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34 Cards in this Set

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Describe the various communication modalities.
Relate the principles and techniques of basic communication to interactions with clients and other interdisciplinary members
Nurses mus communicate with clients, family and other health professionals. Nurses must be assertive so they can ask the correct questions and so their voices will be heard. They must act as an advocate for their pts.
Therapeutic communication is important - the way that you communicate with your client. It begins with the first contact and this sets he stage for future communication.
Verbal Communication definition
Uses spoken or written words. Verbal language conveys specific meanings through combo of words.
Verbal communication includes
denotative/connotative meaning
Non-Verbal Communication definition
Includes all five senses. all types of nonverbal communication are important, but interpreting the meaning can causes problems.
Types of non-verbal communication
personal appearance
posture and gait
facial expressions
eye contact
territoriality and personal space
Enhancements of communication
Critical thinking
varying techniques
wrong impressions
lack of effort
poor attitude
cultural illiteracy
issues of age
Communication is an active two way process
Active: requires some action from the sender/receiver. It is ongoing, dynamic and multidimensional.
Two-Way: represents a flow of information between two points
S-BARR and nursing communication
SBARR is a formalized method of communicating with other healthcare practitioners. This helps prevent some miscommunication which could cause pt injury or death.
Skills and techniques for effective communication across the lifesapn
an infant's self-expression is limited to crying, body movement, and facial expression, whereas older children express their needs more directly
Children are more responsive to nonverbal communication.
Older adults may have hearing and visual deficits which may change the way that you interact with them
Cultural communication
It is important to realize the difference between cultures when trying to communicate with someone who is foreign born.
Tips for culture
Understand your own cultural values and biases.
•Client's culture will possibly affect willingness to share private information.
•Determine level of fluency in English.
•Avoid body language that can be misunderstood.
•Speak directly to the client even if an interpreter is present.
•Nodding or statements such as “okay” do not necessarily mean the client understands.
Tips for older adults
Get the client's attention before speaking.
•Check for hearing aids and glasses.
•Introduce yourself.
•Be sure your face is visible to the client, and use facial expressions and gestures.
•Choose a quiet, well-lit environment with minimal distractions.
•Do not shout, it distorts sounds. Speak clearly at a moderate speed.
•Allow time for the client to respond. Do not assume the client is being uncooperative if does not reply or takes a long time to reply.
•Give client a chance to ask questions.
•Do not talk to the client like a child. Use words appropriate to the client's developmental level.
Differentiate among assertive, passive, and aggressive communication styles
Assertive - conveys self-assurance but also respect for the other person

Passive - avoidance of expressing opinions, feelings, identifying needs, or protecting rights

Aggressive - express feelings and opinions in a way that violates the rights of others
Identify effective participants in a group process
actively participates
provides personal talents to task
considers others' points of view
Identify ineffective participants
failure to offer efforts to task
"my way or no way"
Recognize stages of group process
Storming - roles are determined
Norming - operation agreed upon
Performing - group performs its function
Adjourning - unform
Critical thinking
Critical thinking challenges you to think creatively, search for the answer, collect data, make inferences and draw conclusions
Critical thinking and Nurses
clinical decision making separate the professional nurse from technical staff
clients have problems with no textbook answers
nurses need to seek knowledge, act quickly, and make sound clinical decisions
Legal responsibilities of nursing students
liable for own actions
instructor, institution and health care facility share in student's liability,
should NEVER perform a task that have not been instructed
instructor should be present when performing new skills
you cannot perform nursing interventions while working as a CNA
Explain 4 components of HIPPA
Privacy regulations
Security regulations
Info transactions and code sets
National Identifiers
Training and Education
All individuals have the right to privacy
Must protect against any possible threats or misuse of ePHI
Information is protected by ID numbers and passwords
All facilities must be trained and tested on HIPPA policies
PSDA - Patient Self Determination Act
Pt must be educated on right to make decisions
Pt makes all decisions unless medically or legally incompetent
Must be documented
Nurses advocate for their pt's and their wishes
protects the rights of disabled people
it is the nurses obligation to report any practices or findings that endanger the health of a person
Informed consent is required of all patients
this also protects clients and health care workers with HIV
ANA Code of Ethics
The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.
•The nurse's primary commitment is to the client, whether an individual, family, group, or community.
•The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the client.
•The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with the nurse's obligation to provide optimum client care.
•The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional growth.
•The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving health care environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of quality health care and consistent with the values of the profession through individual and collective action.
•The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development.
•The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in promoting community, national, and international efforts to meet health needs.
•The profession of nursing, as represented by associations and their members, is responsible for articulating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of the profession and its practice, and for shaping social policy.
stresses health promotion as key to quality Health
disease oriented, reducing and controlling risk factors
immunizations and occupational health programs
stress management
seat belt
Primary care
keeps people healthy through personal hygiene, good nutrition, clean living environments, regular exercise, rest and positive attitudes
clinic visits, scheduled school or work screenigns
diagnosis and treatment of emergency or acute illnesses
hospital or ED
health care involves provision of specialized highly technical care for the client
oncology centers
burn centers
psychiatric facilities
intermediate follow-up care for restoring health
home health care
rehab centers
skilled nursing
addresses long-term or chronic health care needs
adult day care
respite care
Financial resources
Private health insurance
Long-Term Care insurance
regulatory and competitive approaches - look at quantity, quality and cost of hospital care
utilization review committees review admissions, dx testing and tx provided
diagnosis related groups were created with PPS to fix dollar amounts and fixed reimbursement for certain dx
capitation - fixed payment mechanism per pt per health care plan