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10 Cards in this Set

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The actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems normally _ one another. In other words they are _. If one system contracts a muscle, then the other _ it. The activities of internal _ and _ are therefore regulated by a balance of the two systems.

oppose / antagonistic / relaxes / glands / muscles

The muscle of the heart is known as _ _. It is _, that is, its contraction is initiated from within the muscle itself, rather than by _ _ from outside (_), as is the case with other muscles.

cardiac muscle. / myogenic, / nervous impulses / (neurogenic),

Within the wall of the right atrium of the heart is a distinct group of cells known as the _ _ (_). This bundle of cells can generate _ _ (_ _) on their own and thus set the pace at which the heart _. It is from here that the initial _ for _ originates.

sinoatrial node (SAN). / electrical signals (action potentials) / contracts. / stimulus / contraction

The sinoatrial node has a _ _ of stimulation that determines the beat of the heart. For this reason it is often referred to as the _.

basic rhythm / pacemaker.

The sequence of events that controls the basic heart rate is: (1/3)

A wave of _ _ spreads out from the _ _ across both _, causing them to contract.

A layer of _-_ _ (_ _) prevents the wave crossing to the _.

electrical excitation / sinoatrial node / atria,

non-conductive tissue (atrioventricular septum) / ventricles.

The sequence of events that controls the basic heart rate is: (2/3)

The wave of excitation enters a second group of cells called the _ _ (_), which lies between the atria.

The atrioventricular node, after a short delay, conveys a wave of _ _ between the ventricles along a series of specialised _ _ called _ _ which collectively make up a structure called _ _ _.

atrioventricular node (AVN),

electrical excitation / muscle fibres / Purkyne tissue / bundle of His.

The sequence of events that controls the basic heart rate is: (3/3)

The bundle of His conducts the wave through the _ _ to the base of the ventricles, where the bundle branches into smaller fibres of _ _.

The wave of excitation is released from the Purkyne tissue causing the _ to _ quickly at the same time, from the bottom of the heart upwards.

atrioventricular septum / Purkyne tissue.

ventricles / contract

The atrioventricular septum is a septum of the heart between the _ _ (_) and the _ _ (_).

right atrium (RA) / left ventricle (LV).

Changes to the heart rate are controlled by a region of the _ called the _ _. This has two centres concerned with heart rate:

a centre that increases heart rate, which is linked to the _ _ by the _ _ _.

a centre that decreases heart rate, which is linked to the _ _ by the _ _ _.

brain / medulla oblongata.

sinoatrial node / sympathetic nervous system.

sinoatrial node / parasympathetic nervous system.

Which of the two centres is stimulated depends upon the _ _ they receive from two types of receptor, which respond to stimuli of either _ or _ changes in the blood.

nerve impulses / chemical / pressure