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69 Cards in this Set

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A collection of similar cells and their intracellular substances.

Fatty Acids

Any of a large group of monobasic acids, especially those found in animal and vegetable fats and oils.


The storage form of fat made up of three fatty acids and a glycerol group.


A polypeptide hormone functioning in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level.


Principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body.

Glycogen Granule

Structure of the cell that stores glycogen and enzymes for glycogen breakdown and synthesis.


Chemical process that converts lactate and pyruvate back into glucose.


The metabolic process that creates energy from the splitting of glucose to form pyruvic acid or lactic acid and ATP.

Squamous epithelium

Epithelium consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of flat, scale-like or plate-like cells.

Cuboidal epithelium

Epithelial tissue consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of cube-shaped or somewhat prismatic cells.

Columnar epithelium

Epithelium consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of elongated and somewhat cylindrical cells projecting toward the surface.

Glandular epithelial cells

Specialized epithelial cells that secrete bodily products such as mucus and hormones.


Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone.


Connective tissue that connects bone to bone or bone to cartilage.

Nervous Tissue

The main component of the nervous system; the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and the branching peripheral nervous system (PNS), which regulates and controls bodily functions and activity.

Integumentary System

System of the body consisting of the skin and its associated structures, such as the hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.

Skeletal System

System of the body consisting of bone and cartilage that supports and protects the body.

Muscular System

System of the body consisting of large skeletal muscles that allow us to move, cardiac muscle in the heart, and smooth muscle of the internal organs.

Nervous System

System comprised of brain, spinal cord, sense organs and nerves. Regulates other systems.

Endocrine System

System consisting of the glands and tissues that release hormones. It works with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities.

Circulatory System

System consisting of the heart and blood vessels that serves as the transportation system.

Lymphatic System

Subsystem of the circulatory system, which protects the body against disease.

Respiratory System

System consisting of the lungs and air passageways, which supplies oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide.

Digestive System

System of the body consisting of the digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices into the digestive tract. Responsible for breaking down foods and eliminating waste.

Urinary System

Main excretory system of the body which consists of the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Reproductive System

System consisting of gonads, associated ducts, and external genitals concerned with sexual reproduction.


An oxygen-transporting protein found in blood cells.

Vital Capacity

The usable portion of the lungs.

Maximum Minute Volume

The amount of air that a person can process during one minute of vigorous exercise.

Residual Volume

The remainder of the air in the lungs after the usable lung volume has been measured.


The fluid portion of blood.


Blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues; a biconcave disc that has no nucleus. Also known as red blood cell.


Cell whose primary function is to combat infections; also known as white blood cell.


Cytoplasmic body found in the blood plasma that functions to promote blood clotting.


Capillary-rich air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.

Law of Gaseous Diffusion

Law stating that a gas will move across a semipermeable membrane (e.g., alveolar, capillary) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


The scientific process of transferring fluid between molecules.

Diastolic Pressure

Pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels during the refilling of the heart.

Fat/Lipid Metabolism

A metabolic process that breaks down ingested fats into fatty acids and glycerol and then into simpler compounds that can be used by cells of the body for general bodily function as well as energy production.


Occurring without the use of oxygen.


Occurring with the use of oxygen, or requiring oxygen.

Resting Heart Rate

The number of times the heart beats in one minute. 72 beats per minute for the average adult.

Maximum Heart Rate (HR Max)

The highest heart rate at which an individual is capable: 220 minus age in years is equivalent to maximum heart rate.

Sympathetic Nervous System

An automatic system that speeds up most activities in the body.

Adrenal Glands

Two glands that release hormones which helps the body cope with stress.

Stroke Volume

The volume of blood pumped out of the heart into the circulatory system by the left ventricle in one contraction.

Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction

The percentage of blood inside the left ventricle pushed out into the body after contraction.

Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO_2 Max)

The maximum usable portion of oxygen uptake over a period of time.


A category of nutrients: including -- carbohydrates, proteins, and fats -- that are present in foods in large amounts.


Fruit sugar.


The formation of fat.

Nervous System

System comprised of brain, spinal cord, sense organs and nerves. Regulates other systems.

Nerve Impulses

A brief reversal of the membrane potential that sweeps along the membrane of a neuron.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

System of the body comprised of the brain and spinal column.

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Relays messages from the CNS to the body (the efferent system) and relays messages to the CNS (the afferent system) from the body.

Efferent System

System designed to cause action; consists of the somatic and autonomic systems.

Afferent System

The part of the PNS that sends messages to the CNS.

Somatic System

System responsible for voluntary action.

Autonomic System

System that processes and activates involuntary action.


The shortening of a muscle or increase in tension.

Endocrine System

System consisting of the glands and tissues that release hormones. It works with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities.


A polypeptide hormone functioning in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, especially the conversion of glucose to glycogen, which lowers the blood glucose level.


A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, thus opposing the action of insulin.


Process describing the cleavage of glucose from the glycogen molecule.

Growth Hormone (HGH or hGH)

A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that affects skeletal growth rate and bodily weight gain.


A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that causes the flight-or-fight response.

Distal Tubules of the Kidneys

A twisted, tube-like structure found inside a part of the kidney known as the nephron.


A corticosteroid that causes a breakdown of protein in muscles.


An abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the body; usually the result of a low-carbohydrate diet, fasting, or starvation.