of commerce and defense.
Contains seeds of true union, and many of these ideas would be adopted in Philadelphia 30 years later