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45 Cards in this Set

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neuron in the periphery


cell body with the nucleus

Types of neurons




multipolar (spinal motor neuron, pyramidal cells, Perkinje cells)

Types of glial cells




radial glia


personal trainer to the neuron; remove inert chemicals, provide energy to neurons, neurotransmitter synethesis

-pull nutrients out of the capillaries and into the neuron; take waste from neuron and put it back in the bloodstream


myelinate neurons


closest thing to immune cells in the brain; privileged brain immune cells

Radial glia

development; act as a highway that neurons can travel down to get where they need to be during development/growth

Sodium-potassium pump

2 K in, 3 Na out

-requires ATP

-keeps neuron at resting potential

Determinants of ion movement across cell membrane

electrostatic forces and diffusion potential

Gated ion channels

require specific conditions for ions to be let in or out

-activity from other neurons and intracellular voltage open and close gated channels

Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential

cells start to become depolarized (inside becomes increasingly positive)

Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potential

cells start to become hyperpolarized (inside becomes increasingly negative)

Threshold of excitation

point at which enough EPSPs occur that the cell can generate an action potential

Voltage-gated ion channels

sensitive to overall voltage of the neuron

-open as the overall charge becomes increasingly positive

-voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels open when neuron is sufficiently positive

Spatial summation

EPSP inputs from several different points can excite cell enough for an action potential

Temporal summation

several EPSP inputs from the same space in a short period of time can generate an action potential

Axon hillock

site of lots of voltage-gated sodium channels that propagates down, then immediately close so that the AP can't flow back down the axon (local depolarization, then closing of channels)


fatty sheath that covers the axon and greatly speeds up propagation of action potentials (almost all reflexes are controlled by these)

-Nodes of Ranvier let sodium in at the gaps in the myelin sheath to depolarize and make action faster


any molecule that bonds to another molecule


large protein that responds to ligand bonding


communication between neurons

-involves release of endogenous ligands (neurotransmitters and neuromodulators) that bind to receptors to alter neuron function


tiny spherical packets in presynaptic terminal that hold neurotransmitters for release


release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic terminal into the synaptic cleft

-dependent on Ca+ influx into the presynaptic terminal (caused by AP propagation)

Neurotransmitter (defining features)

-present within presynaptic neuron

-released in response to depolarization

-receptors specific to neurotransmitter on post-synaptic terminal

-neurotransmitter terminated or removed from synapse


slower-acting than neurotransmitters

-haven't been found to fit all criteria for neurotransmitter

Receptor activation

alters influx of ions into neurons (lead to EPSP or IPSP)

Ionotrophic receptors

receptors, when activated by attachment of a neurotransmitter, let in only specific ions

G-protein coupled receptors

activate second-messenger systems

-like a relay race, allows an amplified signal or cascade effect)

-can trigger many different occurrences in a way that other receptors can't due to the use of alpha, beta, and gamma unit activation

-alter membrane potential and gene activity

Common second messengers


Cyclic AMP

Cyclic GMP

IP3 and DAG


-ubiquitous neurotransmitter


-receptors: AMPA, NMDA, kainate, metabotropic


-ubiquitous inhibitory neurotransmitter

-GABAa: ionotropic brake

-GABAb: metabotropic

-acts as a brake in the CNS

-promotion of GABA has been used to help sleep and anxiety disorders

Serotonin (5-HT)

-roles in sleep, arousal, aggression, and mood

-acts on metabotropic receptors

-cell bodies in the Raphe Nucleus (only a few hundred serotonin projections in the brain)

-drugs that promote serotonin are used as anti-depressants


-metabotropic receptors

-localized in Ventral Tegmental Area, Substantia Nigra, and arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus

Mesolimbic pathway

originates in VTA and projects to limbic system

-involved in motivation behaviors, arousal, reinforcement, and reward

**significant role in addiction**

Mesocortical pathway

originates in VTA and projects to frontal cortex

-significant role in schizophrenia

Nigrostriatal pathway

originates in substantia nigra and projects to dorsal striatum (of basal ganglia)

-significant role in Parkinsons

Arcuate nucleus

tuberoinfundibular pathway

-dopamine release from this pathway inhibits lactation


-involved in stress and arousal

-contributes to anxiety disorders and PTSD


-role in learning & memory, cognition, and arousal

-localized in brainstem

-neurons degenerate in Alzheimer's

-two receptor types: muscarinic and nicotinergic

Neurotransmitter synthesis

assembled from smaller molecules (dietary source)

-assembled at axon terminal


more discrete in localization and function than neurotransmitters

-almost exclusively act through g-protein coupled receptors

-spread more around the brain, don't send distant projections

Synaptic vs. volume transmission

Synaptic: discrete, localized to the synapse

Volume: released from varicosities, involved in neuropeptide release, allows neuropeptide to interact with many post-synaptic neurons

Neuropeptide synthesis

cleaved from larger precursor molecules in the golgi apparatus

Ways neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse

Transporters: suck up NT from synapse

Enzymes: metabolize NT