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90 Cards in this Set

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3 branches of Canadian government

Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Left vs Right wing

Left - progressive

Right - reactionary

What is restorative justice?

Offender's reparations to victim via community based sentencing

Define Communism

Economic system based on community ownership of all property and means of production. Government revolves around the workers.

Why is the current Canadian Senate unconstitutional?

They are assigned instead of elected.

3 Different voting systems

FPTP, Proportional Representation, Preferential Ballot

Members of the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, Russia

What event initiated WWI?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

What was the name of the peace treaty signed between the German Empire and the Bolsheviks?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

What is the name of the policy when a nation trains, equips, and maintains armed forces?

Standing army policy

Name of the unclaimed neutral area between the Central and Allied trench fronts?

No Man's Land

Conflicts between which two nations sparked WWI?

Austria-Hungary and Serbia

The British-German arms race resulted in the development of the design of what naval boat?

The Dreadnought

Name of the Black Hand assassin behind the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrillo Princip

Name of the event containing Germany's guarantee to unconditionally support Austria-Hungary?

the Blank Cheque

When and where did Canadian women first get granted the right of suffrage?

Manitoba, 1916

First Canadian officer to be put in charge of Canadian troops in WWI?

General Arthur Currie

Which battle first saw German use of large quantities of chemicals against French and Canadian soldiers?

the Battle of Ypres

Who was Canada's top "Air Ace"?

Billy Bishop

What event marked the US's entering into WWI?

The sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats

What Canadian disaster in 1917 resulted in the largest explosion in history prior to the Atomic Bomb?

Halifax Explosion

What kind of tax still exists today as a result of the Canadian government trying to help pay for the cost of the war?

Income tax

What clause in the Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for WWI?

The War Guilt Clause

Why was the Canadian Ross Rifle ineffective in trench warfare?

Jammed easily in mud and dirt

What was Britain's enactment of strategy in response to German U-Boat sabotage of Britain's merchant fleet?

The convoy system

How long was WWI?

1914 - 1918

Who were the members of the Triple Alliance in WWI?

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy

What was the name of the act that placed restrictions and penalties on enemy aliens in Canada?

The War Measures Act

What is the name of the strategy of slowly wearing down the enemy in order to outlast them?


What did President Woodrow Wilson outline at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference?

the Fourteen Points

Who was the most popular member of the Famous Five that helped get women to vote in Manitoba?

Nellie McClung

What was a major issue during the Canadian election of 1917?


What battle was the greatest victory for Canada in WWI

the Battle of Vimy Ridge

What happened at the Imperial Conference in 1926?

Release of the Balfour Report, declaring all dominions as autonomous

What happened at the Statute of New Westminster in 1931?

Lawful recognition of the Balfour Report. Canada is now a member of the Commonwealth.

What occurred during the Winnipeg general strike?

Bloody Saturday, pioneered workers unions and the NDP

What resolution did maverick economist John Meynard Keynes propose to end the Great Depression?

Deficit financing

5 persons case (who, when, what, significance)

The Famous Five, 1930s, sought after the question of whether or not women were considered "persons" under the BNA Act. Supreme Court of Canada initially ruled the latter, but was later appealed to British Privy Council who declared the former.

Causes of the Depression

Mass sales of plummeting wheat stocks

Many investors bought on margin hoping for stocks to rise in value

Mass supply over demand

US protective tariffs made nations unable to repay their WWI debts to the US

Effects of the Depression

Widespread famine, crime and disease

Widespread prairie drought

US Bank failures due to failed loans

NDP and Social Credit party were formed in Canada

The origin of most forms of social welfare

What happened during the Chanak Crisis?

British mobilization in Turkey out of fear of Turkish capture of an important port. Canada for the first time did NOT send troops to help Britain

What happens in a Market Economy?

Individual producers and consumers determine the kinds of goods and services produced and the prices for these products

Define totalitarianism

Dictatorship in the modern era - total state control over all aspects of a nations life

Roles of women during WWII?

Abroad - Official women's divisions in the Army, Navy and Air force; Overseas deployment of 46,000 Canadian women, every role except ground forces

At home - dramatic increase of women in the workforce, peaking at nearly 50%

What happened to Japanese enemy aliens in Canada?

Stripped of rights, forensically identified and were required to wear enemy alien identification cards at all times

Define appeasement

To placate a nation by acceding to their wants or demands

What happened to Canada's economy after WWII?

Booming economy after its collective contributions to the war effort. Industrial/manufacturing production overtook agriculture as the most important Canadian economic sector

How did Canada grow as a nation after WWII?

Recognition of women's contributions to the war effort

Increased national tolerance

Baby boom and significant immigration wave

Canada established as middle power and recognized for numerous war contributions

Strengthening of social safety net and civil morale in addition to maintaining French-English relations

What law made Hitler the all powerful leader of Germany?

the Enabling Act

What was the name of Stalin's plan to industrialize the Soviet Union at all costs?

the Five Year Plan

What was the name of the Act that allowed Allied countries to buy materials from the US without having to pay up front?

Lend Lease Act

What was the name of the spy training facility just outside Oshawa, Ontario?

Camp X

What did Lester B. Pearson accomplish in office during 1963 - 1968?

Introduced Canadian Pension Plan and Medicare, reform of Canadian Flag.

Bipolar world consisted of the feud between which two powers?

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Two Canadian technological advancements from 1946 - 1979?

CANDU Nuclear Reactor in 1952

Launching of Alouette I in 1962

Events of the Cold War 1945 - 1949

Berlin Blockade

Arms Race

Bi Polar World and NATO

What did Trudeau implement in response to the OPEC crisis?

National Energy Program, froze Alberta Oil prices below world levels

What was the policy of containment?

Program to stop or halt the spread of communism by providing economic aid and military support to nations threatened by communism

What year was NATO formed and why?

1949, almost solely for collective security

What policy did Trudeau introduce in the late 1970s to combat growing racial tensions due to increased West Indies / Asian immigration?

Policy of multiculturalism, helped schools set up new courses and a council to study the problems of different ethnic groups in Canada.

What was created in 1968 in association with increased Canadian support of the United Nations to oversee assistance in developing countries?


What is the term used for a relaxation of tension, usually between two powers?


Pros and Cons of NAFTA

Pros - Increased trade, cheaper prices

Cons - Loss of jobs due to relocation, moving or selling of Canadian companies to the US or Mexico

What Canadian disaster happened on December 6th, 1989?

Marc Lepine systematically murdered 14 female students at the École Polytechnique in Montreal

What is G8?

Annual summit conferences composing of eight leaders of first world nations to discuss major economic, social and political issues that affect the (((global community)))

Why did the Soviet Union collapse?

Civil recognition of economic, social and militaristic failures led to revolution

Who became the next Prime Minister after Mulroney?

Kim Campbell

What was the name of the new approach to deal with Canada's increasing debt in the mid 1980s?


Who was the head of the UN Peacekeeping Forces in Rwanda?

Romeo Dallaire

Define privatization

The act of transferring ownership of government owned and operated facilities over to private companies

What year was NAFTA signed between all three North American nations?


What year did Milosevic abolish Kosovo's status quo as an autonomous province within Serbia and increased Serbian security presence along the perimeter?


What name was given to Quebec in the Meech Lake Accord that worried many English Canadians

Distinct society

What inherent right did Aboriginals believe they possessed?

Self government

What was the name of the period in which Quebecois Premier Maurice Duplessis operated?

The Great Darkness

What was the name of the British diplomat that was kidnapped by the FLQ in 1979?

James Cross

What is the Notwithstanding Clause?

An "escape" that can be used by the government to ignore the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms when introducing legislation

What did the Official Languages Act in 1969 enact?

Gave all Canadians the legal right to deal with the federal government in either French or English. All products sold in Canada now had to be bilingual. Immersion programs were implemented educationally across the nation.

Who are the Bloc Quebecois?

Federal separatist party of Quebec

Who is Jacques Parizeau?

Became Premier of Quebec when the Parti Quebecois defeated the Liberals in the Quebec election of 1994.

When was Nunavut created?


What was enacted in Bill 101?

Required that French be the language used by governments, courts and businesses in Quebec in addition to commercial signs in Quebec to be displayed in French only.

Who was Pierre Laporte?

Quebecois Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour that was kidnapped and assassinated by the FLQ in 1970

What occurred during the Quiet Revolution in Quebec?

Period of rapid reform and modernization in Quebec through secularization.

Pros and cons of the Indian Act

Pros - essential infrastructure, hunting and fishing rights, tax exemption

Cons - Denied ownership of land and suffrage for Status Indians, perceived as incompatible with Canadian citizen

Pros and cons of Quebec separatism

Pros - skyrocketing Quebecois patriotism/morale, severing of malevolent tensions between French and English, individual pursuit of economic opportunities

Cons - loss of freshwater, minerals, 25% of population, Atlantic isolation

What was Lester B. Pearson minister of before serving in office?

Minister of External Affairs

What year did Trudeau propose the Constitution Act?


Women's movement legislations?

illegality of discrimination, equal pay legislation, human rights commission, maternity leave

What battle killed or injured every officer of the Newfoundland Regiment?

Battle of the Somme