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92 Cards in this Set

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an economic system in which factories, equipment, and other means of production are privately owned rather than controlled by government.
Alexander Graham Bell
an inventor, he had the idea of sending speech over wires.
*Edwin Drake
a former railroad conductor. He was the first person to try and drill to oil.
*Bessemer Process
a method of steelmaking invented in 1855 that enabled steel to be made more cheaply and quickly.
Thomas Edison
set his first laboratory when he was just 10 years old. became the most productive inventor in american history. had more that 1,000 inventions.
Henry Ford
Produced more than 15 million model cars. he made the model T ford.
*Factors of Production
land, labor, and capital
Capital (referring to industry)
any financial asset-including money,machines, and buildings-used in production
a company that completely dominates a particular industry
the idea that the free market, through supply and demand, will regulate itself if government does not interfere
*Sherman Antitrust Act
an 1890 federal law that outlawed trusts, monopolies, and other forms of businesses that restricted trade
*Andrew Carnegie
He formed the first steel plant, he revolutionized the steel company
*Child Labor
the practice of using children as manual laborers
a run-down apartment building
*Labor Unions
a group of workers organized to protect interests of its members
Push Factors
a problem that causes people to immigrate to another place
Pull Factors
an attraction that draws immigrants to another place
Arable Land
a land that is suitable for growing crops
organized anti-jewish attacks that forced any Jews to leave Russia
Contract Laborers
an immigrant who signed a contract in Europe to work for an American employer, often to replace a striking worker
Settlement Houses
a community center that provided a variety of services to the poor, especially to immigrants.
the assimilation of immigrants into American society, a goal of some patriotic groups who feared the increased immigrants threatened American society and values
the policy of favoring the interests of native-born Americans over those of immigrants
Chinese Exclusion Act
an 1882 law prohibiting immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years and preventing Chinese already in the the Country for becoming citizens.
a journalists who wrote about social, enviermental, and political problems Americans faced in the early 1900s.
the growth of cities
Increase in Factory Production
more factories such as clothing and car factories were being mass produced, which opened more job spaces
Increase in Population Diversity
immigrants were coming to America by the thousands, all form different countries, and regions
Conditions in the tenements
conditions in the tenements were very much like... crap. the streets were flooding with manure and the withering scraps of food.
Political Machines
an organization consisting of a full-time politicians whose main goal was to retain political power and the money and influence that went with it
*Corruption in local and state politics
People were asking for their own rights
Civil Service
nonmilitary government employees
*Temperance Movement
a reform movement calling for moderation in drinking alcohol
a member of a social and political movement of the early 1900s committed to improving conditions in American life.
Social Darwinism
an idea, based on Charles Darwin's henry of evolution, that the best run businesses let by the most capable people will survive with prosper.
National Child Labor Committee
a progressive organization formed in 1904 to promote laws restricting or banning child labor.
National American Woman Suffrage Association
a group formed formed by leading suffragist in the late 1800s to organic the women's suffrage movement
Tuskegee Institute
a vocational college for African American in Alabama, founded by Booker T. Washington
*NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
a group formed in 1909 to fight through the courts to end segregation and ensure that African American men could exercise voting rights under the fifteenth Amendment
*Square Deal
President Theodore Roosevelt's reform program, focussed on regulating big business, protecting workers and consumers, and preserving the envierment
New Freedom
President Woodrow Wilson reform program that focused on transferring power form the trusts to small businesses and average citizens, restricting corporate influence, and reducing corruption in the federal government
Trust Busting
to regulate monopolies.
Federal Reserve System
the central banking authority of the United States, which manages the nations money supply.
*16th Amendment
gives the government the power tax someones income.
*17th Amendment
it allowed the people from each state to elect their senators.
*18th Amendment
prohibited the production and sale of alcohol
*19th Amendment
gave the women right to vote. known as women's suffrage
Foreign Policy
the set of guidelines and practices that a nation follows in its relations with other nations
in foreign policy, the belief that international relations should be guided by pragmatic self interest
in foreign policy, the belief that moral values should influence international relations
a policy of not seeking ,military or political alliances with foreign powers
Monroe Doctrine
the declaration by President James Monroe in 1823 warning european powers against future colonization in the wester hemisphere or interference in latin american republics
empire building
*Yellow Journalism
the exaggerated style of newspaper reporting during the late 1890s that was sparked that developed the rivalry between two New York City newspapers and helped inflame public support for war with Spain
*Cuba's Struggle for independence
Cuba had economic influence of the United States. The Cubans tried twice to get independence but, they failed both times. There tactic was guerrilla warfare
Mass media
newspapers, magazines, and other methods of communicating to a mass audience
*USS Maine
a battleship sunk in Havana harbor in 1890, an event that helped rouse public support for war with spain
Fighting in the Philippines
The first battle was in the Philippines. Theodore Roosevelt was in office at the time
Rough Riders
a volunteer cavalry regiment recruited by Theodore Roosevelt to fight in Cuba in the Spanish American War
*Big Stick Policy
President Theodore Roosevelt's strong arm approach to foreign affairs, emphazizing diplomacy backed by force
*Panama Canal
a canal built by the US through the Isthmus of Panama to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
*Puerto Rico's Status
The are in the United States possession. Became more integrated in the US economy.
Philippine's fight for independence
the Philippines was captured by the US during the Spanish American War. President Mckinley thought that he Philippines were not ready to be a independent country.
*US Annexes Hawaii
After the US revolt, they applied to congress for Annexation. they were hoping to make Hawaii part of the US.
*Open Door Policy
a US policy issued in 1899 stating that foreign nations must allow free trade in China
Central Powers
the World War 1 coalition, headed by Germany and Austria-Hungry and later including the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, that opposed the Allied powers
Allied Powers
the World War 1 coalition, headed by France, Britain, and Russia and later including Portugal, Japan, and Italy, that opposed Central Powers
the glorification of military power and values.
*Wilson's policy of neutrality
This meant that they would not take sides in the conflict. It offered loans and sell weapons and supplies for both sides
an unarmed British ocean liner whose sinking by a German U-boat on May 7th, 1915. this influenced the US decision to join the war
Sussex pledge
during World War 1, a German promise in 1916 to begin giving advanced warning on submarine attacks on ocean liners and to spare lives of passengers and crew members.
*Preparedness movement
beginning in 1915, before US entry into World War 1. a movement by former president Theodore Roosevelt that called on the government to increase military strength and to convince the Americans of the need for US involvement in the war.
information or rumors spread by a group or government to promote its cause or ideas or to damage an opposing cause or idea
*Zimmerman note
during World War 1, a coded telegram that German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent to the German minister in Mexico proposing that if the US entered the war, Mexico and Germany should become allies; it helped influence the US to declare war on Germany five weeks later
*US enter the war
On April 2, 1917, the United States of America enter the war. one reason was because they already loaned so much supplies to the allies.
Selective Service Act
a law passed by Congress in 1917 to create a national draft
American Expeditionary Force
in World War 1, the first US military force to be deployed to france
a type of cannon
*Trench Warfare
a form of warfare in which armies conduct attacks on each other from opposition positions in fortified trenches
Chemical Weapons
they were the most terrifying threats. it used toxic agents such as poison gas to kill and harm people.
*Meuse-Argonne Offensive
in World War 1, the final allied offensive that brought about the end of the war
Patriotic Fervor Sweeps the country
people found there way to support the war. At parades, families waved flags saying "Keep the flag flying" or "Down with the Kaiser". Even children were using tin cans, paper and old toothpaste tubes for recycling them into war materials.
4 Minute Men
they were volunteers that gave speeches to the people about the war
*Liberty Bonds
a government issued bond sold droning world war 1 to raise money for the allied war effort
Great Migration
beginning during World War 1, the mass movement of millions of African Americans form the rural South to cities in the North and Midwest in order to take jobs in industry
Espionage Act
a law passed by congress in 1917 t0 make it illegal to spy, interfere with government foreign policy, to resist the military draft
Sedition Act
a law passed by Congress in 1918 to make it illegal to say anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the government or the war effort
League of Nations
an international organizations established bu the allied powers at the close of World War 1 to promote international peace and security
*Wilson's 14 points
it was Presidents Woodrow Wilson's vision of World peace. POINT 1: diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. POINT 2: Absolute freedom of the seas. POINT 3: the removal of all economic barriers and he establish meant of all equality of trade conditions among all the nations. POINT 4: National armaments will be reduced o the lowest point consistent with domestic safety. POINT 5: the interests of all populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government. POINT 6-13: the restoration of occupied territories. POINT 14: A general association of nations must be formed
Reparations of WWI
Germany had to pay 33 billion dollars in reparations to the Allies. all of USA's allies had to pay them from borrowing some supplies
Treaty of Versailles
a peace treaty signed by the allied powers and germany on june 18 1919. at the paris peace conference at the palace of versailles in france. it assigned germany responsibility foe the warm required germany to pay repartitions to the allied countries reduced Germany territory and included to covenant for the leave of nations
Partisanship defeats the treaty
when the treaty went to the senate, they added 14 amendments. President Wilson rejected them all