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85 Cards in this Set

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The drugs used to treat the discomfort associated with an upper resp. disorder include:





A substance produced by the amino acid histidine found in tissue of the body such as the heat, lungs, gastric mucosa, and skin

an histamine is produced in response to ______


A histamine produces _______ of the arterioles and _______ permeability of capillaries and venules thus promotes an escape of fluid from blood vessels into surrounding tissue causing localized swelling



The release of a histamine produces and ________ response


A histamine is also released from _______ cells in allergic reactions or hypersensitivity reactions, such as anaphylactic shock


________ block most, but not all, effects of histamines (called histamine type 1 (h1) receptor antagonists)


There are 2 types of antihistamines:

1st generation

2nd generation

This type of antihistamine binds NON selectively to central and peripheral H1 receptor and may result in CNS stimulation or depression

First generation antihistamines


anti inching



These types of antihistamines are SELECTIVE for peripheral H1 receptors, and as a group are less sedating.
Second generation antihistamines
examples of 1st generation antihistamines are:

diphenhydramine HCL (Benedryl)

promethazine/ Phenergan (also antiemetic)

Examples of 2ns generation antihistamines are:

loratadine (Claritan, Zyrtec, or Allegra)

The general uses for antihistamines include:

relief of seasonal and perennial allergies

allergic and vasomotor rhinitis

Allergic Conjectivitis

Mild angioneurotic edema and uticaria

Allergic reaction to drugs, blood, or plasma

Relief of coughs cause by common cold

Adjective therapy in anaphylactic shock

Treatment of Parkinson sx

Relief NV

Relief Motion Sickness


Adjucts to analgesia

What are some CNS adverse reactions to antihistamines:

Drowiness/ Sedation

disturbed coordination

________ _______ of anithistamines affect the resp. system

Anticholinergic actions
Anticholinergic actions (effects) of an antihistamine may be:

dryness of mouth, nose, and throat

thickening of brachial secretion

____________ is relating to nerve cells or fibers that use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter
What are symptoms of allergy?

urticarial or skin rash

______ generation antihistamines may cause CNS stimulation or depression. Some of these drugs may have antipruritic or antiemetic effects
1st generation
_____ generations antihistamines may have less drowsiness and fewer anticholinergic effect

2nd generation
Assessment of the involved areas if pt. is receiving an antihistamine for relief of allergy symptoms include:



upper and lower resp. tract

If promethazine or Phenergan (1st generation) is used with an _____ to enhance the effects and reduce the dosage of the opioid, the nurse should take the pt _____ _____ before giving the drugs.


Vital signs

Phenergan is often given with _______
During the on going assessment the nurse should observe pt for expected effects of the ________ and for _____ ______


adverse reactions

If the antihistamine is given for a serious situation, the nurse assess the pt at ______ intervals until sx appear relieved and for about ____ hours after the incident


24 hours

While monitoring the pt. needs the 2 things to watch for are:

impaired oral mucous membrain

risk of injury

a pt that is experiencing ____ ____ _____ membrane is dryness of mouth, nose, and throat. it is important to offer pt sips of _____ or ice chips to relieve the sx.

impaired oral mucous


The prevent any risk of injury of a pt. who has taken an antihistamine, the following precautions are:

assist with ambulation

place call light with in reach and instruct pt to use

do not drive or operate machinery

What is the #1 cause of anaphylactic shock in a hospital

what is the #1 reason for anaphylactic shock outside the hospital?

bee sting

When implementing a nurse needs to _____ the dosage regimen and possible _____ drug reactions with the pt.



During evaluation of pt after administering anithistamines, nurse if looking for:

mucous membranes are moist and intact

No injury reported

the pt and family understand the drug regiment

A _____ is a drug that works directly on blood vessels to reduce swelling of the nasal passages, which opens clogged nasal passages and enhances drainage of the sinuses.

The nasal decongestants are ______, in that they produce localized vasoconstriction of the small blood vessels of the nasal membranes like adrenergic drugs.


_______ reduces swelling in nasal passages (decongestive activity)


Oxymetazoline or ______ is available as nasal spray or drop.


pseudoephedrine or _____ is taken orally


Decongestants are used to treat _______

Common Conditions associated with congestion are:

common cold

hay fever


allergic rhinitis

congestion associated with rhinitis

When a pt has an adverse reaction to a _______ decongestant, they may experience burning, stinging, and dryness.

Use of oral decongestions may result in the following adverse reaction:

Tachycardia (arrhythmias)




blurred vision


Pt over the age of 60 using decongestants are at greater risk for ____, ____, and ____



CNS depression

When using decongestants, always monitor the pt for any signs of ________

While promoting an optimal response to therapy, what 2 implements will a nurse take:

Watch for ineffective breathing pattern

education of pt and family

If a pt over uses a topical decongestant it can lead to _____ nasal congestion


Pt should be taught to take drug exactly as _____ and discontinuing drug tx _______



When educating a pt on decongestants, a nurse should inform them of:

nasal burning or stinging with topical, and sniff hard a few minutes after administration.

use as directed

overuse of topical decongestant can make sx worse

do not share your container

While evaluating a pt on decongestants, a nurse is observing:

effective breathing pattern

therapeutic effect is acheived

pt demonstrates understanding and compliance with drug regimen

_____ is a forceful explosion of air from the lungs


a cough may be _____ or _____


non productive

A _______ cough is a dry, hacking one that produces no secretions. A ________ drug is sued to relived this type of coughing

non productive


with a ____ cough, secretions are made in the resp. track. An _______ is a drug that thins resp. secretions to remove them more easily from the resp. tract.



Most antitussives depress cough at center located in the _____ and are known as ____ acting drugs



_____ is a drug used to suppress a non productive cough

What are the 2 classes of antitussives:

opioid antitussives

non opioid antitussives

____ antitussives are the most affective such as codeine sulfate.


an example of non-opioid antitussives is:

dextromethorphan or Robitussin

What are 2 main adverse reactions that an antitussive can cause:

CNS: sedation, dizz, lightheadedness

GI: NV and constipation

What are some interactions that may cause additive depressant effects when administering antitussives with codeine?

CNS depressants and alcohol

When assessing a pt., document type of ______ and amt of any _____ that is present. Also record VS, pt. with productive cough may have an ____.



During the ongoing assessment, what are some things a nurse should observe:

observe therapeutic effect

auscultate lung sounds, VS

describe and record type and frequency of coughing

record other things that interrupt sleep or pain in chest and body

What are some expected outcomes to set for pt taking antitussives?

optimal response to therapy

Support of pt needs for managing drug reactions

pt understands and is compliant

Ways to promote optimal response to therapy for a pt:

administer antitussives orally

monitor lungs for secretions pooling

depression of cough reflex can cause secretions to ___ in the lungs


indiscriminate ise of antitussives by general public may prevent early _____ and ____ of serious disorders, such as lung cancer or emphysema



How can a nurse minimize a pt risk of injury while taking an antitussive drug?

in hospital: orient with surroundings and closely supervise

encourage pt to as for assistance if dizzy or unsteady

When educating the pt about the use of antitussive drugs, a nurse should:

discourage use of OTC drugs

for lozenge, avoid drinking for 30 min (loss of effectiveness)

increase fluid intake (at least 1.5 to 2 L /d)

Advise pt to carefully ready, follow dosage recommendations and consult MD if cough persists (also fever and chest pains)

What should a nurse evaluate when a pt is taking antitussives?

Observe effectiveness

pt reports no injury or adverse reactions

Pt understands drug regimen

Drugs with _____ activity appears to reduce viscosity of the resp. secretions by direct action on mucus.

And example of a mucolytic drugs is:

acetylcysteine (Muscomyst)
______ increase production of secretions which in turn appears to decrease viscosity of mucus and helps to raise secretions from resp. passage.

examples of an expectorant drug:

gauifenesin (Robitussin or Mucinex)

Reasons a mucolytic or expectorant might be used is:

Acute brocho pulmonary disease

pulmonary complications of Cystic Fibrosis

Pulmonary complications assoc. with surgery

post Traumatic chest conditions

Atelectasis brochial studies

Mucolytics and expectorants can be used for _________ overdose if caught within 24 hours
What are some adverse reactions when using a mucolytic drug:

GI : stomatitis, NV




What are some adverse reactions when using an expectorant drug?





Before administering a mucolytic or expectorant drug, a nurse should always assess the pt ________ status and docum. ______ _______, amt of dyspnea, and consistency of ______


lung sounds


During an on going assessment of a pt taking mucolytics or expectorants, nurse should:

note increase or change in sputum

auscultation lungs

eval. pt resp. status and record

What are some expected outcomes for a pt taking mucolytic or expectorant drugs:

outcome of therapy

support needs if adverse reaction

understanding and compliance

What can a nurse do to promote optimal response to therapy?

explain tx and demonstrate nebulizer (RT)

warn acetylcysteine may small rotten eggs

remain with pt during tx

make sure suction equipment is reachable if aspiration occurs

During ineffective airway clearance, a nurse should encourange pt. to take ____ _____ _____. and monitor amt and ______ on sputum

Deep diaphragmatic breathes

When educating pt. provide instructions on how to ____ and _____ nebulizer equipment. Take drugs as directed, and is tx is ineffective to contact ______

use and clean


When a nurse evaluates a pt taking mucolytics or expectorants, you would look for:

effect is achieved

easy, unlabored breathing

any reactions are identified, reported, and treated

pt has understanding and compliance on how to use equipment and meds