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68 Cards in this Set

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for a herb to work right, it has to be app right. It can be simple or complex. do what?
follow the label.

the label dictates proper apps

its user's responsiblity to comply w/ label directions.

Home apps are usually easy but commerical herb apps require knowing what your doing

gear to use to apply herb varies w/ site of app.

what else?
the weeds to be control vary
the formulas vary

SO,,,choose wisely.
What does time have to do with a herb app?
how fast do you need to apply herb. Is equipment right to get job done in a timely way
what does Suitibility have to do w/ herb app principles?
does your equipment fit the particular job? will equipment damage crop? OR spread weeds or disease?
Frequency refers to how many apps will be needed in a season

What about Treatment type?
do you need to broadcast or blanket area?

spot treat?
Surrounding areas?
should you consider other methods of control that could reduce or eliminate neet for pesticide treatment?

Usually herb apps in ornamental plantings are usually manually operated sprayers or low pressure power sprayers w/ single nozzle spray gun. what is this equipment used for?
turf lawns golf courses

Usually most common app equipt is manually operated sprayers boom sprayers granular spreaders
So diff types equipment have + and - advantages. So?
you have to think about all this, evaluate

hand sprayers use compressed air and backpack designed things are for ?
spot treatments or small areas, around trees where large sprayers can't get to. These small sprayers put out 1 to 3 gallons and work at pressures up to 30 psi
Single nozzle hand guns attach to the cant but spray booms can be used too. what do these single nozzle hand guns NOT have?
a pressure gauge or pressure controls.

you hand pump it up

some have a gas engine to drive a pump on it
This is called hand equipment.

How does a hand sprayer work?
hydraulic pump creates pressure in the tank and forces solution out spray nozzle. Some backpact units have gas engines.
How do you spray w/ a hand held?
steady constant height
spray while walking OR
swing extention back and forth in sweeping overlapping motion. Maintain uniform walking speed.
What are advantages of hand help app?
simple to use and clean
use in hard to get to areas
requires little storage space
what the down to hand helds?
not practical for large jobs
since the tank is small, freq refilling
Low pressure boom sprayers mount on tractors trailers and what?
driven over large turf areas for broadcast pest apps.

Low pressure boom sprayers spray 10 - 40 gallons an acre of dilute spray w/ 20 - 60 lbs of pressure.
These low pressure boom sprayers might have a hand gun for getting individual plants. the tanks are usually 100 gallons

Whats the advantage of a large low pressure boom sprayer?
inexpensive and lightweight
cover large areas fast
low vol means cover large area fast, one tank load covers lots of area.
less drift risk is the answer
hi pressure more drift
whats disadvantage to low pressure boom sprayers?
can't penetrate or cover dense foliage b/c its low pressure and its app rate (slow)

Most low pressure boom sprayers rely on bypass or return flow agitations, WP (wettable powders) settle out. So you need an engine (mech agitator) and NOT leaving WP in tank for long times

also use dilute spray BUT pressures up to ...
several hundred psi

Usually shot thru hand held guy or multi nozzle spray boom. The force comes from a pump.
Hi pressure sprayers are usually used for ...
insecticide and fungicide apps BUT can be adapted for herbs.

Hi pressure sprayers great for

shade trees, ornamentals, etc that have dense foliage that require good penetration.
What are disadvantages of hi pressure sprayers?
heavy and expensive
require large amts of water
makes lots and lots of drift

spray nozzle selection is important ...type & size

interaction b/t the tip and spray pressure determines ...
amt of spray to a given area

uniformity of spray

coverage obtained

amt of driftable spray
How do you minilize drift?
select nozzle that gives largest drop while giving adaquate coverage.
there of lots and lots of tips but only a few types are commonly used for applying herbs in ornamental plantings and turf?

What are the 4 parts to a Nozzle?
nozzle body

strainer (screen)


tip )orifice plante(

there could be a spinner plate

good spraying depends on correct selecting
what does the nozzle tip do?
break the liquid into droplets

also distribute spray in a particular pattern

Nozzle performance depends on
design or type
size of spray tip
discharge angle
distance b/t nozzle and target

most resistant are tungsten carbide tips and ...

to abrasion and corrison but $$$
stainless steel tips resist...
corrosion and abrasion

esp if hardened
brass tips?
less $$$ than stainless resist corrosion but not abrasion

Nylon tips wear like brass BUT swell when exposed to organic solvents
Aluminum tips wear fast but

and resist corrosion

flat fan are used for...
most apps

keep psi b/t 15 - 30.

these pressures keep drops med to coarse that are less drift than finer drops at 40 psi
outer edges of a spray pattern have reduced volumes SO what do we do?
we overlap in a boom
this gives uniform coverage

make overlap around 40 - 50% of nozzle spacing
flooding flat fan nozzles produce wide angle pattern that should be spaced ?
40 inches or less

these flat fan nozzles are most effective in reducing drift running a psi of 8 - 25 psi
Pressure changes affect width of a flooding flat fan spray nozzle than ...
a regular flat fan nozzle

(reg flat fan gives better uniform pattern)
Best distribution is when ...
nozzle is at a height and angle to give at least double coverage or 100% overlap.

Remember picture showing a 50% overlap? Best is at 100% overlap

What kind of Nozzle should you use for extended coverage at the end of a boom?
off center flat fan nozzles

this nozzle makes a off center spray pattern extending in ONE DIRECTION from the tip.
A broadcast (boomless) nozzle spray swaths up to 30' or more. But its suspectible to drift than what?
nozzles mounted on a spray boom AND distribution is less uniform.

Broadcast nozzles make small drops immediately under nozzle but deposit extremely large droplets at outer edges of the swath so again its not uniform

We are discussing a broadcast nozzles

use broadcast nozzles on boomless sprayers to ...
extend the effective width
on the end of a boom OR when thorough coverage of surface isn't necessary.
what works well in apps in ornamental plantings and turf areas?
spray guns work well

low flow rate w/ wide cone spray pattern to hi flow rate w/ straight stream patterns

SPRAY GUNS are NOT good for spraying turf areas like lawns or golf course greens! No uniform coverage
Metered spray guns deliver precise amt of spray

what is this good for?
good for delivering a small set amt of spray to plants

This is like spreaders.

They apply granular formulas to turf. what is important here?
proper selection
calibration and use
to get good results and min costs.
What are the 2 types of granular spreaders?
drop or gravity spreader

rotary or centrifugal spreader

use drop to apply coarse uniformly sized particles to soil water and foliage. More precise than ...
rotary spreaders and deliver more uniform pattern.

I have this one, drop spreader
+ of drop spreaders:
light weight and simple design
min drift also great for not getting stuff on ...
nontarget areas.

some designs let you shut off one side for doing a driveway
- of a drop spreader is...

cant' handle large granules
edge of your drop pattern is sharp so you ...
miss or double up! MY problem!

Uniform coverage can be difficult.
Also amt of mat flowing doesn't change w/ walking speed. So constant walking speed is necessary. Plus you need other gear to finish the yard you can't get to.
Rotary spreaders are ...
faster than drop spreaders. Steering errors less critical.
+ of a rotary spreader

cover areas quickly
easier to push
harder to knock out of cal
whate else?
plastic or fiberglass spreaders resist corrison
- of rotary spreaders

more sensitive than drop spreaders to ground speed, the sizes of granules, and enviro factors. What else?
change in ground speed changes dist pattern by throwing it out faster and not as far at slower speeds
heavy granuales dont'go as far as light granules

drift is big problem here if there is wind

less precise in uniformity than drop
need other gear to finish foliar apps.
Calculating Area of Target

small sites are in sq feet
large areas in acres

How many sq feet in an acre?
43,560 sq feet in an acre

We will have to determine the unit of AREA read label to find units EX (1,000 sq ft OR acre)
Before doing a job I have to be able to ...
determine the equipment's delivery rate (set the thing OR calibrate it for the job)

determine how much herb you need (granules or liquid)

determine app amt of water needed IF you are going to spray
So I will need to do these things



We learned formulas for

what are they?
Trapazoid a+b/2 X h

Triangle b X h / 2

Rectangle l X w

Circle Pi X radius squared

thats it

Delivery rate =
amt of material the equipment applies PER UNIT OF AREA

EX: 20 gallons of spray PER
acre OR 15 lbs of granules per 1,000 sq ft.

If you apply this stuff w/ unset uncalibrated gear, you damage the target, nontargets, reduce weed control, increase costs, damage enviroment.
when should you recalibrate?
any time you change pesticides

if equipment hasn't been used

if equipment is exeriencing wear and tear

anytime you repair it
we will think about using

granular spreaders
hand sprayers
power sprayers


Granular Ap Equipment

all granular speaders should be calibrated for ...
proper delivery rate for the dude using it and product.

The manufacture can help you set up settings and swath width. Use their gate setting as a START! for calibration trials prior to large scale use!
whats easiest way to check your delivery rate?
put a weighed amt of product in spreader.

apply over a measured area, preferably at least 1,000 sq ft for a drop spreader and 5,000 sq ft rotary. then weigh product left in spreader to see how much actually went out.
to calculate app rate:

determine size of test area
divide amt of pesticide in lbs by area of tarp in sq ft and multipy by 1,000 to get ...
answer in lb/1,000 sq ft or by 43,560 for lb/acre.

make sure this equipment works before even starting to calibrate it.

do what?
ck nozzle tips, are they correct for the job?

Clean all nozzles, tips, screens,
ck spray vol output of all nozzles; replace nozzle tips that differ by more than 10% of ave. output of all nozzles or yank all of them if more than one is busted
ck pressure gauges. If rusty or questionable, replace
What is spray delivery rate?
amt of spray sol applied per unit area.
3 variables determine sprayer delivery rate?
nozzle output
nozzle spacing or spray width
ground speed of sprayer
SPRAY DELIVERY RATE = amt of spray sol applied ....
per unit area! remember
what determines nozzle output?
the pressure and size of nozzle tips
increasing pressure OR nozzle tip will increase output? BUT what?
increasing pressure does NOT give a proportional increase in output.
whats best way to make big change in flow rate?
change size of nozzle tips

operating pressure
speed of sprayer
nozzle spacing
make big changes in output per acre.
sprayer delivery rate is inversely proportional to speed of sprayer.

Does this apply to wheel driven sprayers?

the speed of travel also affects the pressure
Mechanized Boom Sprayers

A calibration method for boom sprayers

uses a constant of 4,084 to what?
convert ounces to gallons and seconds, feet, and inches to acres.
GPA (gallons per acres) =

4,084 X nozzle output in oz per sec

ft/sec X nozzle spacing in inches
what is the feet per second formula?
dist in feet / time in sec.s
when calibrating your spreader
what do they recommend using to calibrate in terms of delivery rate for the area?
drop spreader?
rotary spreader?

rotary spreader?
drop spreader:
1,000 sq ft

rotary spreader:
5,000 sq ft

throw it out
collect it up and weigh what your threw out

This determines what you actually threw out
Now we calibrate for


1) determine size area of test area

2) divide amt of pesticide applied in lb by area on the tarp
then what?
multiply by 1,000 for lb/sq ft

multiply by 43,560 for lb/acre