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30 Cards in this Set

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1. Patriots

Americans that belived that the colonies had the right to govern themselves ( also called Whigs)


Americans who felt a deep loyalty to Great Britain and saw themselves as subjects of the King ( also called Tories)

3. Neutralists

Those colonist who did not pick sides in the American Revolution

4. Allies

A nation that joins another nation in some common efforts, such as winning a war

5. Militia

A small army made up of ordinary citizens who are avaliable to fight in an emergency

6. Tyranny

The unjust use of government power. A ruler who uses power in this way is called a tyrant

7. The Proclamation of 1763

A law that prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains created by King George in a attempt to end conflicts between Indians and colonists

8. The Stamp Act

A law that requires colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used like newspaper, Wills, licenses, and even playing cards

9. Repeal

To cancel something like laws or tax

10. Boycott

To stop purchasing something in an attempt to get something changed like a tax or hiring practices

11. The Quartering Act

A law that requires citizens to provide British troops with quarters ( housing) , candles, firewood, bedding, cooking utensils, salt, vinegar, and beer or cider

12. Writ of Assistance

Written orders that allows officers and soldiers to conduct unrestricted searches for suspected smuggled goods. A bank search warrant

13. Committee of Correspondence

An organized network for passing along news of British activity to the colonies. It was organized by John Adams in 1772 in towns of Massachusetts but soon was formed throughout the colonies

14. The Townshend Acts

A Duty (tax ( on certain imported goods from Britain like glass, paint, paper, and tea

15. The Boston Tea Party

To protest the tax in tea, Patriots disguised as Indians threw 342 chest of tea overboard from the three British ships

16. The Intolerable Acts

A law put into place to punish the people of Boston for the Tea Party. It closed the Boston Harbor to all shipping until the Tea was paid for and they lost their right to assembly and to govern themselves

17. Parliament

The law making body of England, consisting of Representatives from throughout the Kingdom but not the colonies

18. First Continental Congress

In September. 1774, 12 of the 13 colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia were they agreed to send King George a petition asking g him to consider their complaints and recognize their rights. They also agreed to St up boycotts of British goods until Parliaments repealed the Intolerable Acts.

19. Lexington and Concord

The first shots of American Revolution. Minutemen were fired upon by British at Lexington a Village on the way to Concord were colonists had stores of gunpowder and weapons

20. Tratiors

A person guilty of the crimes of treason, or disloyalty to the government

21. Natural rights

John Locke's philosophy or idea that all people are born with certain God given rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

22. Common Sense

Thomas Paine's pamphlet that scoffed at the idea that Americans owed any loyalty to the king and he made several arguments for independence from Britian

23. Guerrillas

Soldiers who operate on their own and are not part of regular army with attics like hit and run raids

24. The Olive Branch petition

In July 1775, Congress since the King asking him to make peace with the colonies

25. Treaty

A formal agreement between nations ( ex-at the end of a war)


Professional soldiers who fight for anyone who will pay them. Hessian were German soldiers that were hired by Britians to fight the Americans

27. Continental Army

The poorly trained and equipped American army led by George Washington

28. Declaration of Independence

A document written primarily by Thomas Jefferson that stated why 13 colonies were separated from Great Britain (England)

29. article of Confederation

The first continuation of the United states where the States had most power, the federal government could not collect taxes, settle disputes between states and there was no nation leader ( president)

29. Article of Confederation

The first continuation of the United states where the States had most power, the federal government could not collect taxes, settle disputes between states and there was no nation leader ( president)