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64 Cards in this Set

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A branch of anatomy that includes the microscopic study of tissues.

Intercellular Junction

Cellular Connections found between the cells are tightly packed tissues such as epithelium

Tight Junction

What type of intercellular Junction in which fluid type seals are formed between the membranes of two adjacent cells, for example cells lining the digestive tract


Type of intercellular Junction characterized by spot-weld attachments between adjacent cells such as skin cells

Gap Junctions

What type of intercellular Junction in which tubular channels known as Gap Junctions travel between two adjacent cells and allow ions and nutrients to move from one cell to the next

Epithelial tissue

The tissue of the body that covers and lines body surfaces and organs and makes up the endocrine glands. Epithelial tissue usually lacks blood-vessels, divides frequently and heals quickly, has cells that are tightly packed with many intercellular Junctions and is anchored to connective tissue by basement membrane

Connective tissue

Tissue of the body that binds, support, protect, provide structural framework, fills gaps, stores fat, repairs tissue damage and produces blood cells. The cells of the connective tissue are usually widely separated with extracellular Matrix between and around them. Most connective tissues are rich with blood and nerves and are capable of division. The cells found in connective tissues are highly diverse

Muscle tissue

A tissue of the body that has the ability to contract and shorten in order to cause movement and increase heat production. There are three kinds of muscle: cardiac, skeletal, and smooth

Nervous tissue

Tissue of the body that is composed of neurons and neuroglial cells which are found in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. This tissue performs the important functions of sensing and responding to stimuli, communicating and coordinating bodily activities

Simple squamous epithelium

A single layer of flat thin squamous cells that facilitated diffusion for example lining the alveoli of the lungs

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Single layer of cube-shaped cells that function for secretion and absorption for example lining the kidney tubules

Simple columnar epithelium

A single layer of tall columnar cells

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Cells which appeared to be layered. Their nuclei can be found at different levels, however, each cell reaches the basement membrane. This type of epithelium also possesses cilia and goblet cells. For example lines the trachea

Stratified squamous epithelium

Made up of many layers of cells. The uppermost cells are flattened and squamous shaved in the lower layer of cells or more cuboidal or columnar. New cells are constantly arising from the deepest layer and pushed upwards. for example the skin

Stratified cuboidal epithelium

Made up of cells in layers the function for secretion for example lines sweat glands

Stratified columnar epithelium

Made up of several layers of cells with a columnar cells making up the upper layers in the cuboidal cells making up the lower layers. For example the male urethra

Extracellular Matrix

Is the materials that surround connective tissue cells and fibers. Extracellular Matrix is made up of protein fibers ( collagenous, elastic and or reticular) and ground substance ( gel, fluids, hard calcified)


What kind of connective tissue cell that produces and secretes fibrous proteins in The extracellular Matrix

Mast cells

Found in connective tissue in areas close to blood vessels. Mast cells release histamine which promotes inflammation and heparin which inhibits the development of the blood clots


Immune system cells that are found in some kinds of connective tissue

Collagenous fibers

Comprised of collagen protein and are often arranged in bundles. These fibers are very strong and strength of the tissues that they're found in. Examples are tendons and ligaments

Elastic fibers

Are comprised of elastin protein. Elastic fibers are found in tissues that need to have the ability to stretch. Examples of respiratory tubules

Reticular fibers

I composed a very thin collagen protein found in branching Arrangements. But ticular fibers provide structural framework and some body structures for example lymph nodes

Areolar tissue

The kind of connective tissue that helps to facilitate diffusion, find epithelial tissue and connective tissue and fill spaces between muscles. Areolar tissue has a gel-like ground substance, fibers, fibroblasts and many other types of cells

Adipose tissue

A kind of connective tissue made of adipocytes. These cells have the ability to store fat in their cytoplasm. So much fat is stored that the cell nuclei and other organelles are pushed to the peripheral edges of the cell. Adipose tissue is important for long-term energy storage, insulation and protection. Adipose tissue is found beneath the skin, around organs and body structures

Dense regular connective tissue

This tissue is composed of many collagen fibers that are bundled together in a parallel Arrangement along with fibroblasts and a few elastic tissues. This tissue can withstand pull in One Direction and makes up the structures of tendons and ligaments

Dense irregular connective tissue

This tissue is composed of collagen fibers that are randomly organized and so can withstand pulled in multiple directions for example joint capsules


What kind of connective tissue that supports, gives structural Integrity to body structures and his protective. Cartilage has a gel-like ground substance with fibers. Chondrocytes (cartilage cells) are found within small spaces called lacunae and are covered by perichondrium

Hyaline cartilage

Characterized by fine collagenous fibers. Hyaline cartilage is found between articulating bones, makes up parts of the nose, cartilaginous Rings associated with the respiratory tubules and embryonic skeleton

Elastic cartilage

Has elastic fibers in The extracellular Matrix. Elastic cartilage forms the external ear and portions of the larynx


A very strong cartilage with many collagenous fibers that function and protection in the absorption of shock for example intervertebral discs


A very hard and rigid type of connective tissue which has a hard, calcified matrix made up of collagen fibers and mineral salts. Bone is important for protection, support, blood cell production and Mineral homeostasis


Kind of connective tissue with fluid Matrix called plasma period blood tissue is formed in bone marrow. Blood is composed of blood cells (such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) and plasma

Serous membrane

Lines body cavities and organs. Serious membrane has an upper layer of simple squamous epithelium called the mesothelium and a lower layer of loose connective tissue. Serous fluid is secreted from the serous membrane

Mucous membrane

Lines body cavities that open to an external environment. Mucous membrane has an upper epithelial layer and a lower connective tissue layer. Mucus is released from mucus membrane

Cutaneous membrane


Synovial membrane

Connective tissue membrane that lines synovial joint cavities

Integumentary system

this body system includes the skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous oil glands). the skin is considered both an organ and a membrane. The integumentary system is important for protection, body temperature regulation and sensory reception


the upper layer of skin, composed of stratified squamous epithelium. Attached to the dermis via basement membrane


the layer of skin deep relative to the epidermis. Binds to underlying tissues and contains blood vessels which nourish the epidermis, as well as many sensory receptors and cell types

What are the layers of the dermis, and what are they composed of

papillary - areolar connective tissue

reticular - dense irregular connective tissue

hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue

the tissue that lies beneath the dermis

What is the sub-q tissue made up of

areolar and adipose tissues

What are the roles of the sub-q tissue

insulates, binds dermis to underlying structures, and contains major blood vessels that feed the dermis


the process of hardening that occurs to karatinocytes as the produce the protein keratin


cells produced from the stratum basale and are specialized to produce melanin


a dark pigment which gives the skin color and protects the DNA of the skin cells from UV radiation damage from the sun


the bluish coloration of the skin that is a result of hemoglobin that is a dark red color due to low blood oxygen


a yellowish-orange pigment found in the sub-q layer of skin and gives the skin a yellowish tone


a yellow skin color resulting from liver problems

dermal papillae

tiny elevations in the dermis created by epidermal ridges

dermal cappilaries

found in the dermal papillae and function to nourish the epidermal cells above


individual indentations found on the distal end of fingers that result from the folding of the epidermis during fetal development which help with the ability to grasp

cutaneous sensory receptors

nerve cell processes that are found in the dermis which are sensitive to touch, hot/cold, pain, and pressure

lamellated pacinian corpiscle

a cutaneous sensory receptor stimulated by pressure

tactile (Meissner's) corpuscle

a cutaneous sensory receptor stimulated by touch


cutaneous sensory receptors stimulated by temperature changes

epidermal derivatives

accessory structures of the skin, which are compsed of epithelium, but located in the dermis (nail, hair, glands)

hair follicle

specialized epidermal cells that form a tube-like structure that is located in the dermis. hold the hair root

hair root

located below the surface of the skin

hair shaft

located above the surface of the skin

hair root plexus

special groups of free nerve fibers specifically associated with hair follicles

Sebaceous glands

glandular epithelial cells that release sebum and are associated with hair follicles

arrector pili muscle

tiny bundle of smooth muscle that is attached to each hair follicle and will contract if a person is cold or upset