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64 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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pale red, palpable, superficial lesion, evanescent, disappearing in 1-2 d
irregular, transient, superficial area of localized skin edema
caused by edema in the papillary level of the dermis
a plug of keratinous material and skin oils reined in a follicle
open is black
closed is white
superficial, elevated, palpable lesion
any solid, elevated "bump"
<1 cm
raised plateau-like lesion, no depth, often a confluence of papules
>1 cm
lesion without elevation or depression
circumscribed color change without elevation or depression
<1 cm
flat lesion without elevation or depression
>1 cm
elevated, fluid-filled blister
<1 cm
elevated, fluid-filled blister
>1 cm
solid lesion with palpable elevation
marble like, deeper and firmer than papule
>0.5 cm
solid growth
>5 cm
encapsulated lesion, filled with soft material
elevated blister of any size filled with purulent exudate
small, dilated blood vessels near surface of skin or mucous membranes
Bullous Impetigo
- Flaccid transparent
-blister ruptures easily
-2nd to staph or strep
-infant + adolescents
-palpable red rash
-hypersensitivity reaction
-pink/red lesion w flat papules
-hx of easy flushing
-stress related (physical n emotional)
-inflammed papules + papulopustules
Tinea Capitis
-round scaling alopecia
-hair breaks close o skin
-tinea tonsurans infection
-seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis
-Dermatosis papulosa nigra in black ppl
-Trunk and face mostly
-benign lesion
yellow/brown palpable lesion
-appear stuck on, greasy, velvety
Actinic Keratosis
-may advance to squamous carcinoma
-round, irregular,flat papules
-face and hands
-pink,tan, gray
-nail plate n nail bed separate
-excess manicures, fungal inf., psoriasis
-Hair loss from pulling/twisting
-hair shaft r broken w diff. lengths
Spider Angioma
-Fiery red up to 2cm
-central body w radiating legs (spider)
-never below waist
-pressure on body blanches spider legs
Pityriasis Rosea
-herald patch
-mild pruritus
-pink to brown
-malaise,nausea, H/A
-scaly margins
-does not affect sclera
-2nd high ingestion of yellow veggies n fruit
-palms n soles of feet
% body weight of skin
What part of the skin is supplied with blood vessels?
Four pigments of normal skin:
What pigment is decreased in a pallored individual?
What skin pigmentation is a result of liver disease or excessive hemolysis of RBCs?
Causes of central cyanosis
Advanced lung dx, pulm edema, congenital heart dx, hemoglobinopathies
Causes of peripheral cyanosis
CHF, venous obstruction
Central cyanosis is the result of low oxygen in the (arterial/venous) blood
Short, fine, inconspicuous & unpigmented hair is called...
Vellus hair
Terminal hair is....
coarse, thicker, conspicuous & pigmented, i.e. scalp & eyebrows
You would see (sparse/silky) hair in hypothyroidism?

fine & silky in hyperthyroidism
Body odor is associated with bacterial decomposition of this type of sweat...
Eccrine sweat glands are what...
widely distributed, open directly onto skin surface & help control body temp
Dry skin, aging, pregnancy, uremia, jaundice, lymphomas/leukemias, drug rxns & lice are causes of what skin symptom?
HARMM stands for...
History of previous melanoma
Age >50y/o
Regular dermatologist visit
Mole changing
Male gender
ABCDE method for screening moles
A- asymmetry
B- borders
C- color
D- diameter (>6mm)
E- elevation
In a patient with hypothyroidism, you may see skin that is...
dry, rough & cool
What is heliothrope?
violaceous eruption over eyelids in dermatomyositis
The pattern and shape of tinea corporis is often referred to as...
serpiginous; slow forming, "creeping", leaving scar tissue as is moves up
The visible & palpable thickening of the epidermis & roughing of the skin w/ normal skin furrows is called...
Keloids are...
hypertrophic scarring that extends beyond the borders of the initiating injury
Nonscarring loss of the superficial epidermis, surface is moist but does not bleed is called...
An increased production of sebum which combine w/ keratinocytes to plug the follicular opening is commonly known as...
The difference between petechiae/purpura and ecchymosis is...
Ecchymosis is caused by trauma, petechiae/purpura are spontaneous eruptions of vessels 2/2 bleeding disorders, TTP, etc.
Major functions of the skin
Provide homeostasis
Provide boundaries for body fluids
Protect underlying tissues
Modulate body temp
Synthesize Vitamin D
Angle between the proximal nail fold & nail plate is...
normally <180degrees
It takes approx how long for skin to migrate from the inner to outer layer (epidermis)?
1 month
Psoriasis is found primarily on the (extensor/flexor) surfaces?
**head, elbow, back, trunk, hands, knees, feet**
Eczema is found primarily on the (extensor/flexor) surfaces?
**face, lower arms, neck, AC, wrist, back of knees, tops of feet**
appears as a red, scaly patch on sun-exposed areas of skin, primarily in adults >60y/o, may develop from actinic keratosis
Squamous cell carcinoma
common in fair-skinned person, >40y/o, appears as a translucent nodule w/ a depressed center
Basal cell carcinoma
Curving transverse white bands that cross nail parallel to lunula
Mees' lines
2/2 disrupted matrix of the proximal nail
seen in arsenic poisoning, HF, hodgkins dx, chemo, CO poisoning, leprosy
bilateral depression of nail plates
Beau's lines
2/2 systemic illness
Nail condition seen in psoriasis 2/2 defective layering of the superficial nail
Bullous pemphigoid
tense bullae arising on skin that may be normal, erythematous or urticarial

Begin in lower extremities and progresses upwards; no mucous membrane involvement

Seen in elderly patients

2/2 autoimmune dx against components of the epidermal basement membrane
Steven-Johnson syndrome
macular rash  blisters and erosion  red & raw skin; skin is tender!!!

recent h/o fever, malaise, headache & myalgias; starts on face/central trunk; + mucosal involve.

All age groups

2/2 causative medication
Guttate psoriasis
small, round and ovoid lesions; silvery adjacent scales

Upper trunk & proximal extremities; face/scalp/ear involvement

Young adults

2/2 strep throat infections
Tinea Corpois
round, pink plaques w/ small peripheral papules and a rim of scales; sharp, raised border w/ central clearing;

Back & neck most common

All ages

2/2 fungal infection
Secondary syphillis
oval papules/plaques in sexually active people, copper red to hyperpigmented in color

Diffuse, symmetrical presence; involve mucosa & palms/soles of extremities

Sexually active persons

2/2 primary syphilis, h/o transient, painless genital ulcer, occurs ~8wks after exposure
dark brown/black macule w/ pigment variation & irregular borders

upper back (males), legs (females)

Adults 40-50s

develop from pre-existing melanocytic nevus