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32 Cards in this Set

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The Egyptians settled along the Nile River, in the NE corner of *which continent?*
3 important environmental facotrs are?
Topography, water, vegetation
The Egyptians and the Kushites settled near where?
The Nile River
Did people avoid the deserts?
The Mediterranean Sea bordered Egypt to the south.

*True, False?*
False (To the north)
The ancient Israelites of Canaan (a land northeast of Egypt, settled by the Israelites, around 1800 BCE to 70 CE) settled in a diverse area along the East Coast of where?
The Mediterranean Sea
Canaan’s features included plains and valleys, hills and what other feature?
The Jordan River (a river in southwestern Asia that flows from the Lebanon Mtns., south through the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea) flowed south to where?
The Dead Sea
To the east of the J. R. was the hot Syrian Desert.
In the Southwestern part of Canaan was the Negev Desert, which got more rain than usual for a desert.

Is ALL of this true? *Yes, No*
Ancient Egypt had three (3) long periods of stability and unity under the rule of pharaohs, what were they?
The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom
Describe the Old Kingdom?
The Old Kingdom had strong central governments and most of the pyramids were built during this time period. Historians call this period the Age of the Pyramids.
Describe the Middle Kingdom?
The Middle Kingdom is called the Period of Reunification because it followed a time of chaos and disunity. Egyptians had great achievements in literature, art, and architecture.
Describe the New Kingdom?
The New Kingdom is often called Egypt’s Golden Age. A time of peace and stability and Egypt’s power reached its height. Pharaohs increased trade and built huge monuments
What, like in Mesopotamia, played a central role in the social and political order?
Pharaohs built obelisks to glorify their power and success?

*True, False*
False (they built monuments)
Pharaoh Khufu ruled during what period?
The Old Kingdom
Pharaoh Khufu is best known as the builder of the most famous pyramid; the Great Pyramid of ? – one of the wonders of the ancient world.

What Pyramid? Replace the ?.
What Kingdom did Pharaoh Senusret rule in?
The Middle Kingdom
Senusret was a strong leader which led to a stable, unified Egypt.

*True, False?*
Art, Literature, and *what* flourished during Senusret's reign.
What was Senusret's greatest achievement? What was it made of, and covered in?
His greatest achievement was the White Chapel - made of alabaster, and perhaps covered in gold.
When did Hatshepsut rule, and what was so unique about her?
Hatshepsut ruled during the New Kingdom, and she was the first female pharaoh.
What was Hatshepsut known for?
She was known for encouraging trade with other countries.
What was Hatshepsut called before she took reign as full pharaoh?
She was called a regent, at first, sharing power with others.
Name four ways Hatshepsut strengthened her position as pharaoh.
1. Filling the government offices with loyal advisors.
2.Demanded the same respect shown to male pharaohs
3. Sometimes, dressing in men’s clothing; even wearing a fake beard usually worn by male pharaohs.
4. Artists portrayed her as a man
5. Spreading stories that her father was a god.
(only needed four)
Hatshepsut's monument at Dayr al Bahri had over 200 *what?*
Had over 200 sphinx statues.
When did Pharaoh Ramses II rule, and what was he known for?
Pharaoh Ramses ruled during the New Kingdom, and he was known for his military leadership, and for the building of many monuments.
How many children and how many wives did Ramses have?
He used his power to excess (beyond normal) He had over 100 wives, and over 100 children.
Ramses was a fearless soldier at a young age; fighting with his father in various battles – by *what age* was he a captain in the Egyptian army
By age 10 he was a captain in the Egyptian army.
Ramses II was a peacemaker

*True, False*
Ramses made peace with the Hittites by signing the first *what?*
The first peace treaty
What did Ramses order more than any other pharaoh in history?
Ramses ordered more temples and monuments built than any other pharaoh in history.