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53 Cards in this Set

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major component of adaptive immunity against Giardia
secretory IgA - eosinophils have nothing to do with protozoan infection (only helminth)
stimulates naive T cells to become Th1 cells which secrete IFN-gamma
decreased Th1 cells with decreased IFN-gamma leads to infection by what organism
mycobacteria (TB)
what does live attenuated oral vaccine promote more than killed vaccine
prolonged synthesis and secretion of local mucosal IgA
forms epitheloid and langhan giant cells seen in TB infection
macrophages and T lymphocytes
serum sickness
type III hypersensitivity which activates complement leading to decreased C3 levels
associated with drug exposure
anti-IgE antibodies
associated with recurrent infection with bacteria, virus, fungi; failure to thrive and chronic diarrhea
SCID - B and T cell deficiency
what does candida skin test guage
cell-mediated response: CD4, CD8, macrophages, NK cells
associated with situs inversus, recurrent respiratory infections, and infertility
abnormal cilia motility - dynein arm dysfunction
associated with anaphylactic response to tranfused blood pruducts and recurrent sinopulmonary infections
IgA deficiency
immune mechanism against influenza
anti-hemagglutinin IgG and IgA antibodies
differentiate local and systemic defense against Candida
local - T cell mediated
systemic - neutrophil mediated
contributes to caseous necrosis seen in TB
IFN-gamma secreted by Th1 cells
genetic deficiency in CD40 L on T cell
Hyper IgM
associated with lymphoid hyperplasia and reuccrent sinopulmonary infections
Hyper IgM
Autoimmune reaction from chlamydia, salmonella, shigella, campylobacteri, or yersinia associated with HLA B27
Reiter syndrome:
arthritis, urethritis, conjunctivitis
Th2 cells produces what to stimulate isotype switching to IgE
which vaccine contains capsular polysaccharide conjugated with diptheriae toxoid
H. influenzae type B
this lung disease impairs macrophages leading to increased susceptibility for TB infection
associated with eczema, recurrent infections, and thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count)
Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome
IgM antibodies against Fc portion of IgG
rheumatoid factor
associated with hilar adenopathy, pulmonary infiltrates, and non-caseating granulomas in african american female
best way to avoid neonatal tetanus
give mother tetanus toxoid
secrete IgA protease to facilitate mucosal penetration
N. meningitidis
N. gonorrhoeae
associated with late separatrion of umbilical cord, absent CD18, poor wound healing, and recurrent skin infections WITHOUT puss formation
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
leukocyte adhesion deficiency has absent CD18 leading to what
inability to synthesis integrins
positive VDRL in patient with glomerulonephritis, photosensitivity, and arthralgias
SLE with lupus anticoagulant: causes prolonged PTT and miscarriages
associated with prolonged PTT and miscarriages
lupus anticoagulant
associated with recurrent Neisseria infections
deficiency in membrane attack complex (C5-9)
released from mitochondria to activate caspases to induce apoptosis
cytochrome c
defect in neutrophil phagosome lymosome fusion leading to giant cytoplasmic granules
associated with immunodeficiency, albinism, and neurologic defects
associated with purpura, abdominal pain, arthralgias, and renal involvement
Henoch-Schonlein purpura - systemic IgA containing immune complexes
systemic vasculitis in young male children between 3 and 10 years old
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
marker for macrophage
results in increased CD4/CD8 ratio greater than 2:1
unable to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium because cannot produce ROS due to genetic defect in NADPH oxidase
chronic granulomatous disease
generates superoxide by transfering electrons from NADPH
involved within neutrophils
NADPH oxidase
-deficient in chronic granulomatous disease
acute hemolytic tranfusion
type II hypersensitivity which is antibody-mediated that activate complement within blood vessels
results in dark urine
component of each MHC I
heavy chain and B2-microglobulin
dendritic cells found in skin conatining Birbeck granules - racquet shaped intracytoplasmic granules
Langerhans cells
how do eosinophils destroy parasites
IgE antibody dependent cytotoxicity
IgE is bound to parasite
associated with DNA that is hypersensitive to ionizing radiation due to defect in DNA repair genes
Ataxia-Telangctasia - cerebellar atrophy and recurrent infections
killed viral component vaccines generate what response
humoral response - antibodies
inhibit cell entry
mutation of FAS protein prevents what
apoptosis of auto-reactive lymphocytes
down-regulate local cytokine production and inflammatory reactions
associated with chronic renal rejection
Tcell and antibody mediated vascular damage (obliterative vascular fibrosis)
Graft-verses-host disease
grafted immunocompoenent T cells proliferate in the immunocompromised host and reject cells foreign to them
associated with vascular fibrinoid necrosis, neutrophil infiltration, and infarction of transplanted kidney
hyperacute rejection
associated with HLA B27
ankylosing spondylitis
reiter syndrome
psoriatic arthritis
arthritis associated with IBD
*seronegative spondyloarthropathies
inflammatory disorder of the sacroiliac joint associated with morning stiffness and lower back pain
ankylosing spondylitis
why can one get repeated N. gonorrhoeae infections
high antigenic variability of outer membrane proteins