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92 Cards in this Set

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the range of frequencies between the highest & lowest frequencies sent from the transducer.
what is rejection
eliminates low amplitude echoes but doesn't effect high amp echoes
what is the Bernouli Principal?
an increase in velocity makes a decrease in pressure. (Airplane taking off)
What is compression?
decreasing the differences between smallest and largest echo amps to a usable range.
Amplification means
the conversion of small voltages into larger voltages
what is the formula for wavelength?
=prop speed/frequency (C/F)
what is the formula for PRP?
Define Wavelength?
the length of space that 1 cycle takes up.
define spatial pulse length?
the length of space a pulse takes up
what is a transducer?
any device that converts 1 form of energy into another.
what is an accustic speckle?
Interference pattern gives a grainy image
what is the formula for near zone formula?
f x d (sq) / 6
what is the formula for period?
what is the formula for pulse duration?
nt or n/f
What is the formula for temporal average?
what is the power ratio formula?
What is voltage ratio?
the ratio of output to input. OP/IP
What is the formula for Impedance?
d/c (density x prop speed)
what is the formula for intensity reflection coefficient?
((Z2-Z1)/(Z2+Z1)) sq
what is amplitude
the max variation in an acoustic variable. How far away it gets from normal values.
what is the windkessel effect?
expand/contract of compliant vessels. Valves that stop back flow & cause extended flow.
explain Doppler shifts.
fires 2 pulses @ RBC (in the beam) when they come back the computed difference in frequency is the shift. Finds the distance traveled.
what is the formula for flow rate?
PD/LV (pressure x diameter/length x viscosity
What is sound?
a mechanical longitudinal wave that back and forth particle motion is parallel to the direction of travel.
What is the attenuation formula?
1/2FL (1/2 x frequency x path length)
What is the formula for distance?
1/2CT (1/2 x prop speed x time)
What is the formula for Quality Factor?
OF/B (operating freq/bandwidth)
What is the intensity formula?
P/A (power/area)
What is the formula for ITC?
What is the formula for Duty Factor?
PD/PRP (pulse duration/ pulse rep period)
What is duty factor?
The fraction of time that pulsed U/S is on.
What is PRF?
The # of pulses in 1 sec
What is sound?
A traveling variation in wave variables.
What is frequency?
The # of cycles in 1 sec.
What is optimum frequency?
Highest frequency used that has sufficient penetration.
What is period?
The time it takes for one cycle to occur?
What is Temporal Resolution?
The ability to accurately locate moving structures @ any given instance in time.
What is dynamic Range?
ratio of largest to smallest amplitude (power) that a system can handle.
What is compensation?
images are uniformed brightness from top to bottom.
How do you correct the effects of attenuation?
What is apodization?
Creation of grating lobes due to multiple elements.
How do you reduce apodization?
Varying drive voltage on outer elements of array.
What is pixel interpolation?
Assigns a brightness value on the average of brightness of adjacent pixels.
What is elastography?
Usually in color, shows how stiff the tissue is.
What is flow rate?
The volume of blood passing a point per unit of time.
What is persistence?
Frame averaging of sequential frames to make a smoother image & reduce noise.
What is IRC?
How much gets sent back. % bounced back.
What is ITC?
How much gets through.
Define the Doppler effect?
A change in frequency (& wavelength) due to motion.
What is the formula for Impedance Density?
m/v (mass/volume)
What is pulse duration?
The time it takes for 1 pulse to occur.
What is quality factor?
A unitless # that represents the extent of damping. (how much it is damped)
What is range ambiguity?
for each pulse all echoes are received before the next pulse is sent (max depth is determined by PRP)
What is SPL?
The ability to see 2 items above & below each other as separate items.
What is pre-amplification?
amplified in transducer (thick wire-low res/this wire-high res)
What is the formula for fractional bandwidth?
B/OF (bandwidth/operating freq)
What is the rule for 3D tubes?
If the diameter goes down by 1/2, then speed goes up by a factor of 4.
What is the formula for frequency?
c/w & 1/t ( speed/wavelength or 1/time)
What is the formula for Intensity Duty Factor?
TA/PA (Temporal Avg/Pulse Avg)
What is the focal region?
an area on either side of the focal point that is within 25% or 6 db of the SPI (spatial Peak Intensity)
What is oblique incidence?
Direction of travel that is not perpendicular to boundary between 2 media.
What is hydrostatic pressure?
The weight of blood pressing against vessels from level of heart to level of measurement.
What is amplification?
Converts small volts to larger volts to process & store. aka GAIN
What is pulsatile flow?
non steady flow that result from acc/dec of cardiac cycle.
What is the formula for PRF?
What is the Doppler effect?
Change in frequency of sound as a result of motion between source and receiver.
What is demodulation?
Takes the difference in freq of the shift from transducer freq. It knows if the received pulse is @ different freq something has motion.
What is pressure?
force per unit area.
What is turbulent flow?
Flow is random or reversed. Can be heard, happens distal to stenosis.
What is power?
the rate that energy is transferred from 1 location to another
What is impedance?
determines transmission or reflection of waves. Measure of down stream resistance.
What is refraction?
a change in the direction of sound when it crosses a boundary.
What is scattering?
the redirection of sound in many directions by rough surfaces or heterogeneous media.
What is the formula for axial resolution?
1/2 SPL ( 1/2 Spatial pulse length) 1/2 nw, or 1/2 nc/f
What is pressure?
force per unit of area, = distributed in static fluid uniformly
What is Piezoelectric effect?
When a certain materials create a voltage when pressure is applied or when the material is mechanically deformed.
What is the Doppler effect?
a change in echo frequency
What is viscosity?
The resistance to flow by a fluid in motion. Units are poise. (Thickness of a fluid)
What is PRP?
The time from beginning of one pulse to the beginning of the next. (includes listen time)
What is attenuation?
A weakening of sound as it propagates.
What is magnitude?
Strength of the sound.
What is pulse avg (PA)?
Intensity averaged over pulse duration. (how much for how long)
What is back scatter?
Sound scattered back in the direction from which is originally came.
What is speed (velocity)
The rate @ which an object covers a distance.
What is area?
The amount of material involved
What is intensity?
The rate energy passes thru a unit area of the beam. Concentration of power in the beam.
What is energy?
the ability to do work.
What is propagation speed?
the speed with which an entire wave moves through a medium.
What is SPW?
The ability to see 2 items side by side as separate.
Electric scanning sequencing
fires small groups of elements in sequential order in a straight line. No steering (linear & curved array)
What is the range equation?
What is the Doppler shift equation?
2VCosOFo/C (2 x Velocity x Cosine angle x orig freq/speed of sound in ST