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23 Cards in this Set

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n. Abnormal largeness of the head. Also called ..., ...

... is also known as Virchow disease.
adj. Having very large fins or wings.

The computer-generated bird was ... .
n. The branch of zoology that deals with mollusks.

Having grown up by the ocean, Timothy knew that he wanted to specialize in ... .
n. A knee-length, sleeveless vestment worn by Roman Catholic prelates.

The bishop wore a ... of silk.
n. A pale, very dry sherry from Spain.

The tourists decided to sample the ... .
1. An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs.
2. (a) An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr. (b) The branch of ecclesiastical history or hagiography that deals with martyrs.

The names were entered in the ..., not in alphabetical arrangement, but by date of birth.
n. (used with a sing. verb) The study of the interrelationship between language and other cultural behavior.

The degree plan for a degree in linguistics included a course in ... .
noun form of metallography
n. The study of the structure of metals and allows, especially by optical and electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. ... n.

The ... used a microscope to check the metal for impurities.
1. Normal transformation of tissue from one type to another, as in the ossification of cartilage to form bone.
2. Transformation of cells from a normal to an abnormal state.

The doctor said that ..., ossification of cartilage to form bone, was occurring properly in the infant.
adj. Of or relating to the forehead.

The ... point is midway betwen the frontal eminences.
adjective form of miasma
1. A noxious atmosphere or influence: "The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere like a coiling ..." (Louis Auchincloss).
2. (a) A poisonous atmosphere formerly though to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease. (b) A thick, vaporous atmosphere or emanation: "wreathed in a ... of cigarette smoke." ... adj.

The ... smell of the feedlot permeated the neighborhood.

synonyms: adjective - toxic, pestilent, poisonous, venomous
n. Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda, especially R. odorata, widely cultivated for its terminal, dense, spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers.

Marsha loved the fragrance from the ... she had planted in her garden.
n. One who has a meek, timid, unassertive nature.

The leader who failed to assert himself was referred to as a ... .

synonyms: namby-pamby, milksop, Walter Mitty
n. Hatred or mistrust of humankind.

With almost every line the character spoke, he revealed his ... .

synonyms: cynicism, inhumanity, selfishness
n. LAW: One guilty of misfeasance.

The owner of the property put up no trespassing signs in hopes of deterring ... .
n. LAW:
1. Maladministration of public office.
2. Neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory.
3. An act of sedition against a government or the courts.

n. Contempt; disdain.

Charges of ... were filed against the mayor.
1. Political control by a mob.
2. The mass of commonpeople as the source of political control.

After the catastrophic event, there was ... until the military leader gained control.

synonyms: definition 1 - anarchy, lawlessness, chaos
adjective form of monogyny
n. The practice or condition of having only one wife at a time. ... adj.

After enduring the lecture from his wife, the man was thankful that he was ... because he didn't known how could he stand lectures from two or three women.
1. Given to biting; biting.
2. Caustic; sarcastic.

The woman's ... manner of speaking made her the terror of the neighborhood.

definition 1 - piercing, stinging, penetrating
definition 2 - acrimonious, bitter, acrid
n. The historical and scientific study of music.

Marilyn's degree plan included a course in ... .
adj. Fungivorous.

... insects feed on fungi.
adj. Causing dilatation of the pupils.

n. A ... drug.
n. An organism, such as a beetle, that habitually shares the nest of an ant colony.

... depend upon food which is brought into the nest by the hosts or on the hosts.