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38 Cards in this Set

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Trapezius O&I

O- occipital bone (superior nuchal line); ligamentum nuchae; spinous processes of C7-T12

I- Clavicle; acromion process and spine of scapula

Trapezius Action and Innervation

Action- Superior fibers: elevate and superiorly rotate scapula; middle fibers: retract scapula; inferior fibers: depress scapula

Innervation - Accessory nerve (CN XI)

Latissimus Dorsi O&I

O- spinous processes of T7-T12; ribs 8-12; iliac crest; thoracolumbar fascia

I- intertubercular groove of humerus

Latissimus Dorsi Action and Innervation

Action - agonist of arm extension; also adducts and medially rotates arm

Innervation - Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)

Rhomboid Major O&I

O- spinous process of T2-T5

I - medial border of scapula from spine to inferior angle

Rhomboid Major Action and Innervation

Action - elevates and retracts (adducts) scapula; inferiorly rotates scapula

Innervation - dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

Teres Minor O&I

O - Upper dorsal lateral border of scapula (superior to teres major origin)

I - Greater tubercle of humerus

Teres Minor Action and Innervation

Action - adducts and laterally rotates arm

Innervation - Axillary nerve (C5-C6)

Supraspinatus O&I

O - Supraspinous fossa of scapula

I - Greater tubercle of humerus

Supraspinatus Action and Innervation

Action - Abducts arm

Innervation - Suprascapular nerve ( C5-C6)

Subscapularis O&I

O - Subscapular fossa of scapula

I - Lesser tubercle of humerus

Suscapularis Action and Innervation

Action - Medially rotates arm

Innervation - Upper and Lower sub scapular nerves ( C5-C6)

Serratus anterior O&I

O - Ribs 1-8, anterior and superior margins

I - Medial border of scapula, anterior surface

Serratus anterior Action and Innervation

Action - Agonist in scapula protraction; superiorly rotates scapula ( so glenoid cavity moves superiorly); stabilizes scapula

Innervation - long thoracic nerve ( C5-C7)

Serratus posterior inferior O&I

O - Spinous process of T11-L2 vertebrae

I - Inferior borders of ribs 8-12

Serratus posterior inferior Action and Innervation

Action - Depresses ribs during forced exhalation

Innervation - Thoracic Spinal nerves

Splenius Capitis O&I

O - Ligamentum nuchae

I - Occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone

Splenius Capitis Action and Innervation

Action - Unilateral action: turns head to same side; Bilateral action : extends head/neck

Innervation - Cervical Spinal nerves

Iliocostalis group O&I

O - Tendon from posterior part of iliac crest, posterior sacrum, and lumbar spinous processes

I - Angles of ribs; transverse processes of cervical vertebrae

Iliocostalis group Action and Innervation

Action - Extends neck and vertebral column; maintains posture

Innervation - Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves

Longissimus group O&I

O - Tendon from posterior part of iliac crest, posterior sacrum, and lumbar spinous processes

I - Mastoid process of temporal bone and transvers processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

Longissimus group Action and Innervation

Action - Extends neck and vertebral column and rotates head; maintains posture

Innnervation - Cervical and thoracic spinal nerves

Spinalis group O&I

O - Lumbar spinous processes (thoracic part) and C7 spinous process (cervical part)

I - Spinous process of axis and thoracic vertebrae

Spinalis group Action and Innervation

Action - Extends neck and vertebral column; maintains posture

Innervation - Cervical and thoracic spinal nerves

Semispinalis group O&I

O - Transverse processes of C4-T12 vertebrae

I - Occipital bone and spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

Semispinalis group Action and Innervation

Action - Bilateral action: extends vertebral column/neck; Unilateral action: laterally flexes vertebral column/neck

Innervation - Cervical and thoracic spinal nerves

Multifidus O&I

O - Sacrum and transverse processes of each vertebra

I - Spinous processes of vertebrae located 2-4 segments superior to origin

Multifidus Action and Innervation

Action - Extends vertebral column; rotates vertebral column toward opposite side

Innervation - Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves

Rotatores O&I

O - Transverse processes of each vertebra

I - Spinous process of immediately superior vertebra

Rortatores Action and Innervation

Action - Extends vertebral column; rotates vertebral column toward opposite side

Innervation - Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves

Oblique capitis superior O&I

O - Transverse process of atlas

I - Inferior nuchal line

Oblique capitis superior Action and Innervation

Action - Turns head to same side

Innervation - Suboccipital nerve (posterior rams of 1st cervical spinal nerve)

Rectus capitis posterior major O&I

O - Spinous process of axis

I - Inferior nuchal line of occipital bone

Rectus capitis posterior major Action and Innervation

Action - Extends head/neck

Innervation - Suboccipital nerve (posterior rams of 1st cervical spinal nerve)

Gluteus maximus O&I

O - Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx

I - Iliotibial tract of fascia lata; linea aspera and gluteal tuberosity of femur

Gluteus maximus Action and Innervation

Action - Extends thigh; laterally rotates thigh

Innervation - Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)

Gluteus medius O&I

O - Posterior Iliac crest; lateral surface between posterior and anterior gluteal lines

I - Greater trochanter of femur

Gluteus medius Action and Innervation

Action - Abducts thigh; medially rotates thigh

Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)