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154 Cards in this Set

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the dienchepalon is where
above mid brain below cerebrum
sourounds 3rd ventricle
2 sides of thalamus is connected by what
massa intermedia
sensory info that goes to the cerebrum must go through the ____ first?
the thalamus is responsible for attaching a ____ to a stimulus
Located below the thalamus
pituitary is attached to the hypothalamus by
hypothalamus has no
blood brain barrier
Function of hypothalus
regualte homestasis
pineal gland is located
posterior portion of dicephlalon
Endocrine gland produces
enodcrine gland regulates
sleep cycle
located on the boarder between cerbrum and dicephalon
limbic system
C shaped, wraps around thalamus and HT
limbic system
functions of the limbic system (4)
motivation , learning, olfactory, emotions
the limbic systems amygdala function
rage center
the limbic systems limbic lobe function
track that connects the limbic system
damage to limbic system can cause
memory loss, loss of smell
largest portion of brain
cerebrum allows for many functions like
reading and writing
Frontal lobe of cerebrum function
decision making, motor commands
parietal lobe of cerebrum function
sensory analysis
occipital lobe of cerebrum function
analyze visual input
temporal lobe of cerebrum function
analyze auditory input
layer of gray matter on the outside of the cerebrum
cerebral cortex
outward fold of tissue RI= ridge
shallow grove C=crevice
large indentation in the cerebrum
longitudinal fissure
impulses travel from gyri in one hemisphere to same hemisphere
association fibers
transmit impulses from gyri in one hemisphere to other hemsiphere
commissural fibers
ascending and decesending tracts that relay info to the cerebrum and other structure such as brain and spinal cord
projection fibers
group of several nuclei within the cerebrum
basal nuclei
important for muscal tone and automatic responses
basal nuclei
recieves sensory and motor input from cerebrum
basal nuclei
particular nucleaus of the basal nuclei
caudate nucleaus
occiptial lobe =
vissual coretex
wernickes area is where and genereates what?
left hemisphere, auditory and visual stimuli
what recieves information from all the association areas and is in both hemispheres
prefrontal cortex
innitiates slow motor commands for word pronuciation, left hemisphere
broocas area
Cranial Nerve 1
Olfactory, Sensory, smell
Cranial Nerve 2
optic, sensory, vision
Cranial Nerve 3
occulomotor, motor, movement of eyes
Cranial Nerve 4
trochlear, motor, medial eye movemnt
Cranial Nerve 5
trigeminal, mixed, sensation of teeth & chewing
Cranial Nerve 6
ABDUCENS, motor, moves eyes laterally
Cranial Nerve 7
facial, mixed, movement of face and feeling of face
Cranial Nerve 8
VESTIBULOCOCHLERAR, sensory, hearing and equilibrium
Cranial Nerve 9
glossopharygeal, mixed, sensation/movement of tounge
Cranial Nerve 10
vagus, mixed, enervates the visciral
cranial nerve 11
spinal accesory, motor, movemtn of shoulders/head/neck
cranial nerve 12
hypoglossal, motor, chewing & speaking
two type parts of the autonomic nervous system
sympathaetic and parasympathetic
PReganglonic nerouns exit through the _____ of the spinal cord in the SNS
thoracolumbar region
____ Are near the spinal cord in SNS
Preganglionic neurons are ____
postganglionic neurons can be ______ or _______
cholinergic or adgrenergic
Exception in the SNS
adrenal medulla
______ cells are acutally modified preganglionic neurons
Cromaffin cells release ____&____ into the blood
NE & E
PNS is know as
Rest or digest
SNS is known as
Fight or flight
Chlorogenic receptors bind to
what can be found on postganglionic dendrites and cell bodies and also at neuromascular junction
nicontinic receptors
activitation on nicontininc receptors cause a cell to
nictotine can bind to the receptros
nicontonic receptors
Nicotonic receptors are excitiory or inhibitory
Can be found on all effectors stimulated by postganglionic neaurons and sweat glands
Muscarininc receptors
activation of muscarininc receptors cause ____ or _____ depending on the cell type
hyperpoloarization or depolarization
Adrenergic receptors bind to (2)
NE and E
Method of removal of NE and E in andrenergic receptor
enzymes (monoamne oxidase) and reuptake
Regulation of ANS is regulated by
goal of ans
maintain homestastis
sensory perception depends on 3 things
qaulity of sensation, intensity, localization of stiumli
respond to external stimuli ex: vison smell
respond to internal stimuli ex: pressure
located in muscles/tendons and informs body position
detect mechanicnal/physical change
dectect change in temp
dectects dameged tissue
detect light energy(photons)
detect chemical
detect change in osmosis
What are the 5 somatic senses
tactile, pressure, thermal, pain, proprioceptive sensation
Olfaction =
olfactory cells are modified
bipolar neurons
cilia projected from dendrites in olfaction are called
olfactory hairs
___ bind to chemoreceptors on the olfactory hairs
Form the olfacotry nerve
1st prder neuron
form the olfactory tract
2nd order neuron
the _____ are the sense organs and they can be found on the tounge, soft palate, pahrynx or epiglottis
taste buds
taste buds are located in
taste pores
five tastes
sour sweet, salty , bitter, umame(savory)
avascular transparent coat that is curved to focus light on the lense
transparent strucutre that helps to focus image on retina
covers the eyeball; opaque ct "white of eye"
colored portion of the eye
contract when stimlated by the pns causing pupil to contstrict
circular muscles
contract when stimulated by the sns causing pupil to dialte
radial muscles
a muscle that attaches to lthe lens via zonular fibers;controls curveture of lens
ciliary body
fluid filled cavity positioned between cornea and iris
anterior chamber
fluid filled cavity behind lense
vitreous chamber
vascular portion of eye
lines the choroid, contains pigment to absorb light
muscle membrane that lines outside of eye abd also the inner surface of the eye
responsible for most refraction
images are
upside down and reversed left to right
can properly refract immages from 20 ft away
emmetropic eye
myopia =
near sitedness
hypermytropia =
far sightedness
refraction that is spread over a difuse area rather then a focused area
important for night vision
important for color vision
a transmembrane protein on the outer segment that undergoes structural change when light is absorbed
rods only contain one photpigment called
when light strikes retinal it changes shape from ____ to ____
cisretinal to transretinal
transretinal seperating from opsin is called
when cis-retinal binds to opsin and is now capable of again being stimulated by a photon its called
cones _____ regenerated
rods_____ regenerated
in darkness ___ holds sodium channels open
in darnkess cells stay partially ____
being in darkenss causes the release of glutamate which is an
in light cis-retinal is converted to ___ and enzymes breakedown
trans-retianl , cGMP
in light Na channels
made up of cartalidge;shaped to funnel soundwaves into external auditory canal
passage way leading to the tmpanic membrane
external auditory canal
thin layer of ct lined with epithiulium, seperates inner and outer ear
tympanic membrane
three bones, the malleus,incus, the stapes
extends from middle ear to to nasopharynx, equilibrium
eustachian tube
positioned between inear and staples
oval window
connects scala tympani to eustachian tube
round window
series of canals withing the temporal bone that contains a fluid perilymph
bony labrythinth
superior portion of bony labrythinth
semicircular canals
central portion of BL important for equilibrium
anterior portion of BL; important for hearing
upper channel of cochlea filled with paralymph
scala vestibuli
lower channel of cochlea filled with paralymph
scala tymapni
middle channel of cochlea filled with endolymph
cochlear duct
seprerates choclear duct from scala vestibuli
vestibular membrane
seperates cochlear duct from scala tympani
basilar membrane
rest on basialar membrance and contains hair cells
organ of corti
sound waves enter the ____ and vibrate the _____ membrane
auditory canal, tympanic
vibrations are transmitted through the ____ and onto the ____ window
ossicles, oval window
as the oval windwo vibrates, waves are intiated within the perilymph of the ____
scali vestibuli
perilymph waves vibrate the ____ membrane
pitch is determined by which ___ are activated
the ____ is responsible for equilibrium
vestibular aparatus
the utricle and saccule contain a small thickend region called the
on top of the otolithic membrane is a dense layer of calcium carbonates called
the ___ ducts are responisbe for dynamic euqilibrium
the ampulla contains the
the crista is composed of ____ (2) cells
the crista is covered in a gel like substance called