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39 Cards in this Set

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which structures define the space through which the circumflex scapular a. passes?
triangular space

teres maj, min, and long head of triceps
which spinal cord segments are in the suprascapular n?
C5 and C6
where does the subscapularis insert?
lesser tubercle of humerus
what muscular compartment is innervated by the musculocutaneous n.
anterior of arm
what structure accompanies the superior ulnar collateral a. in its course in the distal arm?
the ulnar n.
through which fascia does the basilic v. pierce?
brachial fascia
what mm. does the lower subscapular n. innervate?
subscapularis and teres maj
what is the most distal structure innervated by the ant. interosseus n.?
pronator quadratus m.
of the radial and ulnar aa., which has a depper course in the forearm?
ulnar a.
what type of joint is the distal radio-ulnar joint?
fibrous syndosmosis
does the ulnar n. course anterior or posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
what structure traverses the suprascapular notch?
suprascapular n.
what aa. principally ramifies on the surface of the serratus anterior m.?
lateral thoracic a.
is the synovial sheath of the thumb continuous with a sheath in the carpal tunnel?
if the axillary a. were ligated in its first part, would blood flow in the suprascapular a. be anterograde or retrograde?
what tendon(s) traverse the extensor retinaculum in the same compartment as the extensor digitorum tendons?
extensor indices
under which mm. does the radial aa. run in the forearm?
progressive fibrosis of the palmar aponeurosis is known as what condition?
dupuytren's contracture
which artery principally forms the deep palmar arch?
the synoviual sheath of the FDP and FDS continues into which digit?
which fascia does the cephalic v. pierce?
does the lateral pectoral n. pierce the clavipectoral fascia medial or lateral to the pec minor?
which a. accompanies the axillary n.?
posterior humeral circumflex
does the lateral pectoral n. contribute to its overlying dermatome?
name an intrinsic hand m. innervated by the radial n.
what mm. are associated with the FDL in the foot?
quadratus plantae and lumbricals
give the innervation of the quadratus plantae m.
lateral plantar n.
which intrinsic m of the hallux isnt innervated by the medial plantar n.
aductor hallicus
with which bones does the navicular articulate distally?
the cuneiforms
between which 2 tendons is the dorsalis pedis a. palpable?
extensor hallicus longus + extensor digitorum longus
give the distal insertion of the lig. of the head of the femur
fovea of femur
give the innervation of the obturator externus m.
obturator n.
does the subacromial bursa lie superior or inferior the supraspinatous tendon
via which foramen does the obturator internus exit the pelvis
lesser sciatic foramen
of what is the lateral femoral circumflex a. usually a branch?
profunda femoris a.
the ischiocondylar portion of adductor magnus is part of which functional compartment?
does the saphenous n. traverse the adductor hiatus?
the fibular a. usually courses under which muscle?
flexor hallicus longus
the sping ligament supports which bone superior to it
head of the talus