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107 Cards in this Set

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According to the American Dietetic Association, what is the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber?
25-35 g
An average, daily intake of dietary fiber in the US is _________ of recommended levels.
What is the minimum daily amount of dietary carbohydrate necessary to spare body protein from excessive breakdown?
What is the first organ to respond to an increase in blood glucose concentration?
What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body?
Which of the following is NOT a monosaccharide?
Which of the following foods contains the LEAST cholesterol per serving size?
Steamed corn
Which of the following is an omega-3 fat?
Docosahexaenoic acid
Approximately what percentage of the body's energy needs at rest is supplied by fat?
Which of the following is characteristic of the enzyme lipase?
Salivary gland lipase (lingual lipase) plays a significant role in fat digestion in infants.
After a meal, most of the fat that eventually empties into the blood is in the form of particles known as
Which of the following characteristics are shared by cholesterol and lecithin?
Both are synthesized in the body.
What type of compound is lecithin?
What is the major sterol in the diet?
Which of the following is a feature of cholesterol?
Synthesized by the body
What compound is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with 3 fatty acids attached to a molecule of glycerol?
Which of the following describes a fatty acid that has one double bond?
Which of the following is a factor that determines the hardness of a fat at a given temperature?
Degree of saturation
Which of the following is a feature of homocysteine?
It is increased in the blood of coffee drinkers.
All of the following assumptions are made by the committee who sets the RDA for protein EXCEPT that
the fat content of the diet will be high
What amino acid has been linked to the development of the rare blood disorder eosinophilia myalgia in people who took it as a supplement?
What is a "limiting" amino acid in a protein?
An essential amino acid present in insufficient quantity for body protein synthesis to take place
Which of the following influence protein quality?
digestibility and amino acid composition
The body's amino acid pool consists of
both endogenous and exogenous amino acids
What is the usual fate of orally ingested enzyme supplements?
Digested by gastrointestinal proteases
When two amino acids are chemically joined together, the resulting structure is called a
What is the amino acid sequence of a protein?
The order of appearance of amino acids in the peptide chain
All of the following are important enterogastrone hormones EXCEPT
The presence of fat in the intestines stimulates cells of the intestinal wall to release
What is the first vessel to receive absorbed water-soluble vitamins?
Portal vein
When nutrients are transported from the digestive system to the vascular system, what organ is first to receive them?
Which of the following is a feature of the lymphatic system?
It carries fats and fat-soluble vitamins away from the intestines.
Which of the following is a function of the intestinal microvilli?
Transport of nutrient molecules
What structure separates the colon from the small intestine?
Ileocecal valve
Which of the following is NOT a sphincter muscle?
According to RDA, what percentage of the day's total energy intake should be furnished by carbohydrates?
According to the American Dietetic Association, what is the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber?
What is the first organ to respond to an increase in blood glucose concentration?
What is the reaction that links two monosaccharides together?
What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body?
Features consistent with the ingestion of high fat diets does not include
the diets initiate but do not promote cancer formation
What is the recommended DRI of fat that should be consume as a total energy intake?
Which of the following outlines the overall sequence of events in the complete oxidation of glucose?
Glycolysis, TCA cycle, electron transport chain
Which of the following is a feature of ketosis?
An aerobic reaction is one that requires
What is the first product of fatty acid catabolism?
Acetyl CoA
Which of the following nutrients can be made from compounds composed of 2-carbon skeletons?
Fatty acids
If the carbohydrate content of the diet is insufficient to meet the body's needs for glucose, which of the following can be converted to glucose?
Amino acids
Which of the following reactions is an example of an anabolic reaction?
Your answer: Formation of carbon dioxide from citric acid
Formation of cholesterol from acetyl-CoA molecules
Which of the following is a feature of catabolic reactions?
They involve release of energy.
What is the major energy carrier molecule in most cells?
Which of the following metabolic reactions occurs when a cell uses energy?
ATP releases a phosphate group and becomes ADP
Which of the following defines a coenzyme?
A small organic molecule required for the functioning of an enzyme
Reactions in which simple compounds are combined into more complex molecules are called
Which of the following is a feature of the body mass index?
It correlates with disease risks.
What is the weight classification assigned to young women with 30% body fat and young men with 20% body fat?
Which of the following describes an association between body weight and mortality?
Overweight men who are physically fit have a lower mortality risk than normal-weight, unfit men.
All of the following are true of the association between type 2 diabetes and body fat EXCEPT that
when overweight people with the disease lose weight they show only minimal improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin resistance
Which of the following is a feature of the basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
Pregnancy increases the BMR
To estimate the basal metabolic rates of individuals, which of the following was used in the equations by the Committee on Dietary Allowances?
After consuming a very large meal, the desire to eat a slice of chocolate cake is an example of behavior known as
What is the most satiating macronutrient?
The brain chemical neuropeptide Y is known to specifically enhance the craving for
Generally the normal composition of weight loss or weight gain is approximately 75% fat and 25% lean tissue. However, during periods of starvation the percentage of lean tissue loss could be
Of the following, which is NOT among the recommended strategies for weight gain in an underweight person?
Forced awakening during the night for supplemental meals and snacks
Which of the following is NOT a recommendation of weight-reduction counseling?
Reduce daily energy intake to less than 1000 kcal to overcome the decrease in metabolic rate.
Which of the following is a feature of the body's response to engaging in physical activity?
After an intense and vigorous workout, basal metabolism remains elevated for several hours.
Which of the following is a feature of energy metabolism in formerly obese people who have lost weight?
Energy requirements are lower than expected for their current body weight.
What is the primary action of orlistat, a weight loss drug?
Its inhibits pancreatic lipase.
The prescription drug sibutramine acts by regulating the utilization of
Healthcare professionals use which three indicators in evaluating the risks to health from obesity?
BMI, waist circumference, disease risk profile
What is the chief factor that determines a person's risk for obesity?
Which of the following is NOT an environmental factor in obesity?
energy regulation
What is the rationale for the fat cell theory of obesity?
Fat cell number increases most readily in late childhood and early puberty.
According to body mass index values, what fraction of the U.S. adult population is considered overweight?
All of the following describe the behavior of fat cells EXCEPT that the
number decreases when fat is lost from the body
Which of the following defines the body's set point?
Point above which the body tends to lose weight and below which it tends to gain weight
Why might vitamin C be beneficial in treating the common cold?
It deactivates histamine.
Which of the following is an early sign of vitamin C deficiency?
Bleeding gums
Which of the following symptoms is indicative of a vitamin C deficiency?
Your answer (correct): Subcutaneous pinpoint hemorrhages
All of the following are consequences of ingesting excess vitamin C supplements EXCEPT
enhancing the action of anticlotting medications
Which of the following food groups is a rich source of vitamin C?
Fruit group
Which of the following functions has a requirement for thiamin?
Energy release from energy-yielding nutrients
What is the primary chemical reaction in which thiamin participates as its coenzyme?
Assists in removal of one carbon unit from compounds involved in energy metabolism
Riboflavin in its coenzyme form functions in the transfer of
: hydrogen atoms
A general niacin deficiency can result in abnormalities of all of the following organs/systems EXCEPT
Which of the following activities is shared by vitamin B12 and folate?
Both are required for nucleic acid synthesis.
A similar type of anemia is produced when there is a deficiency of either
Your answer: riboflavin or niacin
vitamin B12 or folate
What is the most likely reason for the development of a vitamin B12 deficiency?
Inadequate absorption
What is a precursor?
A substance that is used to synthesize another compound
What is meant by the bioavailability of a vitamin in food?
The amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body
What is the primary excretory route for the water-soluble vitamins?
Which of the following is a feature of vitamin K?
It participates in synthesis of a bone protein.
Which of the following would most readily induce a vitamin K deficiency?
Antibiotic therapy
What population group has the highest risk for vitamin K deficiency?
The main function of vitamin E in the body is to act as a(n)
Which of the following disorders may result from vitamin E deficiency?
Erythrocyte hemolysis
Which of the following is a feature of vitamin E?
Deficiencies typically occur from inability to absorb dietary lipids
Which of the following are major sources of vitamin E in the diet?
Vegetable oils
Among the following, which contains the highest concentration of vitamin E?
Corn oil
What is the main function of vitamin D?
To promote calcium and phosphorus absorption and calcium mobilization from bone
Which of the following symptoms would indicate a vitamin D deficiency?
Bowed legs
Which of the following may result from excessive intake of vitamin D by adults?
Mineral deposits in soft tissues such as the kidney
Which of the following is the most reliable source of vitamin D in the diet?
Fortified milk
If a normal, healthy adult began consuming a vitamin A poor diet, the first deficiency symptoms would appear in approximately
1 to 2 years
Which of the following is likely to induce vitamin A toxicity in adults?
Consuming high-dose vitamin A supplements
All of the following are good sources of vitamin A EXCEPT