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63 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the Cardiovascular System

-Delivery (oxygen & nutrients)

-Removal (carbon dioxide & waste products)

-Transportation (hormones)

-Maintenance (body temperature, pH)

-Prevention (infection--immune function)

Components of the Cardiovascular System

-Heart - serves as a pump

-Blood vessels - serve as channels for transport

-Blood - fluid which circulates throughout the body and serves to transports

Left & Right Atria

Left & Right Ventricle

What are the 4 chambers

Flow of blood

Right atrium-->right ventricle through a one-way valve--> when it contracts it sends it to the lungs-->comes in the left atrium-->left ventricle-->aorta

Cardiac muscle/Myocardium

-striated; has actin and myosin like skeletal muscle

-has few central nuclei

-has extensive capillary network

-40% of cytoplasmic volume is mitochondria

-specialized structures that hold muscle together and spread electrical signals

1. Desmosomes - hold cells together

2. Gap junctions - rapid AP transmission

3. Intercalated Discs

Cardiac Conduction System

-the heart uses the ______ to signal contraction


-Spontaneously generates its own electrical signal to contract _______

72 beats per min (bpm)

Intrinsic rate of contraction

Sinoatrial Node (SA)

(Cardiac Conduction System)

-Initiates impulse (pacemaker)

-Located in right atrium

Atrioventricular Node (AV)

(Cardiac Conduction System)

-Moves impulse to ventricles

-Located in wall right atria

AV bundle (bundle of His)

(Cardiac Conduction System)

-travels down the septum to apex

-conducts impulse

Purkinje fibers

(Cardiac Conduction System)

-smaller divisions of fibers

-spread into ventricles

-very fast conduction

Cardiac Cycle

-Includes all events that occur between two consecutive heart beats

-all chambers of the hear undergo a period of systole and diastole during each cardiac cycle

-60% of a cardiac cycle is diastole compared to 40% that is systole at rest

-cycle takes 0.8 sec with a heart rate of 75 bpm


contraction period of the heart


relaxation period of the heart, allows chambers to fill with blood


-a printout of the electrical activity of the heart

-occurs b/c body fluids conduct electricity well

-obtained by strategically placing electrodes on the skin

P wave

atrial depolarization, occurs when impulse travels from SA node to AV node

QRS complex

-ventricular depolarization, occurs as the impulse spreads from the AV node to the Purkinje fibers and into the ventricles

T wave

ventricular repolarization

Resting (intrinsic) heart rate

-60 to 80 beats per minute

-30-40 bpm (highly trained) to above 100bpm (sedentary)


-HR will increase in direct proportion to exercise intensity

-easy measure to use to estimate exercise intensity

-will reach a "steady state" during sub maximal exercise within 10 seconds

Max heart rate

220 - age

Stroke volume

-volume of blood pumped/ejected from the left ventricle during systole

-82ml at rest


End-Diastolic Volume (EDV)

volume of blood in the left ventricle at the end of diastole (after filing; just prior to contraction)

End-Systolic Volume (ESV)

Volume of blood remaining in the left ventricle at the end of systole (after contraction)

Ejection Fraction (EF)

% of EDV pumped out (67% at rest)

Arterial-Venous Oxygen Difference

-Amount of oxygen extracted from the blood as it travels through the body

-the difference between oxygenic arterial blood and venous blood (around 6 ml at rest)

During exercise

-increases as more oxygen is taken from blood

-have less oxygen in venous blood (arterial oxygen remains constant)

Cardiac Output (Q)

-volume of blood pumped by the left ventricle per minute

Q = HR x SV = beats/min x ml/beat = ml/min, or express as L/min

-cardiac output is normal about 5-6 L/min at rest

-May reach 20 L/min during exercise; 35 L/min in elite athletes

Blood pressure

-the pressure exerted by blood on the vessel wall

-usually expressed as arterial pressure

Systolic blood pressure (SBP)

-highest pressure; occurs during contraction of the heart

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)

lowest pressure; occurs during "filling"

Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

-average pressure exerted by the blood as it travels through arteries

-MAP = DBP + [0.333 (SBP - DBP)]

-estimated this way b/c the heart spends a larger amount of time in diastole

Functions of the blood

1. transports gas, nutrients, and wastes

2. regulates temperature

3. buggers and balance acidity and helps to maintain the proper pH of efficient use of metabolic processes

Blood volume

-varies across people

-highly related to body size and state of aerobic training

-5-6 liters in men and 4-5 liters in women


(Composition of the blood)

-essentially water

-55-60% of volume

-levels can change acutely due to water loss and can also increase greatly in response to exercise training


(composition of the blood)

-red cells, white cells and platelets

-45-50% of volume

Red Blood cells


-constantly destroying and producing new cells

-function to transport oxygen


-4 oxygen molecules bind to each hemoglobin

-250 million hemoglobins per RBC

-A RBC can bind up to 1 billion molecules of oxygen

The vascular system

arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins


carry blood away from heart to arterioles (conduits)


-smaller branches of arteries

-surrounded by vascular smooth muscle

-blood passes through these into capillaries

-resistance vessels



-exchange between tissues and the blood occurs here


-contrain valves that prevent back-flow of blood

-most of your blood is in veins at any one time


-highly branched network

-large arteries from heart:minimal resistance

-smaller feed arteries: up to 50% of resistance

Arteriolar networks: major resistance vessels

1. first order (primary) arterioles

2. second-order arterioles

3. third-order arterioles

4. fourth-order arterioles

5. terminal arterioles

6. capillaries

Anatomy of Resistance Vessels

1. smooth muscle cells

2. monetary of endothelial cells lining lumen

3. plexus of perivascular sympathetic nerves

smooth muscle cells

-encircle artery & arteriole lumen

-contract, causing vasoconstriction & reducing vessel diameter

Monolayer of endothelial cells lining lumen

-in contract with flowing blood

-signal smooth muscle cells to relax

Plexus of perivascular sympathetic nerves

-cover smooth muscle cells

-signal smooth muscle cells to contract

Where blood is sent in the body

-Normal: metabolically active tissues receive the greatest amount of blood

1. at rest the liver (27%) and the kidneys (22%) receive almost half of all the circulating blood

2. skeletal muscle receives only 15%

What happens to blood when exercising?

-blood goes to the muscles (80% or more)

-cardiac output and blood flow to active muscle can increase up to 25 times that at rest

blood distribution

-eating: blood moves to digestive system

-heat stress: blood moves to skin

Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise

-increased cardiac output

-increased skin blood flow

-decreased blood flow to the kidneys and spleen

-maintenance or small increase in blood flow to brain

-increased flow to coronary arteries

-increased skin blood flow

Cardiac Output Response to exercise

-increases directly with increasing exercise intensity

-4-5 L/min to 20-35 L/min

-HR (most important) increases

-SV increases: increased preload, increased contractility, decreased resistance to flow

Structures of the respiratory system



-pulmonary capillaries


-active process of brining air into the lungs

-expand the lungs, pressure inside drops, air then moves in from outside (pressure only drops a few mmHg)

-during forced breathing, the pressure may fall 80-100 mmHg

-thorax is expanded form inspiration


-a passive process at rest

-relax muscles, ribs and sternum return to normal position

-pressure in the lung increases air moves out

-ribs and sternum return downward, diaphragm relaxes and is pushed upward, and lung tissue recoils

Functions of Pulmonary Diffusion

-replenish oxygen in the blood

-remove carbon dioxide from venous blood

What's needed for pulmonary diffusion

-air: brins O2 into the lung and removes CO2

-blood: to receive the O2 and CO2

Oxygen transport

-dissolved in blood plasma (2%)

-bound to hemoglobin (98%)

-allows blood to transport 70 times more O2 than plasma alone

-each hemoglobin molecule can bind 4 molecules of O2

Hemoglobin Saturation

-usually 98% saturated

-this is higher than what our bodies require

-consequently, the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity seldom limited performance

Ventilation (VE)

_____ is the product of tidal volume (TV) and breathing frequency (f)

Ventilation and Exercise

-Ventilation increases with exercise

-phase 1 - immediate, produced by body movement (no change in chem. environment)

-phase 2 - gradual, produced by changes in temp., and chemical status (chemoreceptors_ of arterial blood (CO2 and H+)

-post exercise - ventilation remians elevated, must regulate pH, temp., and CO2 in the blood