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135 Cards in this Set

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FGFR3. AD. Spinal stenosis. Lumbar kyphosis, wide pelvis
COMP. AD. Cervical instability. Normal facies. Precocious OA.
Type II collagen. Congenita- AD/ Tarda- X-linked. Epiphyseal fragmentation w/ spine involvement. Early OA. Dislocated hips. Retinal detachment (congenita)
Kniest's syndrome
Type II collagen. AD. Retinal detachment. Dumbbell-shaped bone.
Jansen's metaphyseal chondroplasia
PTHrP. AD. Hypercalcemia w/ metaphyseal expansion. Most severe form.
Schmid's metaphyseal chondroplasia
Type X collagen. AD. Coxa vara, genu valgum. Looks like rickets
McKusik's metaphyseal chondroplasia
COMP. AR. Cartilage-hair dysplasia. Odontoid hypoplasia. Immunocompromised. Intestinal malabsorption.
Type II collagen. AD. Bilateral hip involvement- looks like symmetric bilateral Perthes. Double layer patella.
Diastrophic dysplasia
sulfate transport protein. AR. Cauliflower ears, kyphoscoliosis- twisted dwarf. Cervical kyphosis- risk quadriplegia.
Cleidocranial dysplasia
CBFA1 (transc factor for osteocalcin). AD. Aplasia of clavicles, coxa vara
Hurler's syndrome
AR. MR. Cloudy cornea. Dermatan/heparan sulfate in urine. Worst form.
Hunter's syndrome
XR. MR. Clear cornea. Dermatan/heparan sulfate in urine.
Sanfilippo's syndrome
AR. MR. Clear cornea. Heparan sulfate in urine. Nml kids until 2yo.
Morquio's syndrome
AR. Nml intelligence. Karatan sulfate in urine. Most common. Odontoid hypoplasia.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
organomegaly/omphalocele/macroglossia. Hemihypertrophy w/ spastic CP. Risk Wilm's tumor.
hip dislocations, congenital fusions, congenital scoliosis, myelodysplasia
Gauchers disease
B-glucocerebrosidase deficiency--> accumulation of cerebroside in reticuloendothelial system. Patchy sclerosis, erlenmyer flask distal femur, hepatosplenomegaly, lipid-laden histiocytes (gaucher's cells)
Nieman Pick disease
AR. Accumulation of sphingomyelin in reticuloendothelial system.
Sickle cell
ON, septic arthritis, salmonella infections, dactylitis. Preop oxygenation/exchange transfusion. Hydroxyurea-->pain relief during pain crisis.
Hemophilia A disorder
Factor VIII
Hemophilia B disorder
Factor IX
Grading hemophilia
mild- 5-25%/ moderate- 1-5%/ severe <1% factor available
iliacus hematoma-->femoral n paralysis. Cartilage atrophy s/p hemarthroses. Mild-moderate A: tx desmopressin.
Factor replacement- hemophilia
Acute hemarthrosis or soft tissue surgery- >50%. Skeletal surgery- 100% preop then >50% x 10 days. IgG inhibitors- relative CI to surgery
Dec Ca. Si/Sx: physeal cupping/widening; bowing long bones; Looser's lines; ligamentous laxity; enlarged costal cartilages; dorsal kyphosis. Histo: widened osteoid seams/ large trabecula.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Type I collagen defect (COL1A2 gene) --> abnormal cross-linking/ decreased collagen secretion. Fx healing nml. Fx less common after puberty. Tx: brace early/ telescoping IM rods after 2yo/ bisphosphonates dec fx risk. Surgery if scoliosis over 50deg--> large blood loss expected.
Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
8-14yo. Osteopenia/growth arrest/bone pain. Nml Ca/Phos levels. Resolves 2-4yrs after puberty.
Failure of osteoclastic resorption. Defect in thymus. Dense bone/ rugger jersey spine. Loss of medullary canal--> aplastic anemia/loss of optic/oculomotor nerves. Tx: BMT
Infantile cortical hyperostosis
Caffey's disease. Soft tissue swelling/ cortical thickening s/p febriel illness. 0-9mo old. Self-limiting.
Marfan's syndrome
AD. Fibrillin defect. Pectus deformity. Scoliosis. Acetabular protrusio. Aortic dilation. Superior lens dislocation.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
AD. Cigarette paper skin. Hypermobile and unstable joints. Soft tissue procedures ineffective.
AR. Methionine metabolism error. Osteoporosis. Marfanoid habitus. Inferior lens dislocation. Dx: cyanide-nitroprusside test--> homocysteine in urine. Tx: vitamin B6/ low methionine diet
Obstetric brachial plexus palsy- prognostic indicators
Poor prognostic indicator: no antigravity biceps at 6mo, Horner's sign.
Obstetric brachial plexus palsy- treatment
Contracture release, lat and teres major tx to shoudler external rotators (L-Episcopo's). Tendon tx for elbow flexion. Proximal humerus rotational osteotomy. Nerve grafting.
Congenital muscular torticollis
SCM contracture. 90% resolve w/ stretching. Z-plasty if over 1yo. Associated w/ AA instability
Congenital pseudarthrosis of clavicle
R side. ORIF w/ bone grafting for cosmesis or fragment mobility or scapular winging at ages 3-6yo. Union predictable
Erb's palsy
C5-C6 palsy. Lose deltoid/cuff/biceps/wrist dorsiflexors--> waiter's tip position. Best prognosis
Klumpke's palsy
C8-T1 palsy. Lose wrist flexors/intrinsics. + Horner's syndrome.
Walking ability hemiplegic CP
all eventually can walk
Predicting walking ability CP
Persistence of 2+ primitive reflexes
Mechanism of botulinum toxin
Inhibition of presynaptic release of Ach
Hip at risk
Abduction less than 45 degrees w/ partial uncovering of femoral head. Tx: adductor/psoas release- done early.
Dega acetabuloplasty
Take 3 triangles of iliac crest and wedge into pelvis superior to acetabulum
Larsen's syndrome
multiple joint dislocations- bilateral knee's. Scoliosis/clubfeet/cervical kyphosis
Red/warm/swollen limb in myelodysplasia
Fracture until proven otherwise
Level of myelodysplasia needed for functional ambulation
Must be distal to L2--> need quads
Level of myelodysplasia needed for community ambulation
distal to L4
Hip dislocation in myelodysplasia
Most common at L3-L4 level. Tx: containment only if functioning quadriceps.
Most affected muscles in CMT
TA and PB
Myasthenia gravis
easy fatigability. Competitive inhibition of Ach receptors at motor end plate by antibodies from thymus. Tx: cycloposrin/anti-ach tx/ thymectomy.
viral destruction of anterior horn cells
Proteus syndrome
overgrowth of hands/feet w/ bizarre facial disfigurement.
many causes. Most common- NF. Assoc w/ Wilm's tumor.
Tx windswept hips
brace adducted hip. Release abduction contracture of other hip.
Tx hyperextension knee gait
rectus femoris lengthening
Tx stiff-leg gait
if EMG: continuous then trnasfer rectus to hamstrings
Genetic defect McCune-Albright
activating mutation cAMP
Genetic defect CMT
Genetic defect Duchenne/Becker's
Genetic defect hypophosphatemic rickets
Most common direction of thoracic scoliosis
right apex
Threshold of normal scoliometer reading
7deg- correlates w/ 20 degree coronal curve
Indications for MRI scoliosis
1. left thoracic. 2. apical kyphosis. 3. cavus/cavovarus feet. 4. asymmetric neuro exam. 5. structural abnormalities. 6. onset <11yo. 7. rapid progression. 8. Pain
Predictor peak growth velocity
before onset of menarche/ Risser 1
Age categories of scoliosis
infantile: <3yo/ juvenile: 4-10yo/ adolescent: >10yo
Milwaukee brace
CTLSO- use for apex above T7
Boston brace
underarm TLSO- use for apex at or below T8
Indications for circumferential fusion in idiopathic scoliosis
1. deformity >75yo. 2. Crankshaft prevention (Risser 0/ age <10yo (F) or <13yo (M)/ before peak growth velocity)
Stable vertebra in scoliosis
most proximal vertebra that is most closely bisected by center sacral line
Lowest instrumented vertebra
Single thoracic: 1-2 proximal to stable vertebra. Double/Triple major curves: distal end vertebra
Late rod breakage after PSF for scoliosis
indicator of pseudarthrosis
Risk of sublaminar wires for scoliosis correction
Increased risk of neuro injury
Determinants of progression risk in IIS
Curves less than 25deg/ RVAD less than 20deg resolve- need no tx
Indication for fusion in JIS
Curve >50deg
Features of neuromuscular scoliosis
pelvic obliquity, progression after deformity, bony deformities, cervical involvement, more rapid progression
Galveston technique of fixation to pelvis
bend caudal ends of raods from lamina of S1 to pass into PSIS between tables of ilium
Indication for scoliosis fusion in Duchenne's
curve >30deg- fuse T2-pelvis. Need preop PFT (need >40% predicted values) and cardiac function eval
Congenital vertebral anomaly w/ highest liklihood of progression
Unilateral bar w/ contralateral fully segmented hemivertebra- indication for OR at presentation
Complication spinal fusion in NF
Pseudarthrosis more common/ neuro injury
Treatment diastematomyelia
if symptomatic or deformity correction planned- needs resection- o/w observation only.
Treatment Scheuermann's kyphosis
Milwaukee brace if progressive curve and growth remains. PSF w/ dual rods if >75deg and painful or progressive. ASF if >90deg or very stiff
Treatment rotatory AA subluxation
if secondary to retropharyngeal inflammation- traction/bracing early/ fusion late. If traumatic: soft collar if early/ fusion late (>1mo)
Pseudosubluxation of cervical spine
up to 40% or 4mm in kids less than 8yo. Will have continued alignment of posterior interspinous distances and spinolaminar line. Pseudosubluxation reduces w/ cervical extension.
Intervertebral disc calcification
Pain, decreased ROM, low grade fevers, inc ESR, disc calc w/out erosions. Tx: symptomatic
Basilar invagination
weakness, paresthesias, hydrocephalus. Tx: transoral resection/ occipital laminectomy, occipitocervical fusion
Sprengel's deformity
Undescended scapula. Associated w/ winging/hypoplasia/omovertebral connections. Tx for decreased abduction- distal advancement of muscles/scapula/ detachment and movement of scapula. Tx best when 3-8yo. Concomitant clavicular osteotomy to avoid brachial plexus palsy.
Treatment metatarsus adductus
If passively correctible- stretching. If not correctible- cuneiform osteotomies and medial release after 5yo.
Tx increased tibial torsion
Only tx severe cases- supramalleolar osteotomy
Tx increased femoral anteversion
if <10 deg external rotation- consider derotational osteotomy (intertrochanteric)- cosmetic only NOT functional
Potential obstructions to hip reduction in DDH
iliopsoas tendon, pulvinar, contracted inferomedial capsule, transverse acetabular ligament, inverted labrum
Best test for age <4-6mo. NML: alpha angle >60deg/ femoral head bisected by line down ilium
Normal acetabular index
Complications Pavlik harness
excessive abduction: osteonecrosis (compression posterosuperior retinacular br medial femoral circumflex). Excessive flexion: femoral nerve palsy. Pavlik disease: erosion of pelvis superior to acetabulum.
Tx DDH 6-18mo
closed reduction/ arthrogram/ hip spica
Tx DDH over 18mo
open reduction/adductor tenotomy/femoral shortening. - anterior approach if >12mo old
Medial approach for hip reduction in DDH
Ok if age <12mo. Less blood loss, directly addresses blocks to reduction, does not allow for capsulorrhaphy, assoc w/ more ON
Salter osteotomy
opening wedge osteotomy through ileum. Need concentric reduction/ age >8yo. May lengthen leg 1cm
Pemberton's osteotomy
opening wedge osteotomy through acetabular roof to triradiate cartilage. Need concentric reduction/ age >8yo.
Sutherland's osteotomy
Salter's plus pubic osteotomy
Steel's osteotomy
Salter's plus osteotomy of both rami (triple osteotomy)
Ganz osteotomy
Periacetabular osteotomy. Must have closed triradiates
Chiari osteotomy
through ilium above acetabulum- makes new roof. Salvage procedure. Depends on fibrocartilagenous metaplasia.. Shortens affected leg.
Shelf osteotomy
lateral acetabular augmentation. Salvage in patients >8yo
Benefits Ganz PAO
3D correction. Allows immediate weight-bearing (post column intact). Spares abductors. Single incision. Can access and visualize joint
Congenital coxa vara
defect in ossification of femoral neck. Si/Sx: waddling gait (bilat) painless limp (unilat). XR: triangular ossification defect inferomedial femoral neck. Tx: Hilgenreiner's angle (hilgenreiners angle to femoral physis) <45- obs and will correct. 45-60deg- obs and may not correct. >60deg- valgus osteotomy +/- greater troch transfer to restore mechanics
Lateral pillar classification
A: little involvement- good B:>50% maintained- good if <6yo o/w bad. C: <50% maintained- bad. B/C border group: <50% hieght but very narrow/little ossification/depressions
Catteralls' head at risk signs
1. lateral calcifications. 2. V-shaped defect at lateral physis. 3. lateral subluxation. 4. metaphyseal cyst. 5. horizontal growth plate
Site of defect in SCFE
weak perichondrial ring/ slip through hypertrophic zone. Slip metaphyseal in renal osteodystrophy
Loder's classification SCFE
stable- able to bear weight (0% ON). Unstable- unable to bear weight (47% ON)
Radiographic grading SCFE
grade I: 0-33%; II: 34-50%; III: >50%. Look for lateral overhang in relation to Klein's line
Proximal femoral focal deficiency
developmental defect. Short bulky thigh- flexed/abducted/ER. Relative shortening remains constant. Associated w/ coxa vara, fibular hemimelia, knee ligament deficiency/contracture. Tx: if femoral length <50%- prosthetics/ >50%- lengthening +/- contralateral epiphysiodesis. If absent femoral head- amputation/femoral-pelvic fusion/Van Ness/ lengthening.
Normal knee alignment kids
varus when <2yo--> valgus at 2.5yrs--> physiologic valgus by 4yo
Infantile Blount's disease
Bilateral. Drennans' angle over 16deg (bet metaphyseal beaks). Tx: bracing early/ osteotomy if >4yo or failed bracing/ epiphyseolysis if bony bridge
Adolescent Blount's
>10yo. Usually milder/ unilateral. Tx: tib-fib epiphysiolysis. Osteotomy if physes closed or large deformity.
Indications for surgery for genu valgum
kids >10yo of >10cm between medial malleoli or >15deg valgus. Tx: hemiepiphysiodesis
Posteromedial tibial bowing
physiologic. Associated w/ calcaneovalgus feet/ LLD. Spontaneously corrects.
Anteromedial tibial bowing
Associated w/ fibular hemimeila/ankle instability/equinovarus foot/tarsal coaligtion. Significant LLD results. Tx: reconstruction w/ resection fibular anlage or amputation if severe shrotening/stiff nonfunctional foot at 10mo old.
Anterolateral tibial bowing
Associated w/ congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia. 50% assoc w/ NF. Tx: total contact brace/ IM fixation w/ hamartomatous tissue excision and bone grafting for nonhealing fx/ vascularized fibular graft or Ilizarov/ Syme's amp indicated after 2-3 failed surgeries. Osteotomies contraindicated.
Worst prognosis conservative tx OCD
synovial fluid behind lesion. Also poor if lateral femoral condyle or patella.
2-5cm: epiphysiodesis/ >5cm: lengthening (obtain 1mm per day)
Skeletal growth by location
distal femur: 9mm/ 6mm proximal tibia/ 3mm proximal femur. Growth stops at age 14 (F)/ 16 (M)
Joints with intra-articular metaphyses
Transient synovitis vs septic hip criteria
1. WBC >12,000. 2. ESR >40. 3. Inability to bear weight. 4. fever >101.5. if 3/4 than >90% risk of septic arthritis
Gonococcal arthritis
Preceding migratory polyarthralgia, small papules. Multiple joint involvement. WBC usually <50,000. Does not require drainage. Tx; High dose PCN.
Subsequent surgery in TEV
TAL in 90%/ ant tib tx in 15-20%
Resistant insensate clubfeet >8yo
Talectomy. Triple arthrodesis contraindcated.
Resistant sensate clubfeet >8yo
Triple arthrodesis
Resistent clubfeet 6-9mo old.
soft tissue release w/ tendon lengthening. DP artery insufficient. Add osteotomies in kids >3yo
Metatarus adductus + valgus hindfoot
Congenital vertical talus
Plantarflexion lateral XR- Meary's angle >20deg (if corrects then congenital oblique talus). Tx: 12wks casting. Lengthen extensors/peroneals/Achilles w/ recon spring lig and talonavicular reduction @6-12mo
Tarsal coalitions
Sx: spastic peroneal flatfoot. Calcaneonavicular most common in 10-12yo/ subtalar more common 12-14yo. Multiple in 20%. XR: anteater sign on lat/irregular middle facet on Harris view. Tx: CN coalition: resection. Subtalar: <50%- resection/ >50%- subtalar arthrodesis
Calcaneovalgus foot
Intrauterine positioning/ myelomeningocele @L5 level. Tx: stretching/ obs
Kohler's disease
ON of tarsal navicular. Tx: activity modification. +/- immobilization
Atavistic great toe
congenital hallux varus: deformity us at MTPJ- short/thick 1st MT w/ firm band of abductor hallucis longus. Tx: release
Overlapping toe
Tx: stretching/ buddy taping. OR: tenotomy/dorsal capsulotomy/ syndactylization.