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20 Cards in this Set

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Abut (v.)

To join at one end or be next to; to support, prop up.

S: border on


Attire (n.)

Clothes, apparel, garb; (v.) to dress, adorn, or bedeck.

S: clothing


Avail (v.)

to be of use or benefit to ; to make use of; to take advantage of; to profit or benefit; (n.) use, benefit, or value.

S: none

A: none

Crony (n.)

A very close friend, chum, buddy

S: none

A: adversary

Cryptic (adj.)

Puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic.

S: none

A: crystal clear

Divergent (adj.)

Going in different directions; different from each other; departing from convention, deviant.

S: not in agreement

A: none

Enmity (n.)

Hatred, ill-will

S: hostility

A: friendship

Fervent (adj.)

Very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot.

S: enthusiastic

A: blase

Gaunt (adj.)

Thin and bony, starved looking; bare barren

S: lean

A: plump

Infiltrate (v.)

To pass through or gain entrance to gradually or stealthily.

S: slip into


Nullify (v.)

To make of no value or consequence, cancel, wipe out.

S: invalidate

A: confirm

Perceptible (adj.)

Capable of being grasped by the senses or mind.

S: noticeable

A: invisible

Plummet ( v.)

To plunge straight down; (n.) a weight fastened to a line.

S: take a nosedive (v.)

A: soar (v.)

Proclaim (v.)

To declare publicly or officially.

S: announce

A: conceal

Proxy (n.)

An agent, substitute; a written permission allowing one person to act in anthers place.

S: deputy

A: none

Rankle (v.)

To cause anger, irritation, or bitterness ( with the suggestion that the pain grows with time)

S: irritate

A: please

Scavenger (n.)

A person who collects or remove usable items from waste materials; an animals that feeds on refuse or dead bodies.

S: rummager

A: none

Stint (v.)

To limit, be sparing or frugal; (n.) a limit or restriction; a fixed share of work or duty; a period of activity.

S: restrict

A: splurge

Stoical (adj.)

Self-controlled, not showing feeling in response to pleasure or pain.

S: unresponsive

A: excitable

Unflagging (adj.)

Tireless, continuing with vigor.

S: steady

A: diminishing