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49 Cards in this Set

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organisms that usu cause folliculitis
s aureus

p aeruginosa
what's characteristic of a mrsa in furnucles
necrotic center
tx for furnucle:
moist, heated compress

I and D

abx fever:

tmp-smx ds 2 gabs bid

alternative: clindamycin, doxycycline

if mrsa not suspected: dicloxacillin, cephalexin

tx 7-10 days
why moist, heated compress
causes it to localize so it can then drain on its own
when do you tx w/ abx for furncles
if there's fever or significant cellulitis

tmp-smx ds 2 tabs bid
what are alternatives to tmp-smx for fununcles if mrsa suspected?

if mrsa not suspected
mrsa suspected: clindamycin, doxycycline

mrsa no suspected: diclocacillin, cephalexin
how long should you tx furncles w/ abx for
7-10 days
tx for folluliculitis
moist, heated compress

topical abx applied 2-4 x day x 7 days
what topical abx used for folliculitis


benzoyl peroxide
when will folliculitis usu resolve
w/in several days w/ tx
most common pathogens in erysipelas
group a steptococci

s aureus
carbuncles are coalescent furncles extending to the --- tssue
burning, painful lesions w/ bright red edematous, indurated apprearnace and sharply demarcated, raised border
abx for erysipelas
dicloxacillin 250-500 mg po q hr

cephalaxin 500 mg q 6 hr
alternative to dicloxacillin and cephalexin w/ erysipelas
pcn (G or VK)
if the erysipelas pt has a pcn allergy what do you give
marcrolide (caution w/ resistance)
if pt has extensive disease w/ erysipelas what do you give

what do you suspect
iv inpt tx

mrsa coverage ( vanco, daptomycin)
how long do you tx erysipelas for
7-10 days

c/s if no improvement
what can provide symptom relief w/ erysipelas
soaking in soap and warm water
nonbullous impetigo cause by
group a strep

s aureus
bullous impetigo caused by
s aureus
impetigo tx
dicloxacillin 250 mg 4 x day

cephalexin 250 mg 4 x day

amoxicillin and clavulanate 875/125mg bid or 500/125 mg tid

mrsa: clindamycin 300-400 mg 3 x day

mupirocin ointment apply to lesion 3 x day
what can cause lymphagitis
s pyogenes
tx of lymphagitis
pcn G x 48-72 hrs, VK

clindamycin (pcn allergy)

immobilization, elevation of limb

warm water soaks q 2-4 hrs
usu pathogen in cellulitis
group A strep

s aureus
nail punture can introduce what bacteria
p aeruginosa
nonpharm tx of cellulitis
elevateion and immobilization of extremitiy (decrease swelling)

cool compress (decrease pain), then moist heat

surgical I/D of necrotic tissue
mild infection of cellulitis if mrsa not suspected

mrsa suspected:
mrsa not suspected: dicloxacillin or cephalexin

mrsa suspected or pcn allergy: tmp/smx ds, clindamycin
mod to severe infection of cellulitis

mrsa suspected:

mrsa not suspected:
mrsa not suspected: oxacillin (infusion) or cefazolin

mrsa suspected or pcn allergy: vancomycin
broad spectrum abx coverage of necrotizing infections should fight:


abx used in nectortizing infections



clindamycin or metronidazole
what's givent for type 2 (s pyogenes) or gas gangrene

usu pathogen in hematogenous osteomyelitis
kids: s aureus

neonates: s aureus, group b strep, e coli

adults: s aureus, e coli, p aeruginosa
usu pathogen contiguous osteomyelitis
s aureus


skin flora

anaerobes (b fragilis)
osteomyelitis tx for confirmed mssa
oxacillin 12g/d continuous infusion
osteomelitis for confirmed mrsa
vanco adjusted trough of 15-20 mg/dL

daptomycin (2nd line)
osteomylelits tx for kids who are Hib vaccinated:

not Hib vaccinated:
Hib vaccinated: oxacillin or cefazolin

not Hib vaccinated: cefuroxime
pseudomonal infection w/ osteomylelits
ciprofloxacin 750 mg or

ceftazidime 2 g iv 1 8 hr +/- AG
osteomylelitis w/ anaerobes tx
atypical 2nd gen cephalo


clindamycin 900 mg iv q 8 hr
when are abx needed for dog bites
deep punture wounds

difficult to irrigate

pt immunocompromised
pathogens in dog bie
s aureus

pasteruella multocida


capnycytophage spp

abx for dog bites

clindamycin + tmp/smx or fq
how long do you tx dog bite for
5-7 days

longer if acute signs of infection present
pathogens in cat bites
p mutocida

s aureus
abx for cat bites


pathogens for human bites
strep viridans

s epidermidis

s aureus

eikenella corrodens

oral anaerobes
abx for human bites
amoxicillin-clavulanate x 5 days

in patient iv tx
if the resistance is due to efflux then -- will work
if resistance due to ---, then clinda will not work