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55 Cards in this Set

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Effects gluteus medius during gait
controls pelvic tilt-eccentric
Effects gluteus maximus during gait
Powers hip extension- concentric
Effects ilipsoas during gait
Powers hip flexion- concentric
Effects hip adductors during gait
Controls lateral sway- eccentric
Effects hip abductors during gait
controls pelvic tilt-eccentric
Effects quadriceps during gait
Stabilizes knee at heel-strike
Effects hamstrings during gait
controls rate of knee extension- eccentric
Effects tibialis anterior during gait
Dorsiflexes ankel at swing- concentric// slows plantar-flexion rate at heel strike- eccentric
Effects gastrocnemius/soleus during gait
Slows dorsiflexion rate- eccentric
Effects gluteus medius weakness
abductor lurch
Effects gastrocnemius/soleus weakness
Flatfoot (calcaneal) gait
Effects quadriceps weakness
back-knee gait
Cause hip scissoring
Overactive adductors
Changes antalgic gait
shorten stance phase on affected limb/ more rapid contralateral swing phase
Effects of cane on gait
shifts center of gravity towards contralateral side when used in opposite hand
Energy expenditure s/p BKA
increased 25%
Energy expenditure s/p bilateral BKA
increased 40%
Direct load transfer s/p amputation
aka terminal weight bearing. Occurs in ankle/knee disarticulation.
Indirect load tranfer s/p amputation
End of stump does not take all of weight- load transferred indirectly by total contact of prosthesis socket
Most important risk factor for amputation in DM
Peripheral neuropathy
Biologic amputation level
most distal functional amputation with high probability of wound healing
Decreasing phantom pain
prosthetic use, PT, compression, TENS
Persistent swelling s/p amputation
verrucous hyperplasia- overgrowth of skin w/ serous discharge. Tx: total contact cast
Wrist disarticulation
benefits: preserve more forearm rotation/ improved prosthetic suspension. Disadvantages: challenging prosthetic fitting
Transradial amputation- site
optimal length: junction of middle and distal 1/3
Diabetic UE gangrene
Indicator of end stage disease: life expectancy <2yrs
Toe amputation
traumatic- lose some stability in late-stance phase. Great toe: amp distal to FHB insertion. 2nd toe: amp distal to P1 flare- acts as buttress vs hallux valgus
Ray resection
Single outer--> good results. 2+ rays--> narrow foot w/ poor shoe fitting. Central ray resection--> prolonged wound healing/ worse than midfoot amp
TMA/ Midfoot amputations
Long plantar flap preferred. TMA through proximal metaphyses to prevent pressure ulcers. Add TAL to prevent equinus. Late varus may occur--> tx w/ TA transfer to neck of talus
Syme amputation
Stable gait, direct load tranfer, minimal skin breakdown complications. Need patent posterior tibial artery. Secure heel pad to tibia.
BKA site
Optimal length >12cm below knee joint. Myodese posterior muscles.
Knee disarticulation
End bearing, better sitting/transfer function. Suture patellar tendon to cruciate ligaments.
Dog ears on amputation stump
Do NOT remove-- will make flap more narrow and compromise blood flow
AKA site
12cm above knee joint.
Prosthetic fitting s/p UE amputation
very early- before wound healing- increases use from 30-80%
Prosthesis for midradial amputation
myoelectric prosthesis for sedentary work/ body powered for heavy labor
Prosthesis for above elbow amp
Very inefficient/ poorly tolerated. Require two motions for prehension.
Prosthesis for proximal transhumeral amp
limited function. Manual universal shoulder joint positioned w/ other hand.
Single axis foot
single hinge-> poor durability and cosmesis
SACH foot
solid-ankle, cushioned heel. Was used for general use in low demand. Use being discontinued.
Articulated dynamic response foot
allow inversion/eversion and rotation. Useful for uneven surfaces. Flexible keel deforms under load and provides spring for pushoff. Saggital split allows for inversion/eversion
Non-articulated dynamic response foot
long keels for very high-demand activities
Prosthetic shank
provides structural link between prosthetic components. Endoskeletal or exoskeletal
Polycentric knee
moving instant center of rotation- allows for increased flexion
Stance-phase control knee
Constant friction knee during swing phase/ freezes when weight applied.
Fluid control knee
allows for adjusting cadence. Good for active patients. Allows greater utility and variability
Constant friction knee
most commonly used in kids. Allows only single speed walking. Relies solely on alignment for stability during stance phase.
Preferred suspension method BKA prosthesis
Gel-liner suspension w/ locking pin
Knee instability s/p AKA
knee to anterior/ foot too stiff
Foot slap/knee hyperextension s/p AKA
heel too soft
Knee flexion/bucking s/p AKA
heel to rigid
Excessive lordosis s/p AKA
hip flexion contracture/ socket problems
Best predictor of ambulation s/p TBI
Cervical SCI level and function
C4 and above- high back/head support; C5- mouth driven wheelchair; C6:manual wheelchair w/ orthoses. C7: independent w/ wheelchair. Transfers: dependent at C4/ assisted at C5/ independent at C6
Postpolio syndrome
aging phenomenon- more nerve cells become inactive w/ age. Tx: submaximal exercise w/ rest periods in between